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  • in reply to: Bumper Plate Repair #21384

      Randy, they are 5 Eleikos and 1 Uddeholm. The Uddeholm split on one side and that seems to be holding pretty darn good with silicone. That’s an interesting point about chemistry. I bet that would be able to solve the problem but I don’t have access to that sort of resource and it might be more involved than what it’s worth. Hey, maybe I could find a chemistry grad student who lifts weights and needs an idea for a masters thesis…

      Jim, not sure if a bicycle tire would do it, but perhaps a motorcycle tire. But I would think that all that would do is prevent the pieces from dropping out but wouldn’t do much to prevent further splitting since that already started. But for new plates, I bet that idea would prolong the life of the bumpers.

      Considering all of the time I’ve spent on this, and all of the queries I’ve launched, with no definitive answers, I think I might have to just train with lighter weights and take up bodybuilding. Yup, that’s the ticket…



      For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

      Those who are enamored of practice without science
      are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
      compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

      Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

      in reply to: Anvil #21427

        I will get there when I get there.

        Speaking of which…do you want to do this on Saturday after lifting or Sunday after lifting? It doesn’t matter to me.


        For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

        Those who are enamored of practice without science
        are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
        compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

        Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

        in reply to: Anvil #21429

          [b]Quote from JWCIII on July 23, 2013, 08:52[/b]
          Sounds great! Don’t let Al tell you stories about me…..hahahaha

          I’ll wear my combat boots just in case the shit gets too deep. HA!


          For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

          Those who are enamored of practice without science
          are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
          compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

          Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

          in reply to: Reverse Curl #21416

            Al, it’s a new day…

            You’re correct in stating that I’m fixated on using Chad’s performance—or any other one lifter’s performance—as a “benchmark” or as a source of suspicion over those who lift more than that particular lifter. That is, however, what you stated.

            As I read your reply, it seems that you took offense to me stating “fraught with error.” I think that you might have read that to mean that I believe you made mathematical errors. However, I stated, “purely percentage-based comparisons are fraught with error.” What that means is that lifters’ accomplishments cannot be accurately compared based on percentages. There is a great deal of exercise science research that has looked at developing formulas to compare lifts, to compare lifters of different weight classes, to compare gender, and to make max strength or max repetition predictions. Each formula that was developed represents an advancement over the previous formula, yet holds its own limitations. Put another way, this is tricky business.

            The reason for this is that there are too many variables involved in trying to compare human performance. It’s nearly impossible to hold these variables constant, which means you’re introducing error and making for a less than accurate comparison. Consider, as but one example, the levers necessary to perform a reverse curl vs. a cheat reverse curl (hang clean). Right there you have an immense variable that differs not only in the ability to execute each lift within one lifter, but also across many lifters. Looking at a percentage-based comparison is therefore “fraught with error.”

            So you see, I was not criticizing your math skills. The fact is, using percentages to draw valid and reliable lift/lifter comparisons is impossible as even highly sophisticated formulas designed to just do that, which take body weight, experience, anthropometrics, etc., into account have problems doing so.

            At the end of the day, if there seems to be some suspicion about some of the lifters having performed a cheat reverse curl rather than a reverse curl, which is entirely possible, why not just ask them what they did? But let’s just be careful regarding what leads us to being suspicious.

            Sorry if my critique raised your blood pressure. I think you know that I would only purposely intend to do that when you’re on the platform. 🙂



            For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

            Those who are enamored of practice without science
            are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
            compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

            Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

            in reply to: KU to my Rescue #21405

              Who the HELL are you and how DARE you impersonate Dinoman!!!!!!

              The Dinoman I know would NEVER admit to my alma mater getting ANYTHING right. You see, Dinoman is, regrettably, a K-State man. But at least he’s got the gonads to admit to the error of his ways. You, however, need to get back on those bodybuilding Forums you undoubtedly came from.



              For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

              Those who are enamored of practice without science
              are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
              compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

              Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

              in reply to: Reverse Curl #21420

                BIG AL!

