Scott Tully

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  • in reply to: Thanks #23934
    Scott Tully


      I want to apologize for not making it, I didnt get home from the airport in wichita until late, set my alarm for 5AM and slept right though it, on top I broke my phone on the way home, again Im sorry and you can have a free groin shot when you see me next, glad the comp went well.


      in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24036
      Scott Tully

        Picky, technical, we could probably add a few other, lol. Just kidding Tom. I have only known Denny in Glasses over the last 7-8 years and when I was looking at that pic before I got on the forum and saw Al was asking if we recognized any of them, could tell that Was him, also I knew Denny was competing in oly lifting at that time also. I have to be picky/technical in my job 10+ hours a day, probably my I am a mess outside of work.


        in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24043
        Scott Tully

          well Tom Ryan since your mr. technical, I was referring to the guy in glasses who looks like Denny.


          in reply to: Alexeev Photo #24052
          Scott Tully

            Is the Guy with glasses Denny? looks a slight bit like him.


            in reply to: The BLOB #24169
            Scott Tully

              Calling me a blob hurts my feelings, lol. Ben its kinda wierd as far as my grip strength, I’m ok with axles and some pinch stuff, but just ok at rolling thunder, and not that good on grippers at all. I was able to pick up the blobs the the first time I tried though, so my hand must fit the lift or something.


              in reply to: The Enforcer #24215
              Scott Tully

                haha, I knew that pic would haunt me, lol. and I hate to admit this its one of my favorite shirts, Ive even worn some holes in it.


                in reply to: Phantom of the anvil #24236
                Scott Tully

                  Thom do you know his name? if so what is it? and if not how are all these expoloits known, like who he is friends with, 7500 yard drop kicks, impregnating women with a single stare? reason I ask is that my dad is from that area, and grandpa would have played FB at Northeast around the same era. Also looking at his structure, he doesnt appear to be 6″6 but he looks like a big SOB for that era.


                  in reply to: Masterful DL article !! #24303
                  Scott Tully

                    by violent I mean all the motions the body goes through from start to finish, this term was actaully taken by me from listening to Dragomir Ciroslen(sp?). I also was a crasher when I oly lifted, lol. Jared is correct, everyone one of us has a different opinion, doenst make any of us right or wrong, we just have different opi’s. As far as starr being a expert, I think he knows alot of stuff about Wl’ing and Ill keep it there.


                    in reply to: Masterful DL article !! #24309
                    Scott Tully

                      100% agree, I have had back surgery and I was contemplating not Dling anymore, but have found by pulling heavy(for me) has helped strengthen my back to the point Im pulling bigger numbers that pre injury, my form is not as pretty as Al but has improved a ton since focusing on it, actually Wilbur Miller was the one to who told me if I wanted to rehab my back after I had surery I should DL, I agree with him 100%, he has been pulling impressive numbers for over 50 years and swears that the DL helped keep his back, which was severely injured when he was younger, strong and able to be active. The clean is a very violent movement and if not performed correctly can be very dangerous, as really any lift can be, but to say the DL is more dangerous than the clean? i will respectively disagree on that one, and I was a former oly lifter, albeit a crappy one, haha.


                      in reply to: Masterful DL article !! #24322
                      Scott Tully

                        I agree 100% on this article also Al, great job!!


                        in reply to: Things I hate…. #24355
                        Scott Tully

                          Mike, your post is one of the many reasons your one of my favorite lifters!!


                          in reply to: Things I hate…. #24395
                          Scott Tully

                            I compete because I love to compete, I would prefer to have someone to lift against, but in the end Im there to lift more than the last time I competed. In the last few years I have done Strongman, PL, all around, HG and NAHA, I lift in NASA because they put comps on here, and my training partners compete there, as far as USAWA goes I do it because I enjoy some of the lifts, and my friends compete in it, honestly I only really enjoy record days, because last year in one of the comps I almost doubled someones total and somehow placed behind them due to a idiotic formula, to get the best master the age correction is fine, to get the best overall lifter of a meet the age correction is BS, so all feds and strength sports have there issues, in strongman the strongest or best that day wins, no coeffiiciants, but also there is no testing so its not a 100% level playing field either.


                            in reply to: Dukum & Nationals #24396
                            Scott Tully

                              My brother told me he used to go there and got into it with one of his samoan teamates when they were playing at Northeast(he refuses to call it truman) apparently my brother kicked his buddy in the head full power, and the samoan laughed and told him to go finish his beer before he got hurt, lol. My brother was a pretty good ISKA kickboxer after college and a competitive BBer, and he said his teamates head didnt even turn. He also told me it was one of the smaller samoans on the team at 6 foot and 320, lol. Looks like a fun place, ill get my entry in Thom, its sitting on my desk.


                              in reply to: 350lb Axle Ciavattone Deadlift #24412
                              Scott Tully

                                Nice job Ben!!! Your the man!!


                                in reply to: Club Challenge #24606
                                Scott Tully

                                  good luck guys!!!!!


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