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  • in reply to: Nationals roll call #37157

      Look forward to seeing you there. We are actually going out Friday afternoon and coming back Sunday morning.

      I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      in reply to: POSTAL RESULTS PRESENTATIONS #37153

        You know, I had never really thought about doing that for postals. Will have to start.

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        in reply to: Nationals roll call #37150

          12 is certainly better than 3.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

          in reply to: Nationals roll call #37141

            3 lifters…this could be a quick meet.

            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

            in reply to: POSTAL RESULTS PRESENTATIONS #37122

              I wonder if we could alter the postal submission forms with a check box or something to remind lifters to denote which of their lifts would count as national or world records? i would think that would be easy enough.

              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

              in reply to: Paging ET #37078

                Thanks Abe. That has always been a pretty strong suite for me. Has not left me at last check, but we will see for how long.

                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                in reply to: Clark's Gym 1st Postal Meet #37076

                  Nice work Abe. Your lifts pretty much put mine to shame.

                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                  in reply to: Socially Distanced Grip Champs? #36982

                    I have read this thread a few times, but have not answered because I have no intel whatsoever. I do know that the postal series is going to happen, but that is about all I know. Hopefully something happens that we can compete a bit this next year.

                    I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                    in reply to: Record Day and Last Postal at Clarks #36911

                      Good lifting, Abe. We got ours in a couple weeks ago. Gonna do the postal in a couple more.

                      I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                      in reply to: 2020 Year in review #36881

                        So, Den, do you not need my help in purchasing a gift card for your niece?

                        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                        in reply to: Clean to Shoulder – Comments Appreciated. #36846

                          No sweat, Abe. Look forward to actually get to go to comps again.

                          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                          in reply to: Clean to Shoulder – Comments Appreciated. #36844

                            The rules according to the IAWA read:
                            B26 ONE HAND BENT PRESS
                            The bar should be cleaned to the shoulder in one movement. During the pull to the shoulder the trunk can bend sideways and the elbow can rest on the hip. Once the bar is in position at the shoulder, and gripped at the centre, it should be elevated to arms length overhead by means of lateral pressure. The bar must not touch the hip during the press. At the completion of the lift the lifter will stand erect.

                            Causes for Failure:
                            1 Touching the floor with any part of the body other than the feet.
                            2 Touching the hip with the bar during the press.
                            3 Failure to complete the lift, standing erect and motionless, with the legs and arms straight, and feet in line with the lifters front aspect.
                            4 All other causes for failure are the same as for the one hand clean and one hand clean and jerk.

                            No mention of the clavicle there. So I go to the one hand clean and jerk:
                            B25 ONE HAND CLEAN AND JERK
                            The rules for the two hands clean and jerk apply except that the lift is done with either the left or right hand only. An optional grip is used, and the bar is raised to the commensurate shoulder as the lifting arm, in a single movement. The bar must not touch any part of the legs or trunk below the line of the nipples. In receiving the bar at the shoulder it should not make contact with or rest, on the opposite shoulder or chest. The centre of the sternum is used as the line of indication. The free hand may be supported on the thigh or knee of either leg, but must not touch the lifting surface, lifting arm or bar during the lift. With a single distinct effort the lifter will jerk the bar to arms length above the head. The signal to replace the bar will be given on completion of the lift, when the lifter is erect and motionless with the feet on a parallel plane to the torso.

                            Causes for Failure:
                            1 Touching the lifting surface, bar or lifting arm with the free arm.
                            2 Touching the bar with the legs or trunk below the line of the nipples.
                            3 Touching the chest or shoulder with the bar, on the opposite side to the lifting arm.
                            4 Allowing the bar to rise above the lower level of the ear, when adjusting the grip prior to the jerk.
                            5 Failure to control the bar and fix it motionless, at completion.
                            6 All other causes for failure are the same as for the two hands clean and jerk.

