Thom Van Vleck

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  • in reply to: The PJ Roller has arrived #24358
    Thom Van Vleck

      I liked the “winning” reference at the end. That’s a great idea. I’m gonna make one of those for my gym.

      Thom Van Vleck
      Jackson Weightlifting Club
      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      in reply to: LARRY TRAUB #24376
      Thom Van Vleck

        And he’s obviously into charity work….he’s your friend..BWHAHAHAHAA

        I’ve got to meet Larry, he’s 1st class and if he’s OK in Dave’s book he’s OK in my book.

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

        in reply to: Dukum & Nationals #24392
        Thom Van Vleck

          Tully, Vae Mafuli played in Kirksville, he was a powerlifter and Pro strongman, I think he won a ADFPA Nationals back in the 90’s. There was a guy named Puni (spelling?) and then a third one. That was when I was going to school there.

          Vae was a gentle giant, but Puni got in some vicious fights while he was in town. I liked all three, but knew Vae the best. He was a monster of a man.

          My wife has her degree from NMSU and she hates the name change, too. It’s a totally different school. Not sure how I feel about it some days.

          Thom Van Vleck
          Jackson Weightlifting Club
          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          in reply to: Dukum & Nationals #24398
          Thom Van Vleck

            Thanks, guys. Al, actually where you are thinking about is just down a couple doors down at the old “Journal Printing Building”. That place is pretty cool as well. The “JPB” was a local print shop that also housed the local switch board upstairs for many years. The top floor was loaded with switch boards. A friend of mine’s mom (who is now in her 80’s) worked there for many years. The “JPB” is owned by the “Wooden Nickle” across the street from the Dukum which used to be the “Smoke Shop”. Ironically, the “Smoke shop” was better know as the local pool hall, with sawdust on the floors and everything. They did sell tobacco there, too….and liquour….and GUNS! haha. Gotta love that!

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

            in reply to: Dukum & Nationals #24402
            Thom Van Vleck

              I hope you guys will get your entries in for Nationals! This addition of the Dukum will make for a nice awards ceremony and banquet.

              Here’s a couple of side stories to the place. For one, it’s part of the location of the legendary “Dancing Chad” story that involves Chad Ullom. Second, this place used to be about a quarter it’s current size, but the owner has extended it while keeping it looking like the place is as old as it is. What’s really cool is that the tables and bar from the OLD bar that was there from decades ago was moved to the upstairs area where it’s now kind of a time warp back to the old days. You will feel like you stepped back in time in this place….I know I did when I saw that old bar and the 50’s style tables that were in there from when I was a kid……Not to mention they’ll have all your favorite beverages. Finally, the guy that owns this place is on the Chamber of Commerce and it’s because of him we got a small grant to help make this Nationals extra special. If he’s around, be sure and thank him. Thom

              Oh, one more thing. The place was the Dukum Inn, a funny play on words. There’s also the Dukum out (an outdoor patio area) and the Dukum up where we’ll have our private party. He even has a wheelchair….some of us might need that at the end of the day!!! haha

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

              in reply to: Dukum & Nationals #24403
              Thom Van Vleck

                I hope you guys will get your entries in for Nationals! This addition of the Dukum will make for a nice awards ceremony and banquet.

                Here’s a couple of side stories to the place. For one, it’s part of the location of the legendary “Dancing Chad” story that involves Chad Ullom. Second, this place used to be about a quarter it’s current size, but the owner has extended it while keeping it looking like the place is as old as it is. What’s really cool is that the tables and bar from the OLD bar that was there from decades ago was moved to the upstairs area where it’s now kind of a time warp back to the old days. You will feel like you stepped back in time in this place….I know I did when I saw that old bar and the 50’s style tables that were in there from when I was a kid……Not to mention they’ll have all your favorite beverages. Finally, the guy that owns this place is on the Chamber of Commerce and it’s because of him we got a small grant to help make this Nationals extra special. If he’s around, be sure and thank him. Thom

                Oh, one more thing. The place was the Dukum Inn, a funny play on words. There’s also the Dukum out (an outdoor patio area) and the Dukum up where we’ll have our private party. He even has a wheelchair….some of us might need that at the end of the day!!! haha

                Thom Van Vleck
                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                in reply to: Coda seemed pretty cool #24409
                Thom Van Vleck

                  I have an old RR tie that I cut out holes for hand holds and ran a bolt thru. I put the steel base plates and drove spikes into it to make it look more “authentic”….like it just came off the tracks, plus that added weight!

                  Thom Van Vleck
                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                  in reply to: Coda seemed pretty cool #24413
                  Thom Van Vleck

                    Thanks! A junkyard meet….hmmmmmmm….sounds interesting.

