Thom Van Vleck

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  • in reply to: Ron and Roy #21776
    Thom Van Vleck

      What Eric said…hahaha.

      Roy goes way back, that guy was doing that stuff WAAAAY back.

      Thom Van Vleck
      Jackson Weightlifting Club
      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      in reply to: UNtrapT Bar Video #21788
      Thom Van Vleck

        Yeah, that’s the one….I didn’t dream that up! haha

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

        in reply to: UNtrapT Bar Video #21790
        Thom Van Vleck

          I have a trap bar and my beef is it’s so short AND that the sleeves are too short to put enough weight on. I know a longer one is made and I seem to recall one that looks similar to what you made on the internet (or maybe not, just seemed familiar). thanks!

          Thom Van Vleck
          Jackson Weightlifting Club
          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          in reply to: UNtrapT Bar Video #21792
          Thom Van Vleck

            What did it cost you to have that modified?

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

            in reply to: UntrapT Push Presses…. #21786
            Thom Van Vleck

              I had thought about presses with the trap bar….what advantages would you say this would have over a straight bar. Looks like it would simulate the DB press or even log press position. thanks for posting…always looking for new ideas!

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

              in reply to: The Dragster #21799
              Thom Van Vleck

                Jesse, I feel your pain. I have “one upped” Al on equipment only to have him either buy or make something better. If it makes you feel better, remind me to tell you how we got Al to buy an XL Green Egg just because he thought my brother bought one…he dropped well over a grand on it to “top” my brother when my brother didn’t even have one! Just shows the lengths Al will go to better you and we’ve all been on the receiving end. So, good luck with your modifications and it will be fun to see Al’s response…..and he WILL respond!

                Thom Van Vleck
                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                in reply to: The Dragster #21801
                Thom Van Vleck

                  Wow, Al, that’s way better than a prowler…anybody that owns a prowler should now feel inferior in your presence. Not naming names, but somebody whose name rhymes with Resse Robe.

                  Thom Van Vleck
                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                  in reply to: Lack of Blogs #21814
                  Thom Van Vleck

                    Al, I appreciate all you do. I don’t know that everyone realizes how much work you put into this. I have a simple website and it’s so much work I barely keep it update (well…right now it’s out of date). So thanks and keep up the good work and I’ll try and get you some stories now that my life is getting back to normal!

                    Thom Van Vleck
                    Jackson Weightlifting Club
                    Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                    in reply to: Postal Meet #21894
                    Thom Van Vleck

                      Dan….EPIC post!

                      Thom Van Vleck
                      Jackson Weightlifting Club
                      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                      in reply to: Dale #21816
                      Thom Van Vleck

                        One of the best “after meet gathering” I’ve ever enjoyed involved Dale at Al’s place. He was a good guy and Al, I think it’s great you’ve honored him in such a way.

                        Thom Van Vleck
                        Jackson Weightlifting Club
                        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                        in reply to: Joe Weider passes #21823
                        Thom Van Vleck

                          I am glad to read Dan’s message as I never met Joe and since I have a lot of respect for Dan I can take his word for it.

                          Joe was the consummate capitalist. So it’s good to know that while he made a lot of money doing what he did that he loved it, too. I got no problem with that….I just always wonder where Joe really stood on lifting and training and Dan answered that question.

                          I do find some irony that Hoffman (his biggest rival) wanted to live to be 100 and it ended up being Joe that came the closest! A\

                          As a side note, I called one of my Uncles and told him Joe had died (he has no connection to the lifting world other than me…but if you want to know what Tommy Kono Clean and Jerked in 1960 or what Alexeev pressed in 1971….Wayne would tell you. I told him Joe died and he said, “What….I thought he died a long time ago!” The guy sure was around a long time!

                          Thom Van Vleck
                          Jackson Weightlifting Club
                          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                          in reply to: Dale Friesz passes #21867
                          Thom Van Vleck

                            I would just like to say that Dale was Crazy…but he is my kind of crazy! What I mean by that is I’ve been lifting since 1977 and competing since 1979 and I have no plans on quitting….ever! I will lift up until the day God calls me home and I hope there’s a lifting platform there or in my book that won’t be heaven! Dale was a guy that never quit. Even when he was on his last leg…literally…the guy DID not quit. I know some folks would think that was crazy, but I think it took courage. I recall Michael J. Fox, after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s doing an interview. After he listed all his projects the reporter said, “shouldn’t someone like you be resting more” and he got mad and looked at her and said, “RESTING FOR WHAT…” He then went on to talk about how he knew he had limited time and he had things to do…well, Dale had things to do. Most guys would have rotted away in some retirement village…Dale had things to do and I respect that. The next time I am too tired, too sore, too something to workout I will think of the great length Dale went to lift and I’ll shut up and train a little harder. I remember reading a saying that went like this, “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways, totally worn out, shouting “Holy &hit, what a ride!” That was Dale and some day (hopefully in about another 30 or so years) it will be me! I am a Christian, I believe in heaven, and I see Dale young, strong, and working on his Clean and Jerk. One of my favorite lines for “Gladiator” is, “I will see you again…but not yet, not yet”.

                            Thom Van Vleck
                            Jackson Weightlifting Club
                            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                            in reply to: Congrats Chad #21903
                            Thom Van Vleck

                              What “exactly” did you have to do for Al…hahaha… but seriously, did you go thru and find all the meets you’ve officiated? I got to be gettin’ up there!

                              Thom Van Vleck
                              Jackson Weightlifting Club
                              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                              in reply to: The SL Deadlift Must Die #21857
                              Thom Van Vleck

                                My head hurts…..

                                I think I’ll go do some deadlifts. Don’t worry…regular deadlifts.

                                Thom Van Vleck
                                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                in reply to: Pining My Life Away #21919
                                Thom Van Vleck

                                  Dave, that’s a great story. I can relate in MANY ways…..but I think that delusion is important….I still think I’m gonna be somebody and it gets me in the gym and keeps me giving my all…..and you never know when you might get the call to come off the pine and into the game!!!!! Thanks, buddy, that article will fuel a great workout later today!!!!!

                                  Thom Van Vleck
                                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 715 total)