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  • in reply to: How to get folks to try all round lifting? #38231
      in reply to: How to get folks to try all round lifting? #38223

        Thom, on your number 3, I think it is a tricky line to walk to stay true to our roots, but also interest new lifters in giving it a shot. I know the whole knee sleeve debate years ago was a pretty heated one with very strong opinions on both sides.

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        in reply to: The Arnold #38222

          It was something that was posted on Facebook. That is about all I have seen about it, so maybe it is make believe?

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

          in reply to: a blog I wrote of myhmb #38210

            Thanks Den!

            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            in reply to: How to get folks to try all round lifting? #38199

              I think we have to recognize that this is not for everyone. But there must be others like us out there. We just need to find them. Loving the conversation.

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

              in reply to: a blog I wrote of myhmb #38197

                Try this link, Randy:

                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                in reply to: The Arnold #38195

                  I also know floor space at the arnold comes with a high premium, so we would need more that 5 competitors at a low entry fee to make it feasible.

                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                  in reply to: The Arnold #38194

                    Interesting story, Dan. I have always thought that an all-round presence at something like this could be a good thing. Problem is a org of volunteers, and I dont know how much of a presence we have in Ohio any more. I have thought of looking at some more local exhibitions, where we at least couple with a strongman and pl event with a few vendors to drum up some interest. I know Denny has done a couple meets out at york which were very cool, that had some PL traffic and such. I would love to do some more stuff like that, but we have to have some people step up (like Denny did) to make it happen.

                    I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                    in reply to: How to get folks to try all round lifting? #38193

                      I think if we all keep trying, we can nickel and dime our way to a stronger membership.

                      I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                      in reply to: a blog I wrote of myhmb #38192
                        in reply to: USAWA Voting #38187

                          Oh, goodness Dave. Great thoughts. Just like the good ole US of A, the usawa is not direct democracy. We have leaders that are voted in by the membership that chooses to vote to make some of our decisions. Not that it could not change, and I am certainly welcome to hear the thoughts of members, but we will not change this without a vote at the national meeting, according to our bylaws.

                          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                          in reply to: How to get folks to try all round lifting? #38186

                            Great question Randy. We clearly need to increase membership. And introduce new lifters to the great sport of all-round. I have been able to pull some folks in through my old strongman connections, though the group is much smaller than my strongman group was. With strongman and crossfit being so popular, there’s only so much interest in the more fringe strength sports. But I do believe there is room for growth. Are there areas that we could be advertising? Are there online avenues we could be drawing in prospective membership? I intend on trying, but am welcome to ideas. I think it is imperative that we grow into other territories. I have said it before, but it is easy to find a meet in PA area, MO/KS, and Boston, historically. There has got to be a handful of strength athletes in a number of different territories, if we could get a club or two established here and there, with the occasional meet in each of these territories.

                            I do know what drew me was seeing that Clarks had a meet in which the crucifix was included, and as a strongman competitor, I loved the crucifix. Initially, I loved all-round, but was offput with a number of the lifts. The number I am offput with is less now, but not all of our lifts are necessarily meant for mass consumption. Most folks can do a standard bench press, but what percent of the population can do a mansfield lift or a full garner? It takes a unique lifter to be a true all-rounder, so we need to find those individuals and get them invested. Anyhow, just a few thoughts. Thanks for the discussion, Randy

                            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                            in reply to: The Arnold #38174

                              I know this is not all-round related, but I know a number of us have attended the Arnold before.

                              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                              in reply to: USAWA Voting #38171

                                I have been guilty of not attending national meetings even when I have lifted. Neither time had anything to do with performance. in reality, both times were after a meet, and I was in a rush to get home. Point of order, if we were to conduct a vote of membership right now, we would only have about 35 individuals eligible to vote.

                                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                                in reply to: Joe G #38154

                                  A welcome e-mail came Friday noon from Joe – straight from his room in a rehab center in Davenport, Iowa. Said he’d be there for up to 10 more days – and that he was very weak, but improving.

                                  I’ll keep you posted as Joe keeps me posted on his recovery – as it slowly unfolds.

                                  BILL CLARK

                                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

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