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  • in reply to: Year in Review #20749

      Al, if it is not too late, I would like one.

      I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      in reply to: Postal Results Error #20768

        Another question, is eating whole eggs good for you or crappy for you? It seems to keep changing. I subscribe to it being good for you, cause I like eggs. And no yolk is just not the same.

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        in reply to: Postal Results Error #20769

          Thanks for the reply Dan, I appreciate your input.

          As far as the grip meet Sat, either I will be unbeatable or I will have my buttockses kicked. I have been developing my grip the past few weeks chopping ice to the point I can barely type this message or close my hands. And I am certain that will not stop between here and Sat. Lets see how it plays out

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

          in reply to: Postal Results Error #20772

            Science is true whether or not you believe in it.

            Just one point of order on this quote. It is flawed. It may be the truth for today, but it will likely change. Unless it is scientific law (ie. the law of gravity), it is merely a theory. It may have basis in research, study, and experiment, but it has not been difinitively proven. There have been a multitude of scientific theories that have been disproved over the years, and there will be plenty more.

            Now I am not a scientist, merely an educator. But I can make an analogy between training methods and pedagogy. It is always changing, and is often cyclical. What is the flavor of the month now, may have been the flavor of the month 50 years ago under a different name. And what I have found in both areas is there is no one size fits all approach. Much of it is valuable to somebody out there; however, much of it may not work well for certain individuals.

            I have had many young pups come train with me and want my vast knowledge (LOL) in strongman training. All I can do is tell them what has worked for me in techniques and training methods, and what has not. Then it is up to them to determine if it suits them or not.

            I know I have digressed from the original point, but I just wanted to say that I believe that there is no one size fits all in strength training, and just because science says something today, doesnt mean that it wont be saying something else tomorrow.


            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            in reply to: When will the Heavy lift nats and USAWA Nats be announced? #20743

              I will be good to go either way Al. Looking forward to it!

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

              in reply to: Postal Results Error #20782

                You are right, Dan. It is very off putting. And I am not sure that it does not drive some folks away. But if I have a meet that has 3-8 lifters and we have umpteen divisions, what are the chances that even 2 of the lifters are in the same division competing against one another? I once competed in a NASA national PL meet. I entered the open class, hoping that was where teh competition would be. When I looked at the standings after the first event, I was the only one in the open division out of like 20 242#ers. Everybody else was in some bastad division. I compared myself against all the other lifters all day, but in the end we all got first. I like to compete against others as well as myself. I have done 2 different things at my meets, not sure which one I prefer. LAst year, we had a LW, MW, HW and masters classes, and top 3 places were awarded in each according to most weight lifted (masters was done by formula). Then we had one outstanding lifter trophy which was done by formula. This year we scored it 2 ways, by total weight and by formula. I thought both worked ok.

                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                in reply to: Postal Results Error #20785

                  I think I can answer that last part. We do have all those categories. Most of our meets just dont draw enough competitors to Score each individually. If we did, it would be alot of first places without having to beat anyone (ala first place in the second sub-masters category of the Police fire military division in a PL meet). So we have to have a way to compare the lifts accross the divisions.

                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                  in reply to: When will the Heavy lift nats and USAWA Nats be announced? #20744

                    al, I forgot to run this by Mamma, so I just sent her an email. Will let you know

                    I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                    in reply to: Postal Results Error #20788

                      While I do agree that the 1% per year seems arbitrary, I would lso say that we do need some form of correction for age if we are going to compare all lifters. While there may be no scientific proof that aging does not cause a decrease in strength, there sure does seem to be a huge correlation. Now, you can say it is due to stupid training, but I would argue that. I would say it is a cumulation of life events, thus the longer I live, the more of these events I experience, resulting in potential loss of lifting ability. I have had one injury that has affected my lifting that could be attributed to “stupid training”, a badly herniated disc from pulling improperly, I tore both my labrums wrestling, as well as having much of the cartiledge removed from my knees due to wrestling injuries. Both of these at times hinder me today. I wasnt training foolishly, I was in combat. My dad fell down the steps one day and broke his knee cap and hip. He hasn’t walked the same since that, let alone lifted. Smeone could get hurt in a car wreck, develop carpal tunnel at their job, or just have the body waer out from use. there is no secret that our bodies are machines that deteriorate over time, and ultimately, they will fail and die. That is one undeniable truth about everyones life. Some just do it slower than others.

                      I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                      in reply to: Dino meet #20811

                        Thanks for promoting this meet, Al. It was a great time. Good to see everybody.

                        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                        in reply to: Da Rules #20828

                          .but now leniency is given here
                          Is that typical? I have never seen and deadlift type events in the USAWA where the lifter dropped the bar from the knees. I have never seen anything in PL (and I have not done a HUGE amount of that) where a bar was not controlled with hands on it all the way to the ground. I saw a couple lifts (done by the same lifter) in strongman done where they dropped the bar from lockout and were given the lift-it made me sick. Mainly because I made the extra effort to do it in the way that I always had leanred was proper only to find out after that it was acceptable to return the bar in any sloppy, uncontrolled manner. I could have saved the effort. I can see it in a oly type movement where the bar is coming from a higher level and the arms and shoulders are also involved, and bumpers are used. However, even under these circumstances, I still prefer to keep control of the bar until it is on the floor. Anyhoo, good discussion.

                          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                          in reply to: Top lifts of 2013 #20833


                            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                            in reply to: T-Nation article on the Jefferson lift #20850

                              The question is, was it passed by a USAWA official in a snactioned meet? If so, then it is what it is. I would not have passed it, as I would not pass any lift where the bar was dropped. If it was passed as a record, then it was not the lifteres fault. Just as a record in a squat that was passed even though it was high would not be the lifters fault. That is why we, as officials, must be dilegent to officiate strictly according to the rules as set forth by our organization.

                              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                              in reply to: 2013 Postal Nationals #20847

                                Me and lance did it. I did just OK in the C&J and curl, but just took a token 400 in the DL, as I m nursing my back back to health. Was easy, but I could feel it would be foolish to carry on.

                                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                                in reply to: Shoveling Snow #20867

                                  Did maybe 30 minutes yesterday, but there was 2 days in a row last year where I put in 12 hours a day, determined to be clear in case mamma went into labor. I wanted to cry at the end of it.

                                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

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