I enjoyed the article on Mike as well. He is a great guy! ET
I'm the lyrical Jesse James
Way to go, Ben! ET
Looks like a great meet ET
Congrats Dave. Yours was my favorite ET
I love Dave’s grip article. ET
Dont have any near that old. All mine are from the 2000s ET
Good luck to all. I might have competed if my 7 month old daugher’s grip wasnt stronger than mine. ET
I will have to look through mine-I kept most all of the ones I got. ET
I like it. Good stuff. ET
what is the cost? ET
What Joe said ET
Looking forward to this one. I will be sure to bring some $$$ for the auction. Great cause. ET
Thanks to everyone who has served our country and preserved our freedom. thanks to you Bill. ET
I laughed my ass off at that article, but was nodding my head throughout. And the picture of Chad with that plate on his head was classic!
Just so you all know, there are a bunch of guys congratulating you on KCSTRONGMAn as well. ET