Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Where’s the SW Challenge results? #25424
    Al Myers

      I’m not arguing about that! Oh BTW – what are we talking about??? Al

      in reply to: Whose the best USAWA lifter of all time? #25508
      Al Myers

        That’s great! I bet his back was a little sore the next day. Sometimes I’ll do “volume days” with my deadlift training. This usually includes timed sets with 1 minute rest in between sets. The most I’ve done is 20 tons (or 40,000 pounds). This is less than half of what Nick did – and I’m always wiped out the next day!! Al

        in reply to: Where’s the SW Challenge results? #25427
        Al Myers

          Well – that was quick! I guess all it takes is a little prodding from me! haha What a line at the end of your report Thom referring to you calculating points! I thought the POINT of this Challenge was that POINTS DIDN’T MATTER!! This was alot of fun, and I definitely agree that it encourages some gym members to participate in an USAWA event that probably wouldn’t otherwise. Al

          in reply to: Whose the best USAWA lifter of all time? #25510
          Al Myers

            Steve, I hadn’t seen that about Felix and his one arm deadlift. Where did he do it at? Who judged his lift? I don’t doubt his capabilities but question the circumstances in which the lift was done.

            Barry Anderson is a LEGEND. I have a picture of him in my gym doing his Guiness Record in the little finger deadlift. And you couldn’t meet a nicer guy. Al

            in reply to: Rolling Thunder #25435
            Al Myers

              Matt and Bob still train every week – just not competition focused.

              IronMind has made a new model of Rolling Thunder and couple of years ago. It is slightly different from the “original” and is supposed maintain handle rotation better, and not “stick”. I have an original and wonder if anyone has the later model, and what they think of it? Al PS I’m don’t know for sure but I bet Matt hook gripped it!

              in reply to: Oldtime Stronmen training #25443
              Al Myers

                Another thing about circus strongmen – they often did shows several times per day and EVERY day unless they were moving to a new location. That would be enough training! I’m sure some of the less famous strongmen weren’t really all that strong but were good showmen. They knew how to make their feats look hard. After all – it is all about selling tickets! Al

                in reply to: Oldtime Stronmen training #25445
                Al Myers

                  Thoms recent comment about JWC member Josh Hettinger just “showing up” to lift in the SW challenge, and despite limited training, still put up great numbers made me ponder something. I wonder “how hard” most oldtime strongmen really trained? Did most of them, like Josh, just have unreal natural ability and strength and could do great strength shows without training much? I know guys like Saxon, Goerner, and Sandow spent lots of time with the weights. There are lots of references to how these guys trained. But what about guys like Cyr and Louis Uni (Apollon)? I haven’t read much of anything about their gym lifts or how they trained. I bet most oldtime circus strongmen probably never did much training, outside of their performances. Dennis’s latest story on William Bankier told of how he got his “great opportunity” to perform when the circus strongman he was working under got too drunk to put on his show. Obvious this guy wasn’t a trained lifter. Al

                  in reply to: Straight Weight JWC lifting night #25455
                  Al Myers

                    I’m just playing by the rules laid out by the meet director. And saying John is NOT a Dino Gym member is the farthest thing from the truth. He is at the gym EVERY Saturday training session when he’s not off somewhere competing, and he often even makes our Tuesday night sessions. His USAWA membership application lists the Dino Gym as his club affiliation. Sounds like a club member to me!!!

                    He may seem like a RINGER – considering the TERMINATOR couldn’t even beat John Conner. You should take this as a compliment to the JWC that I had to resort to bringing “my best team”. I was the obvious “weak link” of the team, and originally I was scheduled to be the alternate with the MASSIVE Mark Mitchell being on it besides myself. If THAT had happened – the dino team would have averaged 370# instead of 330#, and our total would have been even higher. So it COULD have been worse for the poor JWC…. Al

                    in reply to: TECHNIQUE #25449
                    Al Myers

                      Dave, If you ever get a Saturday you can make it to the Dino Gym just let me know. I’ll spend “the entire day” training with you doing all of the lifts if you want (and if you put up with all my irrelevant stories I might give up a secret or two!) haha

                      I have been wanting to do some instructional videos of the All-Round lifts. I think this would be very helpful to those who haven’t seen the lift before. Videos of meet clips are great, but would even be better if instructional audio was added to the videos. If anyone is interested in helping with this, please let me know. We have our YouTube account (USAWAVideos) directly linked to the website and would be the perfect place for these videos. Al

                      in reply to: Straight Weight JWC lifting night #25457
                      Al Myers

                        The Dino Team just got finished performing the lifts in the Straight Weight Team Postal Challenge. Myself, Scott Tully and John Conner made up the dino team. Our team’s bodyweight averaged 330 pounds apiece. We brought the muscle to this Challenge! I know the JWC probably averaged over 300 pounds to. This ought to be a “toss up” as to who will win. I’m looking forward to seeing how the results will “play out” next week. Al

                        in reply to: USAWA Website Speed #25463
                        Al Myers

                          You better be nice to me Thom – I’ve started work on the anchor and was planning on making one for you – but now since you are insulting me publicly like this I may need to find “another friend” who would appreciate it more! Al

                          in reply to: Straight Weight JWC lifting night #25459
                          Al Myers

                            The Dino Team is planning for Saturday to get our lifts done for the straight weight challenge. Any other teams entering? Or will this be only a Dino Gym vs. JWC event? Al

                            in reply to: Old Time All Round Strongman Competition #25480
                            Al Myers

                              Randy, The Dino Challenge will be on a Saturday, the third weekend of January. I’ll try to get an entry form up on the website within the month. I got lots of ring handles – I will send you one! Al

                              in reply to: Best piece of equipment #25519
                              Al Myers

                                Along with your spandex and body oils!! haha Al

                                in reply to: USAWA Website Speed #25466
                                Al Myers

                                  Thanks Brian! For those who think I am the “mastermind” behind this website – YOU ARE WRONG!! Fellow dino gym member and computer tech wiz Brian Krenzin (who goes under the nickname admin) is the one who should get all the credit!! The website we have now would NEVER had happened if it wasn’t for Brian. Brian is NOT just another smart, geeky computer dork – he is strong too!! He even holds a Dino Gym record – and those aren’t easy to get. Al

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