Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Video of Thom and the Brick #25472
    Al Myers

      Brian, No video (unfortunately) was taken of that crazy stunt we did. The only video from that performance is Thom blowing up the hot water bottle, which is on our YouTube account. Pictures were taken – and can be found under the tag for the story “bed of nails”. Al

      in reply to: Best piece of equipment #25521
      Al Myers

        All Chad needs is a DVD that contains some P90X workouts!! haha Al

        in reply to: Old Time All Round Strongman Competition #25486
        Al Myers

          Travis, This competition was put together with you in mind!! You would do great!!! Al

          in reply to: Old Time All Round Strongman Competition #25488
          Al Myers

            The block bar is a bar that contains a piece of rectangular tubing for its gripping surface. It has been highlighted in a Daily News story titled “block bar Curls”. You can find this story using the tag search. Saxon had a plank 15 foot long, 3″ thick and 10″ wide, that he would snatch using a pinch grip in his shows, when he was performing with the Ringling Brothers Circus in the early 1900’s. Pretty remarkable performance of grip strength. Al

            in reply to: Old Time All Round Strongman Competition #25493
            Al Myers

              One of Arthur Saxon’s grip feats was performing a snatch with a 3″ thick wood plank. I was thinking we could use the block bar in the gym for this lift. Of course, this is just a “tentative” lift and if someone wants something different give me a suggestion. Al

              in reply to: Prowse and the Dinnie Stones #25503
              Al Myers

                I once read the Dinnie Stones were “originally” reported to weigh 435/340. Then in 1998 Gordon Dinnie reweighed them and they weighed 413/321. Does anyone know if they have be weighed since then? I’m sure the “wear and tear” on them in recent years have taken a little off them. Al

                in reply to: Whose the best USAWA lifter of all time? #25515
                Al Myers

                  haha Thom – I’m working on the design today! Al

                  in reply to: Best piece of equipment #25530
                  Al Myers

                    There is only one mirror in the Dino Gym – and it’s in the bathroom!! I absolutely hate mirrors around when I’m lifting. I find them distracting. Back in the old days when I was training at the rec complex in college the gym had a mirror right in front of the squat cage. I would bring a sheet in my gym bag just for the purpose of covering it when I was squatting! I don’t need the visual reminder of how ugly I look when grinding out a heavy set of squats!! I’ve always been the dinoman. Al

                    in reply to: Best piece of equipment #25533
                    Al Myers

                      Thom, I’m surprised you don’t a mirror on that list of yours!!! Al

                      in reply to: Band Training #25542
                      Al Myers

                        Thom, We all know you don’t have any “secrets”. They all got reveled when you ran for office! LOL Al

                        in reply to: Highland Games Masters Worlds #25545
                        Al Myers

                          I’ll be thinking of you guys this weekend – good luck! Al

                          in reply to: Clark’s Gym #25554
                          Al Myers

                            I am assuming he will, but I haven’t received any sanction requests from Bill yet. I talked to Bill last spring about hosting the 2010 Heavy Lift Nationals in the fall, and he said he would it would host it. Al

                            in reply to: Picture of Jim Malloy #25556
                            Al Myers

                              Thom, How many times have you seen some older thrower with perfect caber technique FAIL with a caber that some young, big strong kid muscles over? I have seen this way to often. I would take strength over technique any day. Does that make me a dumb muscle-head? haha Al

                              in reply to: Picture of Jim Malloy #25558
                              Al Myers

                                Tom, I think it is John Carter. We need Joe here for confirmation of this. Joe??? Your comments concerning “good technique” made me think. Is saying someone has “good technique” really just a relative comment? Compared to what? I think this depends on the individuals perspective on the issue. I have never considered myself a technician in the Highland Games or in Weightlifting. Sure I worked on technique quite a bit – but I knew if I just got generally stronger it would pay off just as much. Some events that better suited my mechanics I had better technique in than those who didn’t. I always seemed to say someone had “good technique” if they demonstrated better technique in an event than myself.

                                I am assuming Jim did that lift at the 97 Nationals (but not certain). Jim was at that meet, John C was there, and a clean was done. Jim was entered in the 55 age group. Look how deep he catches the clean? That sure demonstrates pretty good flexibility for a lifter over 55. I’m 10 years younger than that and I can’t catch a clean that deep. Look how he keeps his back pretty straight and not “rolled over”. That’s pretty good technique. Anytime a clean gets heavy for me I always have a hard time keeping upright. Sure, Jim may not have the technique expected of an Olympic Medalist, but compared to my abilities he has “good technique”. I am sure the coaches of the Olympians still find faults in their technique and would say their technique is not perfect. Al

                                in reply to: Picture of Jim Malloy #25561
                                Al Myers

                                  Tom, first – I was referring to the man on the left that you can actually see his face, in the purple shirt. I do agree that is probably Bill seated to the right in the picture at the head table, and I am quite impressed that you could recognize him by just seeing his legs!! lol

                                  As for Jim’s picture being a “perfect picture” – I was referring to it being a good picture of him visually (despite it being blurry and out of focus!) Your assessment of good clean technique is correct, but compared to MY clean technique Jim looks like a seasoned Olympian in that picture. haha

                                  Thanks Tom for responding to this – I LIKE people to call me out every now and then!! haha Al

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