John McKean
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Thanks Al & ET ! Now Al, don’t go worrying about safety too much -the original idea occurred when I saw how the walking DB handle LOCKED into place when slid down to the thick end of the TAPERED Chinese long pole, in an effort to consolidate space during one of those rare clean-up days!Also gave me the idea that I could use the walking handle for any vacation or fishing trip -just find a thick ended STICK in the woods or driftwood piece on the beach, and I’d have a complete exercise system while away from home! (guess I could carry instead a 5# locking olympic collar just as easily for added safety? But your awesome walking handle just looks so cool & intimidating for these movements!!).
Though primarily an outdoor system, I may have,at first, put myself in serious danger; I was doing these carefully in our downstairs game room during the extreme cold months this year, in front of a newly installed, brand new, expensive picture window(still have to enjoy nature with any longer aerobic type activity!). Maybe why I performed SLOW, concisely controlled circles during the 20-35 reps of each exercise! For if I’d extended the DB end section into or through said glass, even hiding out/ sleeping in the Dino Gym for the next decade wouldn’t be safety enough from Marilyn’s wrath!!
Big T, Actually naked all-round lifting WOULD make more sense -except we at the Ambridge VFW have long had the fear that anyone who accidentally sees Art in the shower will instantly turn to stone!
I well remember one year back in the 60s that the AAU banned ALL wraps from powerlifting -we all did our best lifting that year, with no major injuries that I recall ;the sport seemed free & natural again! Of course,some claimed they needed “warmth” around the knee joint-once that was permitted it got real crazy ,real quick with supportive gear! Well, I can’t see that craziness happening with our group, but if an old guy like me,having endured major rehab periods from surgeries to EACH knee, and find no reason today for “warmth beyond warmup” (do some of our wrap whiners have NO circulation??!), then I can’t fathom why a new dressing ,that has not been employed for our 25 years, is needed now.
A very good job with the minutes! Can’t beat the clarity -almost as if we were there (minus the 2 1/2 hours!!!!). I especially enjoyed learning that the U.S. records will finally be onsight !
I lifted with Dave last year at Roger’s outdoor meet -he was a terrific guy, and cheered on everyone. A fantastic presser, who performed with such ease & style that I’m sure there’s much more in reserve for future meets/records!
I can’t ever remember saying that NO ONE over 55 can’t press well, just That I can’t!!
Al, Ya know, I may have been influenced early in my training by reading(and seeing photos) that Paul Anderson trained barefoot -even for his huge squats. And if memory serves, I believe at several of the exhibitions he gave around here that I attended, that he went “formal” and wore just socks! So possibly the only common “thread” between me and mighty Paul is socks!
Al, You sound just like my wife -she’s ALWAYS screaming at me for dirting socks when training in the garage gym!! But,hey, when you’re retired like me, sometimes getting socks on your feet is as far as you need to get on a winter’s day -summer I do go barefoot!! Besides I rushed downstairs the other evening to have Rob take this photo, and he was not in the mood to wait, after working all day, while I sought out proper footwear or attempted to pretty myself up (Rob would say “What’s the use? Ya can’t shine manure!!!”
I lke Thom’s idea, tho we have a rumor at the Ambridge VFW,when Art goes in to shower -if anyone is unfortuate enough to see him naked,they immediately turn to stone!
Seriously Denny has the right idea – everyone should wear a singlet & the same uniform.Personally I am more comfortable in a t shirt and shorts, but at meets the really serious competitors stand out,by their professional appearance.
An end of an era for sure! Man, I still can remember seeing him(as if it was yesterday!) do the first ever official C&J with 500# at that big meet in Columbus,Ohio!
Fortunately not many lifters (or anybody else) bothered to read that “truthseeker’s”(whoever he actually is) book of accusations and speculations! I found it boring & poorly written, in its pitiful attempt to discredit much of a very exciting era of American weightlifting. I feel it is a huge injustice to downplay the achievements of any legendary lifter based on the rantings of this insignificant, trivial piece of trash.
Tom,I think you sometimes get influenced by those grumpy old curmudgeons on the historical weightlifting sites, who delight in discrediting EVERY big lift of yesteryear,except,of course, their OWN lifts which were done in a garage,unseen by anyone! Sure lifting has always had more than its share of scams ,but I tend to go with the late ,great Peary Rader and give credit to what is witnessed by reasonable people.For that matter, some of the GREAT lifts & tremendous All-Rounders that I’ve seen in our USAWA and were properly judged for these records, will in the future probably be dissed completely by THAT group of historians!
As to Bruce Randall, my take on him from much reading and anecdotes through the years is that he was always sort of outside the mainstream of the iron game, and did things on his own, never caring whether people believed his strength feats or not.In the Iron Man story that he basically authored for Peary Rader’s approval he simply states “these are the lifts,sets and poundages I used, I don’t lay claim to anything.” In other words,no axe to grind at all, and very little ego involved.
Well, as a well known lifting slob, I certainly am inspired to clean up my act!! At this year’s Ambridge team championships a TIE will now be required(hmmm, if Art wears a tie ,it’ll drag on the floor -just like his knuckles do !!!).
Hi Tom, Well, back in the 50s the pioneers of really heavy training didn’t exactly follow or listen to “safety rules”, and became superhuman from their daring and innovation ! Neither did they have “proper” racks for these awesome lifts ,tho Bruce Randall trained in a big Marine base gym, which looked spartan & rugged from photos that I’ve seen! Not to mention,probably lots of strong spotters& handlers!
The story on Bruce was written by highly respected Peary Radar, mostly via direct quotes from Bruce. His training was confirmed by Marine Chief Petty Officer,Walter Metzler, who supervised all of Randall’s heavy training, right up to his heaviest bodyweight of 403.
Of course, in his “regular” training sessions, Bruce did 1/4 front squats (much more range yet than a “support” -think he was over 6’tall) with 1010 pounds for 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps. He claimed this exercise was terrific for adding thrust to his jerks and heavy push presses!!! I’ll bet!
Hey Al and guys, My story on big Bruce will be submitted this week! Yes, I got to meet him -he was “retired” then from competition, but in superb condition & giving health/lifting lectures for some barbell company -in his 40s,was in terrific shape & still with 20+ inch arms (and a waist line not much bigger!).During my research for this upcoming story, an amazing feat that Bruce did while as a SHW was a front squat “support” ( off standard squat racks,I believe,actually more range of movement than a hand-n-thigh or hip lift) with a staggering 2,100 pounds !!
Actually I have an article in the works,which should be posted later this week or next for this site, on Bruce Randall and his training! Like you, I started with A Billiard barbell and used the course authored by Bruce -you don’t by any chance still have that course? (or does anybody have one that I could buy?). I recently acquired Randall’s old BOOK on basic training -looks like a primer of all-round lifting!! I met him once or twice-absolutely amazing arms, easy to see where he curled 228 pounds and pressed 385 !