Mark Mitchell

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  • in reply to: secrets #24789
    Mark Mitchell

      Sorry if I trampled on anyone’s program.We all use some type of system.I adjust mine all of the time and have used elements of many different kinds of programs.My point was/is that there is no secret to getting stronger,putting up bigger lifts.It involves many factors including consistency in the gym,diet,sleep,mental well being,lifting progressively heavier weights.If we get roped into one system that others have capitalized on as the “Secret”,we are likely doomed to failure.

      in reply to: secrets #24801
      Mark Mitchell

        Scott is right about the “secrets” of getting stronger.I get so tired of hearing about conjugate this or 5-3-1 that.Sharing training programs is great but to discuss them at length as if they are the end all,the SECRET,is just ludicrous.Larry Pacifico once stated,’Everything Works and Nothing Works” meaning we all have to find a training regimen that fits each of us as individuals.Just put da__ weight on the bar and lift! I guess all-around lifting does not get much into this issue.This is out of powerlifting camps mainly.

        in reply to: Suit and tie #25230
        Mark Mitchell

          I am old!- and as for both funerals and judging meets,I think dressing in nice pants/jeans and collared shirt is appropriate.Remember,some individuals have little to no money for nice clothes.Should they be denied their right to pay last respects?Many,many times,I have been asked to judge at a meet at the last second and when I am competing,so I am not attired the most professionally.

          My dream plan for when it is time to go ashs to ashs and dust to dust,is to just dump mine in the nearest receptacle with no big to do made of my passing!! Of course,my family,if they are still around,might have something else to say about it!!

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