Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Clark Lift #28059
    Al Myers

      More on the Clean and Press.

      During the committee’s discussion on this Bill Clark was very much against having the Clean and Press as an official lift. His reasoning on this was because at one time the Clean and Press was one of the competitive Olympic Lifts and thus in violation of the founding principle of having an Olympic Lift or Powerlift as an official All Round Lift. However, the majority on the committe felt that since it had been dropped as an Olympic Lift it was now “fair game” for us to include it as an All Round Lift.

      in reply to: Clark Lift #28058
      Al Myers

        Good point Dan, now we will see if the USAWA membership agrees when the lift is voted on.

        Now for RJ’s questions:

        First the pinch grip deadlift –
        I am proposing a strict pinch grip to take the pinch grip back to the way it was done originally in the USAWA. Meaning done with 2 smooth plates, even load, and no spacing of the plates to create a fronthang advantage. The deficiency of our current rules were very exposed at the Grip Champs this year. Anyone who was there can attest to this. Not that anything was done incorrectly as applied by the rules, all lifts done where well within the written rule. So I’m not saying anything was done wrong here, as our pinch grip is not now what the intended purpose of the pinch grip was years ago. I am proposing the Pinch Grip we now have become the Pinch Grip Deadlift while we add back the strict pinch grip (Dan, I’m sure you remember doing it strict back at Fultons meets when Matt Graham did 200 pounds with NO fronthang).

        The Reeves lift was never known as the pinch grip deadlift that I know of. Its not really a pinch grip as the fingers curve over the lips of a wide flanged plate. The Reeves lift is also known as the Rim Lift amongst IAWA(UK) lifters.

        The USAWA has rules preventing the inclusion of the powerlifts and the Olympic lifts only. This was one of the original concepts of the All Rounds (and considered by some as a founding principle). Grip sport lifts, strongman type lifts, etc are not included in this stipulation.

        The current lift names were developed by the Rulebook committee in 2009 during the rewrite of the rulebook. The intent was to give a name that clearly describes the lift (unless a lift was named after someone). Up till that time numerous names were used to describe the same lift which created alot of confusion. Interesting that you mention the Military Press as at one time there were FOUR listings in the record list for the clean and press – Clean and press, Military press, Standing Strict Press, and the 2Hands Press. All the same lift. The committee favored the Clean and Press as the name as a backbend is allowed and thus the Military Press (which means standing straight) really didn’t fit within our rules.

        I hope this explains your questions!!! Thanks.

        in reply to: Clark Lift #28045
        Al Myers

          Starting with Lance’s question “What is the Clark Lift?”

          This lift was proposed to the USAWA EB last fall by Bill Clark. It was approved at the time unanimously by the EB. The rule for the proposed lift is as follows:

          Clark Lift
          The bar will placed at a height of one third the lifters height, measured to the bottom of the bar. The lift begins at the lifters discretion. The lifter will take the bar in the inside of the elbows between the upper arms and lower arms as in the Zercher Lift. The bar is lifted to a position where the lifter is standing fully upright with legs straight and shoulders erect. The feet must not move position during the lift, but the heels and toes may rise. It is an infraction if the bar is supported by the lifters belt. Once upright and motionless, an official will give the down command. The bar must be returned to the supports under control.

          in reply to: Clark Lift #28038
          Al Myers

            Wow, Thanks everyone for the comments and questions – NOW I gotta find some time to explain all this!!!

            Again, I do apologize as this new lift stuff should have been announced much better on the website by now. That’s my fault as I haven’t found the time to get it done.

            I’ll post again later addressing things here. Al

            in reply to: Clark Lift #28027
            Al Myers

              I’m glad to see posting again back on the USAWA Discussion Forum!!! I have to apologize I haven’t been very good lately at starting topics as I’ve been super busy with work and it’s all I can do to get “maintenance” stuff done for the website.

              That’s a great question from Thom, the All Round nice guy regarding the Clark Lift.

              The Clark lift was presented to the Executive Board by Bill Clark prior to the event that happened. It was reviewed and voted on by the EB at the time and passed with unanimous vote. All new lift proposals have a set protocol that must be followed and this is the first step to getting a new lift approved. Now the future of the Clark Lift lies with the membership vote at the National Meeting.

              The USAWA is a democratic organization and we follow rules and bylaws that have been voted on and approved by the membership. I am only an administrator in the organization and must follow the duties set forth in the bylaws for my position as Secretary. All other officers, board members, and directors do the same. There is no dictator in the USAWA that can make rules at will or disallow situations allowed under our rules and regulations (which is a good thing!) So regardless of my personal feelings on this matter at the present time, I must present it on the agenda or otherwise I would be in violation of my job responsiblities, and not fulfulling my duties by those who elected me.

              The final say on the Clark Lift will be done by democratic vote at the National Meeting.

              I welcome others to comment on this!!!!

              in reply to: Applications #27878
              Al Myers

                Thanks ET! I’ll be looking forward to them!!! Your excuse is valid with me. haha

                in reply to: Middle Finger DL #27789
                Al Myers

                  ET you win the prize!

                  Broadrux was a resident at MSP (Missouri State Penitentiary) in Jefferson City while Nanney was serving time at USP (United States Penitentiary) in Leavenworth,KS. Joe Nanney was a lifter in one of the very first prison meets that Bill conducted in 1961. I consider the origin of the All Rounds in the Mo Valley to be that year, even though odd lifts were done before that, just not in official competitions.

                  Bill was really impressed with Joe Nanney’s lifting ability and often commented on him in the Journals for years afterwards. Now does anyone know what he was most famous for lifting wise? and its not his middle finger deadlift. Al

                  in reply to: Al IS a bodybuilder! #27758
                  Al Myers

                    haha Dan, You know anytime you send me a picture it may end up on the website!!!!!

                    in reply to: 2017 Nationals Date? #27751
                    Al Myers

                      Randy, We are still working on that. Bob Geib was awarded the bid for Nationals at last years meeting. I will keep trying to get ahold of Bob so we can get this announced so lifters can make their plans. I told Bob at the Gold Cup that I really wanted the meet to be announced by Jan, and that time has already passed us by! I will give an update as soon as possible on this. Al

                      in reply to: Story about never giving up.. ..wouldn't change even a day #27740
                      Al Myers

                        Timo, That is unbelievable! I’m very impressed. Al

                        in reply to: Tom Ryan #27725
                        Al Myers

                          I’ve been looking back over some of Tom’s past forum posts over the past few years, and he has shared thousands of words of his knowledge with us. I may bring some of them back as blog stories as they’re worth sharing again.

                          And ET, both of us know how he liked to correct our grammer!!!

                          in reply to: Goerner Club – 3rd Time's a Charm #27714
                          Al Myers

                            That’s not good news Ben! I hope your finger gets healed up.

                            in reply to: Goerner Club – 3rd Time's a Charm #27713
                            Al Myers

                              That’s not good news Ben! I hope your finger gets healed up.

                              in reply to: 2017 Grip Champs #27577
                              Al Myers

                                I’ve heard that the defending Champion, Laverne Myers, will be there!

                                It’s gonna be a fun day of lifting at the Dino Gym.

                                in reply to: Gold Cup #27433
                                Al Myers

                                  Timo, Glad you made it home! I want to really thank you for making the long trip to support the IAWA in both the World Championships and the Gold Cup. You lifted great in both competitions. Al

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