                You’re now introducing a new and different argument over that which you made before. In your original criticism you became suspicious because several lifters lifted more than Chad. That remains a poor argument and moving now toward a percentage-based argument doesn’t change that. Besides, purely percentage-based comparisons are fraught with error, but that’s another story. I would like to pick up on one of your points, though. Since the rules of the cheat reverse curl amount to nothing more than performing a hang clean by a different name, doing 300-pounds or more wouldn’t be that extraordinary, even if you don’t tend to see it in USAWA. Moreover a comparison to a reverse curl, or a cheat curl, seems therefore inappropriate.

                As to the naming of the lift, you introduced another important variable that I overlooked. So for the regular curl, you have the Curl – Strict and the Curl – Cheat. I believe that for consistency sake and clarity there should be a Curl – Reverse Grip – Cheat and a Curl – Reverse Grip – Strict. However, as you correctly point out, and which I overlooked before, strict doesn’t equal strict as in the curl it denotes curling against a wall with the body pinning sheets of paper against it, while a “strict” reverse curl does not require that. I consider this to be inconsistent, confusing, and illogical. Why would a strict curl be performed differently than a strict reverse curl? Or why would the term strict mean something different for curls with nothing more than a different grip? A historical argument/explanation doesn’t hold much water because strict curls were performed in various ways, as were strict reverse curls. Now, since I have no idea whether I’ll be able to go to nationals and represent this viewpoint next year, there’s no need to place it on the agenda at this time. Besides, I’m personally not all that invested in the various idiosyncrasies that exist in USAWA and/or IAWA…just load the bar and I’ll lift it. 🙂 However, I’m more concerned with one lifter’s performance being used as a benchmark to place other lifters’ accomplishments into question. I believe that represents a dangerous precedent.

                With that said, perhaps the best thing to do would be to simply ask the lifters you are suspicious about whether they performed a Reverse Curl – Cheat instead of a Reverse Curl. If that was indeed the case, then how to solve that problem would seem pretty simple.

                – d


                For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                Those who are enamored of practice without science
                are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                in reply to: Anvil #21431

                  I actually went to the Marine recruiter first…I hate to admit it. LOL But that Sgt. dude was a jerk so I went down the hall to the Army and they were much more professional and wrote SF and Airborne School into my contract, too. That sold me!

                  I agree, this’ll be GREAT fun. I think that if we want to, we can slightly modify the rules of engagement as we go. As an example, if you want us to each do 5 rounds, then the other does 5, and we start based on a coin toss, that would be fine. We could also increase it to 20 rounds total @ 100 yards for more suspense and pressure on each of us. I still have to sight in my weapon before we let it hang out and I don’t know if we want to spend all that time waiting for me to be ready. I’d like to take my time and do it right. I just don’t have much opportunity here to take it out to 200 or more. That’s why I suggested 100.

                  Yes, open sights…that should make it a bit more challenging, don’t you think?

                  And let’s not forget THE most important part of this Challenge: Loser buys winner’s dinner and beer and MUST wear winner’s branch of service t-shirt.



                  For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                  Those who are enamored of practice without science
                  are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                  compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                  Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                  in reply to: Anvil #21434

                    IT’S ON! OH YEAH!!!!

                    Thom, how ’bout we use Al’s bench? I think sand bags are fine, that’ll make it easier for you to eat dirt. LOL Being an Army paratrooper, I’m of course a bit more sophisticated and will use a rifle-mounted bi-pod. Is that agreeable to you?

                    I’m curious about one thing, though. Can you put “Air Force” and “Boot Camp” in one sentence? 🙂



                    For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                    Those who are enamored of practice without science
                    are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                    compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                    Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                    in reply to: Anvil #21437

                      Well, Al, seems like you have no objections to hosting The Army vs. Marine Corpse [grin] Challenge. And if Dave is gonna participate, too, then I’m pretty sure that we can keep Thom in line. Besides, I’m bringing my Schutzhund and I’m already training him in sniffing out jarheads and keeping ’em honest.

