Scott Tully

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  • in reply to: Cambered Bar #24827
    Scott Tully


      I used a straight every week pretty much except the last one,that week is a free workout as it mostly a rest week, I do think I went to heavy in this and farmers picks maybe though that close to a comp, so I dont think that was it, I got rushed and made a bad choice at the comp, have been using wraps anything over 500, got rushed and just pulled my knee sleeves up, also I was set up screwey but had already got the squat command and didnt want to move my feet, I do think its a great tool, but if your going to squat in comps, you have to use a straight bar, one more area Im finding a issue with is I use a 8 foot long squat bar, and in comps they use a Tx powe bar which is 7 foot, and it jams me up, at some point I may look into starting to use one as the comps get closer. the injury was caused by changing something the day of the comp, and having been sicker than crap the few days before.

      in reply to: Cambered Bar #24831
      Scott Tully

        One area I have issues with in the squat is bending over too far, the cambered bar and band squats help with this alot, the cambered(offset, in complete agreement with al)bar really hits the core also. As soon as I can get back to squatting, hurt my knee saturday, I plan on adding these into the 3 week rotation, reg squats, band squats, offset bar squats.


        in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25027
        Scott Tully


          Im done freaking out, I rounded up 6 midgets and locked in my basement to beat up on every hour on the hour, so all is good on my front for now.


          in reply to: LEDAIG EXTRAVAGANZA CANCELLED! #25009
          Scott Tully

            dave if you reschedule let me know, Im in the Lou that weekend or I would have came out.


            in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25039
            Scott Tully

              I have set down, did my 12 step anger management course, punched about 40 holes in the wall and now Im Ok, Ill be there in June. Now I have to go and try to work on a logo for the supplement store Im opening, Im thinking about jsut stealing a bunch of otehr logos and changing them slightly, any tips on this? anyone? lol.


              in reply to: National Grip Championships #25063
              Scott Tully

                Yeah paused at top, need to put in some time on the grip lifts so that Durniat only beats me instead of completely embarrasing me, haha.


                in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25045
                Scott Tully

                  blah blah blah, Thom we did the team thing, you lost, get over it, and we did it with 3 guys who live within 2 hours of each other who train 1-2x per week together, how many times do you train with betz, and McKim, Im guessing its less than a handful of times a year. I tell you what have those 2 join you in the straight weight challenge next year, and then we wont have to sandbag it as much as this year. For the record I am going to Kimura you when I see you, but not on your mail throwing hand out of respect for my elder.


                  in reply to: National Grip Championships #25065
                  Scott Tully

                    I started off my training by pulling a pathetic 212 Vbar, and missing 232, got some work to do, haha.


                    in reply to: USAWA Nationals Entry is up!!! #25056
                    Scott Tully

                      Heck yeah, Im looking forward to this thom!!


                      in reply to: National Grip Championships #25067
                      Scott Tully

                        Im going to start adding in a lift or 2 a week on tuesdays to start getting ready for this.


                        in reply to: LEDAIG CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANSA #25183
                        Scott Tully

                          If I wasnt going to st louis that weekend I would be there.


                          in reply to: Gold Cup/Clark’s Gym #25131
                          Scott Tully

                            yeah he flew right from Boston, and will be back on saturday I think. so no updates unless you add some.


                            in reply to: Gold Cup/Clark’s Gym #25133
                            Scott Tully

                              Al is on his way to greece, are your results posted yet? by the way jsut dropped off a donation in the mail for the school thom, 125 records is awsome, I hated not making it, but I ended up in the hospital that friday night so was probbaly better I wasnt there.


                              in reply to: Lynch Formula Fair? #25177
                              Scott Tully

                                I liked it at least it was about something all around related, but hey I like the JWC site, uh I mean USAWA website, jsut kidding Thom, I think all formulas are BS, and that in the end we should decide who wins with a catch wrestling tournament, jsut saying…………


                                in reply to: Suit and tie #25219
                                Scott Tully

                                  I want to wear a old wife beater tank with USAWA written in Sharpie.


                                Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 119 total)