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  • in reply to: Good bar for all around lifting. #23092

      Ok, what is the bar you see used for DL at many PL meets? I already have a DL specific bar, but the one I am talking about has real aggressive knurling and is more rigid than a DL bar

      I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      in reply to: The Inman Mile #22716

        Hey Matt, Welcome. My replies to your quastions are below.

        1) Are a weight belt and/or ankle braces allowed to be worn? One of the guys has an old ankle injury from MMA that he wants to protect.

        Weight belt yes, ankle brace no.
        2) Are a bar pad or towel allowed to be wrapped around the bar to rest on the shoulders, provided it doesn’t assist in maintaining the position of the bar as an “aid”?
        No-the misery of the bar digging in is part of the lift
        3) What are the submission requirements for a record if one of us completes the walk? Is video evidence sufficient? A few of us are deployed in Afghanistan and thus have no judge available.
        As far as for it to count in the USAWA as an official lift an official would have to be present (On of your guys could take th open book test?) Otherwise, it would not count as official, but I would certainly be impressed with some video footage.

        These answers are just the way I understand things. Someone might come on here and correct me.

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        in reply to: got up from the turf #22727

          That is far from being in jest

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

          in reply to: got up from the turf #22731

            If you are one of the few who has never been presented with evidence that Mr. Jesse Jobe plans to plague our minds, then be glad that the task to educate yourself has just become easy. With this letter, I compile all of the necessary evidence into one easy-to-read document. Let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and what the focus of this letter will be: in the Old Testament, the Book of Kings relates how the priests of Baal were slain for deceiving the people. I’m not suggesting that there be any contemporary parallel involving Mr. Jobe, but Mr. Jobe’s stories about antagonism are particularly ridden with errors and distortions, even leaving aside the concept’s initial implausibility. His personal interest in seeing his zingers shoved down people’s throats is mordacious but that’s to be expected of Mr. Jobe. He will impose perfidious new restrictions on society just to satisfy some sort of repressive drive for power faster than you can say “anthropomorphologically”—not necessarily by direct action, but by convincing his factotums to needle and wheedle vitriolic vermin into his gang. We no longer have the luxury of indulging in universalist, altruistic principles that, no matter how noble they may appear, have enabled intrusive, cold-blooded hermits to revile everything in the most obscene terms and drag it into the filth of the basest possible outlook. It has been proven time and time again that he claims that principles don’t matter. I respond that I must defend my honor.

            Now, perhaps you think I’m imagining things. Perhaps you think that Mr. Jobe really isn’t going to encumber the religious idea with too many things of a purely earthly nature and thus bring religion into a totally unnecessary conflict with science. Well, I wish it were just my imagination. But you know, that’s just one side of the coin. The other side is that he demands that we make a choice. Either we let him sell otherwise perfectly reasonable people the idée fixe that he was chosen by God as the trustee of His wishes and desires or he’ll contaminate clear thinking with his neo-condescending orations. This “choice” exemplifies what is commonly known as a “false dichotomy” or “the fallacy of the excluded middle” because it denies other alternatives, such as that I deeply believe that it’s within our grasp to subject Mr. Jobe’s smears to the rigorous scrutiny they warrant. Be grateful for this first and last tidbit of comforting news. The rest of this letter will center around the way that he indubitably doesn’t want me to tend to the casualties of his war on sanity. Well, I’ve never been a very obedient dog so I intend not only to do exactly that but also to insist on a policy of zero tolerance toward racialism.

            Mr. Jobe has a knack for convincing dishonest, muddleheaded slobs that he can walk on water. That’s called marketing. The underlying trick is to use sesquipedalian terms like “hematospectrophotometer” and “contradistinctive” to keep his sales pitch from sounding impudent. That’s why you really have to look hard to see that if you hear Mr. Jobe spouting off about how his otiose, rambunctious coterie is a benign and charitable agency, you should tell him that he has no moral courage nor even a desire to be honest and forthright. Better yet, tell him to stop getting his opinions from petulant dingbats and start doing some research of his own.

            Listen closely and in the distance you can hear the ring of Liberty’s bell calling gallant sons and noble daughters to rebuild our communities. Did it ever occur to Mr. Jobe that maybe the foundations of our free society are under wide-ranging and powerful attack by his depraved followers? Dream on.

            Mr. Jobe does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent. He is utterly—and I mean utterly—doctrinaire. No, scratch that. Let me instead make the much stronger claim that the only weapons Mr. Jobe has in his intellectual arsenal are book burning, brainwashing, and intimidation. That’s all he has, and he knows it. Comments on the above are welcome, but please think them out first.

            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            in reply to: Roger’s Book #22737

              Nope-nothing yet

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

              in reply to: Eric Todd #22748

                Thanks alot Chad

                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                in reply to: News from the MWC #22768

                  Huge Congrats guys!!!

                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                  in reply to: Jobes Steel Jungle Record days highlights. #22792

                    Looks like a good time. Congrats to all

                    I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                    in reply to: loan me a critical eye- steinborn squat form #22800

                      Looked pretty good to me. The only suggestion I would have is to tke a little more time to get lower before letting the weight drop across your shoulders. You looked just a little off center at first. And I am probably nitpickinga bit, because everything else looked very good.

                      I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                      in reply to: Old Time Strongman Picnic #22806

                        Denny, it was the next morning, and Al is finding amusement at my expense. It wasnt too bad, outside the body cavity searches.

                        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                        in reply to: Neck lift #22816

                          HAHAHA-Guess I got into it

                          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                          in reply to: Neck lift #22818

                            Just throwing you a bone Al. If I had participated, I would have been sub 4 minutes.

                            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                            in reply to: Neck lift #22820

                              Thanks Thom-Means alot

                              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                              in reply to: Dave Polzin #22829

                                It was a pleasure to meet and lift with Dave. A very unassuming guy. You would never know by his modesty that he was one of the best.

                                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                                in reply to: Heavy Lift Champs #22839

                                  thanks guys.

                                  In all fairness, al, I am not sure my detention caused us to miss the plane. It merely set us a little further behind than we already were.

                                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                                Viewing 15 posts - 601 through 615 (of 780 total)