                      I find it interesting that I posted The Challenge around 1330 hrs. yesterday and it’s now 0855 the next day…and there’s been no reply from Thom. [Thom, 1330 is 1:30 PM and 0855 is 8:55 AM [snicker]] I don’t think Thom is chicken, but perhaps he’s already scheming…

                      Oh, and I figured out why he lifted the anvil. He was trying to get to the Cajun Style vertical head…we call that a latrine, Thom…that’s behind the anvil. LOL



                      For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                      Those who are enamored of practice without science
                      are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                      compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                      Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                      in reply to: Anvil #21440

                        Indeed, I see a difference in tactical approach. I just dropped in from the sky, did a gazelle-like PLF (you wouldn’t understand…hihihi), did a brief visual, was discouraged by the indigenous people, and determined that advancing farther wasn’t worth the risk. I suspect that in your case, there was probably a bit of sand somewhere, and you just couldn’t resist… 🙂

                        As to my shooting skills, I’m going to ask Al (perhaps right now if he’s “listening”), if I might sight in my rifle in August. If so, I challenge you to meet me head-on: My M-4 vs. your rifle of choice, 100 yards, iron sights, 10 rounds. Loser buys dinner and beer while wearing the winner’s branch of service t-shirt.




                        For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                        Those who are enamored of practice without science
                        are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                        compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                        Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                        in reply to: Chad(the dancing),Dan(beer liking) #21446

                          I’m honored and feel that Chad is unbelievably deserving of this award. Way to go Chad!

                          Looking forward to seeing you at Al’s in August. Maybe we can have a beer drinking contests. After sufficient amounts of beer, I’ve been known to dance. [snicker]



                          For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                          Those who are enamored of practice without science
                          are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                          compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                          Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                          in reply to: Nationals Videos #21483

                            [b]Quote from 61pwcc on July 4, 2013, 17:06[/b]
                            I hope we meet up in a meet soon. Would be a good time!!

                            …ESPECIALLY if you like beer. 🙂



                            For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                            Those who are enamored of practice without science
                            are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                            compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                            Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                            in reply to: Nationals Videos #21485

                              BIG JIM!

                              Thanks for sharing. My only complaint is that I think you should be wearing something more period-appropriate for the lifts…say a loin cloth or one of those one-strap wrestling suits they used to wear.

                              Nice hip-thrust in the pullover and press! 🙂




                              For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                              Those who are enamored of practice without science
                              are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                              compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                              Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                              in reply to: One Arm Deadlift Video #21503

                                Well, I just hope that this is one of those things where the “learning curve” is a bit extended. Hopefully I’ll either get used to the pain or just get better at the lift. I’ve only been hook-gripping for about a year, so I think I need to give it more time. And only time will tell…



                                For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                                Those who are enamored of practice without science
                                are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                                compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                                Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                                in reply to: Middle Atlantic Postal #21494

                                  Hey Jesse, that’s not an improvement, just piss poor performance at worlds.

                                  I opened with 104, and was going to go 135, then 155. I obviously made my opener and then with 135 my left wrist collapsed. Something that NEVER happened to me before in ANY lift. You can imagine my surprise. Of course I retook 135 and got it fairly easily, but received one red light too many. After reviewing the video I’m not sure what those reds were for, but that’s just the way competition goes sometimes.

                                  So since I thought I was strong enough then for 155, and now, too, and didn’t get it then nor now, you can see that I didn’t make any improvements in that lift. But then again, it’s one of those lifts that’s more technique- than strength-dependent, not to mention rather hard to judge, so I’m not too concerned.



                                  For Body Intellect Brochure click here: https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0fcsokZWooW_1B1uZmL1AI5fA#BI-DW

                                  Those who are enamored of practice without science
                                  are like a pilot who goes onto a ship without rudder or
                                  compass and never has any certainty to where he is going.

                                  Leonardo Da Vinci; 1452-1519

                                Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 270 total)