                            Still not seeing mention of the clavicle. So, off to the two hand clean and jerk, as mentioned in the rule above:
                            A5 CLEAN AND JERK
                            From the same start position as for the snatch, the bar should be cleaned to the chest in a single
                            movement, taking the bar from the platform to the shoulders using either: a squat clean or a power
                            clean. During the pull the bar may slide along the legs and lap but should not touch the chest before
                            the final position. During the clean, the elbows and upper arms should not come into contact with the
                            knees or thighs. The bar should come to rest on the clavicles or chest, above the nipples with the arms
                            full bent. The bar may be adjusted between the clean and the jerk, allowing the thumbs to be
                            withdrawn, the bar to be lowered if impeding the breathing and to change the width of the grip. The
                            feet should return to the straight line, with the legs straight and the lifter recovering in their own time,
                            before performing the jerk. To jerk, the lifter bends the legs and extends them as well as the arms, to
                            bring the bar to full extension overhead, in one movement. The lift must not finish with a press out,
                            and the lifters feet should once again come to finish in line with legs and arms fully extended. Only
                            one attempt at the jerk will be allowed . When the lifter has finished the lift, fully extended, feet on an
                            even plane, and motionless, the official will signal to return the bar to the platform.

                            Causes for Failure:
                            1 Pulling from the hang.
                            2 Using more than one movement in the clean.
                            3 Touching the lifting surface with any part of the body other than the feet.
                            4 The bar coming into contact with the trunk before the final Clean position.
                            5 Elbows or arms touching knees or thighs.
                            6 Stepping off or out of the marked lifting area, with any part of the foot during the lift.
                            7 More than one attempt at the jerk
                            8 Uneven extension of the arms.
                            9 A pause during the jerk, and / or finishing with a press out.
                            10 Unlocking of the arms after the jerk, prior to the referees signal.
                            11 Failure to assume the correct finish position, arms and legs extended, bar held motionless, and feet in line and parallel to the plane of the trunk
                            12 Lowering the bar before the referees signal to replace the bar, or dropping the bar afterwards.

                            So, that is where the clavical is mentioned, though it takes a little digging to get to it. For what it is worth.

                            I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                            in reply to: Remembering Wilbur Miller #36795

                              I never knew hat, Sir. Cool to know.

                              Here is my story. I feel like I got to know Wilbur pretty well one day at the Dino gym. Cannot remember the year, but the meet was a press medley, frame carry, weight over bar, and stone series. I met Wilbur toward the beginning of the day, and we spent much of it together visiting. I had been looking online for an old powerlifting book by Terry Todd, which had gone out of print, and used ones were going for many pounds of sterling online. Dave Gasgow found out I was looking for one, and gave me his copy at this meet. Wilbur asked me to see the copy. He leafed through it and found a couple pics. I know one was him standing on a podium with Norb Schemansky from an oly meet, and one I believe with Terry Todd at a pl meet. It was not boastful when he showed me, it was as though he was sitting reminiscing with an old friend. When I won, it was Wilbur who presented me with my award. It was a pic of that transaction that was my profile pic on the KCSTRONGMAN forum for years. i am trying to find it. A couple weeks ago, I was lifting and my little man started digging through a box of my old plaques and pictures. Apparenty after meeting Wilbur I had sent a couple pictures to him for autograph. Everett asked my why two, and I said I couldnt remember, but I clearly had intended to gift one to someone else at the time. Everett assured me the second one was meant for him. Thom, I would love to have a copy of your Milo story to pass on to little man along with the pic. I would love for him to be inspired by this great man as I was.

                              I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                              in reply to: Wilbur Miller #36705

                                Thanks for that info Thom, Will be sure to send him something.

                                I'm the lyrical Jesse James

                                in reply to: Injury #36698

                                  A spell back, I pulled my right pec benching. It was not bad, and in a day or so, completely unnoticeable. So, the following week, I was benching again. Got to my second to last set, and on the last rep, it felt like it yanked a couple inches over toward my sternum. I thought for sure it was torn. However, no bruising. But i have babied it since then. Light DB nench and incline bench, very light flies. First time I tried to bench again, it was 135 for 5, and it really felt like I should not do more. I have been eeking it up, but dont want to chance a tear.

                                  Glad your injury is moving in the right direction, Denjamin. Onward and upward.

                                  I'm the lyrical Jesse James

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