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I can see where you guys are coming from in limiting the number of lifts at a record day. Like Thom said, we have lifts with few records in them at all, and certainly holes in our record list. I do wish you guys could understand the amount of work our record’s director has to put in to keep our list current. I am overwhelmed at times with my part in it, which I am sure is minimal compared to the work Johnny has put in. It is not infrequently that I get communication about mistakes (whether it be on our end or that of the meet promoter) that we have to fix. And please do not mistake this as complaining, because I absolutely think it is important for the organization, and the lifters in general that we keep our records accurately. I can imagine what it would be like to have trained to achieve something like that, only to not be credited with it. I know that when Al was records director, I contacted him more than once about errors I identified. Allowing unlimited amount of records on records days would certainly overload our director, and would potentially lend itself o further mistakes using the current method we have. I would be opposed to going back unless there was a method by which to streamline the process (say someone figured out how to automatically update a records list from posted results and such).
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
You know, Randy, i forgot all about that picture. i should watch it myself, as I also never have.
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
Thanks Denjamin!
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
200 pound plates? Think I would want to leave those on as base weight. Those would be fun to move around multiple times a workout…
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
I just had the local metal fabrication shop weld me up a couple ends to bolt to a couple 2x4s. Will see if I can find any pictures.
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
The picture looks like the old Tom Tyan of all-round fame. Must be a trick
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
Here is that link, Randy:
https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/t9ncr4/the_odd_the_old_and_the_original_a_case_for/I'm the lyrical Jesse James
Thom, on your number 3, I think it is a tricky line to walk to stay true to our roots, but also interest new lifters in giving it a shot. I know the whole knee sleeve debate years ago was a pretty heated one with very strong opinions on both sides.
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
It was something that was posted on Facebook. That is about all I have seen about it, so maybe it is make believe?
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
Thanks Den!
ETI'm the lyrical Jesse James
I think we have to recognize that this is not for everyone. But there must be others like us out there. We just need to find them. Loving the conversation.
ETI'm the lyrical Jesse James
Try this link, Randy:
https://myhmb.com/top-5-strength-training-myths/I'm the lyrical Jesse James
I also know floor space at the arnold comes with a high premium, so we would need more that 5 competitors at a low entry fee to make it feasible.
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
Interesting story, Dan. I have always thought that an all-round presence at something like this could be a good thing. Problem is a org of volunteers, and I dont know how much of a presence we have in Ohio any more. I have thought of looking at some more local exhibitions, where we at least couple with a strongman and pl event with a few vendors to drum up some interest. I know Denny has done a couple meets out at york which were very cool, that had some PL traffic and such. I would love to do some more stuff like that, but we have to have some people step up (like Denny did) to make it happen.
ETI'm the lyrical Jesse James
I think if we all keep trying, we can nickel and dime our way to a stronger membership.
I'm the lyrical Jesse James