Al Myers

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  • in reply to: Postal Meet Question #27387
    Al Myers

      RJ, I checked the official scoresheet that I recieved from Denny and your 4th attempt is not listed. I will need to check with him so he can check the submitted form in order to get this added. Al

      in reply to: Grip problems #27376
      Al Myers

        When it comes to the one arm deadlift it is all about the hook grip. Don’t give up on the hook grip. Even if you can barely cover the thumb with the index finger keep working it and it will get stronger. It took me 5 years to build my hook grip. Lot of the improvement comes with the thumb becoming less sensitive over time. Doing time holds with the hook grip helps.

        in reply to: Gold Cup #27354
        Al Myers

          The Gold Cup is about here!!!

          All plans are in place, equipment loaded, and I’m now just waiting on the big day. I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!

          in reply to: Century Club #27302
          Al Myers

            Dan, I would like to see that as well. I will send you the latest Record List in excel, and the timing is right as it’s up to date at the time! Al

            in reply to: Century Club #27299
            Al Myers

              RJ, The Hall of Fame and the Century Club are two different things. The Hall of Fame members are inducted based on merit (earn points throughout their career exceeding 1000) or honor ( voted in because of their contributions to the sport). The Hall of Fame is USAWA endorsed and funding comes from the organization. The Century Club is just something I came up with for the website to give recognition to lifters who hold over 100 records. Al

              in reply to: Century Club #27298
              Al Myers

                The count I do for the Century Club is for total records in the record list – so it may include the same lift twice if it is an age group record and an overall record. I do it this way because it is an easy sort and count. Al

                in reply to: Postal Meet Question #27296
                Al Myers

                  Welcome to the USAWA Lynda! I always love to see new faces in the organization. The Postal Series is a great place to get started with the All Round lifts. We have a very strong postal meet series thanks to Denny Habecker, the Postal Meet Director. As for the answer to your question – it’s a yes or no answer. That does need to be more clear on the form and I will get that changed in the future. You must be an member of the USAWA to officially enter. The date is for the day that you performed your postal lifts. Also – this needs clarified as well. The lines to enter your lifts are for BEST LIFT only. There’s no need to write down all your attempts. I know this has been confusing as some try to write down all 3 of their attempts in that line and it’s not necessary. Thank you for participating in the postal. Al

                  in reply to: Gold Cup #27295
                  Al Myers

                    Thanks for your entries! I’m still taking entries for the Gold Cup. So far I have close to 20 entries and was hoping to get to 25. If you have not done a Gold Cup this is a great opportunity to compete in one of the IAWA events, especially if you live close. Very rarely has the Gold Cup been held in the central states. Al

                    in reply to: OTSM Championship #27180
                    Al Myers

                      It’s great to see the excitement for the OTSM!

                      in reply to: Change to Bearhug rules #27147
                      Al Myers

                        RJ, The rule change now allows the use of 1 inch and 2 inch plates, so you can still use you Lalanne plates! This change was made to make it easier for lifters to do this lift as most gyms don’t have enough 25 pound 1″ plates to do the bearhug. Al PS I haven’t tested it but I would guess that 1″ plates would be easier to lift than 2″ 25 plates. I would be interested to hear feedback on this.

                        in reply to: Man, THAT was a FEW lbs ago!! #27132
                        Al Myers

                          I knew you would like that picture! That had to be one of the most memorable USAWA events I have been to.

                          in reply to: Great job Dan & Ruth! #27120
                          Al Myers

                            I do like that suggestion, as I know lifters who are training for Nationals often find the 2nd quarter postal interfering with their Nationals focus. A couple of years ago we did have the Postal lifts being the same as the National lifts so several lifters got to enter the Postal who often don’t enter. I will mention this to Denny and see if next year we can make that work. The problem is that we like to announce all the postal meets at the beginning of the year, and sometimes we have to choose lifts before we know the National lifts.

                            Now onto more postals! We all have the opportunity to do the World Postal Championships in August. This is a separate postal meet from our USAWA postal series meets. I highly encourage everyone to participate. And guess what? The lifts for it are THE SAME as the first day of the World Championships! This doesn’t give anyone an excuse to not enter as you should be training for Worlds already and training these lifts!

                            in reply to: Something for USAWA Records? #27078
                            Al Myers

                              I will try to get this glitch fixed. I know it’s probably something really simple to do – but I haven’t figured it out yet!

                              in reply to: Record Days #27063
                              Al Myers

                                Another thing –

                                We are very fortunate at this point in the USAWA that we don’t have financial problems keeping our organization going. We don’t spend much money. Our expenses are only the award program and our drug testing program.

                                Dan, I found that idea of charging extra for records very interesting. I would be interested if any lifters would actually do this. I know several don’t even send in their membership dues each year in case they decide not to compete that year! Actually the precident of “charging for records” was done several years ago at a Gold Cup. Back then the Gold Cup had so many lifters that lifters were limited to their one GC lift only. A great supporter of the USAWA (both participating and financial) Rex Monahan wanted to take another lift for record so he proposed AT THE MEET after his first lift that he wanted to buy a second lift. Bill Clark made the executive decision that yeah, he could have another lift but the price was five hundred dollars! Rex wrote the check on the spot and went on to take another lift!

                                in reply to: Record Days #27056
                                Al Myers

                                  I always like to have debateable topics announced and discussed before being voted on. That’s why I present the meeting agenda online way in advance of the meeting. Plus that’s why I pushed for new presented lifts be put through a review process by the EB before being presented and passed at the meeting. Lots of times at meetings votes become emotional based and people tend to go along with the majority because they haven’t had the time to “take in” all the factors of the issue at hand. Lots of organizations have eliminated New Business from their agendas all together because of this, and require any new business to be put on the agenda ahead of time or it does not get discussed. Thats a way to prevent a new rule or law getting passed on a whim. However with this 5 lift limit rule proposed by Art in New Business, everyone in the meeting room seemed 100% on board with it and no one was opposed. It passed with unanimous vote.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 1,093 total)