                    Thom Van Vleck
                    Jackson Weightlifting Club
                    Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                    in reply to: 350lb Axle Ciavattone Deadlift #24418
                    Thom Van Vleck

                      Great job, Ben! Always feels good to come back from an injury!

                      Thom Van Vleck
                      Jackson Weightlifting Club
                      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                      in reply to: Thom’s Highland Games #24417
                      Thom Van Vleck

                        Ben…and anyone else. I have actually gotten MORE donations since then! My plan is to go to the Warrensburg Games and present them with these new donations so anyone that wants to send me a check to give them you can make it out to Kelly Burchett or if you want it to be anonymous, I will also have an envelope of cash so if you send me a check I’ll cash it and put the cash in the envelope. My address is:

                        Thom Van Vleck
                        23958 Morgan Road
                        Greentop, MO 63546

                        Thanks again to everyone involved. Makes me proud to be a part of this sport!

                        Thom Van Vleck
                        Jackson Weightlifting Club
                        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                        in reply to: Thom’s Highland Games #24423
                        Thom Van Vleck

                          Thanks, Al, you are a great friend.

                          Daryl Burchett has been a top Masters Highland Games athlete for years in the midwest. I have probably went head to head with him more than anyone else. In the process of competition you either become closer, or farther apart…it never stays the same. With Daryl and me, we became the best of friends. I admired him, he was a man of God, a father to 8 kids, and a husband to his lovely wife, Kelly. Daryl is also 6’5″ tall, strong, a great athlete on the field. But I was more impressed with who he was off the field to be honest. For that reason, when he fell ill with cancer, I felt compelled to do something. One of the things we did was we decided to have a Highland Games and make it a fundraiser. I was hoping to raise a couple hundred bucks….and we raised 1245. I was, and still am, stunned at the giving. We also got to present the family with a framed tartan that is now on the official registry of tartans for kilts of the Brain Cancer society. Kilts made with this Tartan will have a portion donated to research. The Tartan itself is symbolic on every color and pattern. Robert Henderson came up with this and asked for the honor of unveiling this project at my games…..I was honored by that.

                          I got to admit, seeing Emily, Isaac, and Nathan in front of me as we presented this stuff made me think of my own kids. Almost lost it, but sucked it up and went on with the presentation. That day was about more than the lifting and throwing (we did some postal meet lifting, too!), it was about the brotherhood and sisterhood of sports. Made me proud to be a part of it and to be real honest with you, I credit Christ for this as He’s the one I prayed to about all this and my faith is what made it happen, not me. I will emphatically state that. Many amazing lifts and throws that day, but that was only the icing on the cake. I want to thank EVERYONE that came and everyone that donated…and it’s not too late, we are heading down for the Warrensburg Games and I got a couple of late donations that came so I’ll give it when we go down then!

                          Thom Van Vleck
                          Jackson Weightlifting Club
                          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                          in reply to: Congrats Dave!!! #24435
                          Thom Van Vleck

                            Dave, that was a GREAT story. It is funny how folks swing a sledge “for exercise”. I’m sure my Great Granddad, who swung a sledge driving RR spikes for the CB&Q (and I have his sledge!) would laugh about that!

                            It also makes me more curious about my other Great Granddad who worked the Oil fields in Oklahoma. He had 6 sons and the story goes that he worked his boys so hard that my grandfather left and never came back! This was my Dad’s dad and not Dalton Jackson of JWC fame (he would never walk away from hard work that paid good).

                            Thom Van Vleck
                            Jackson Weightlifting Club
                            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                            in reply to: More Grip Strength Loonieness!! #24457
                            Thom Van Vleck

                              Al, when I used to get set up on dates they would tell the girl I had a GREAT PERSONALITY and a SENSE OF HUMOR.

                              I’m like a good gin & tonic….the more of me you get, the better looking I become!

                              Thom Van Vleck
                              Jackson Weightlifting Club
                              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                              in reply to: Scott Schmidt #24441
                              Thom Van Vleck

                                For the record……I have NO IDEA what Al’s talking about regarding underwear. I thought it was a nice touch when I got a package in the mail and opened it and it was underwear. My wife is really wondering if we are lifting weights when I come out!!!!!

                                ….and I know who your judge is now and I know who to pay off!!!!!

                                Thom Van Vleck
                                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                in reply to: writing contest! #24497
                                Thom Van Vleck

                                  Al, I try to read everything your write…it’s just when I get to the word “rules” my mind goes blank, my eyes glaze over, and I start inserting my own rules……

                                  Thom Van Vleck
                                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 715 total)