Thom Van Vleck

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  • in reply to: Suit and tie #25223
    Thom Van Vleck

      That’s a GREAT idea. Because even if you are lifting, you could slip on your USAWA shirt and judge and then slip back out of it and lift. Kinda like SUPERMAN!

      Thom Van Vleck
      Jackson Weightlifting Club
      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      in reply to: NEWS FLASH: IAWA World’s #25237
      Thom Van Vleck

        Chad, you have to ask yourself which is more believeable….me being sore about the whipping I got….or Al making up nicknames for you! hahaha

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

        in reply to: NEWS FLASH: IAWA World’s #25239
        Thom Van Vleck

          Hey, Chad, “Champ” is better than the other nickname Al uses for you when you aren’t around! HAHA

          Thom Van Vleck
          Jackson Weightlifting Club
          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          in reply to: IAWA Write up #25213
          Thom Van Vleck

            Yeah, you guys say you won’t tell them…..and then Al breaks out the gin and tonics and Chad turns into a chatter box and then Al “fills in the gaps”….I’m looking forward to it!!!

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

            in reply to: Suit and tie #25228
            Thom Van Vleck

              I would like to point out that we were dirt poor when I was a kid, I got one pair of shoes and three changes of clothes every year when school started and we lived for a time in a house with an outhouse. We were invited to a wedding one time and I was growing like a weed and borrowed some shoes two sizes too big and pants that were 2″ short of my ankles…well, it wasn’t pretty. I remember getting a dirty look at the fancy Church we went to. I KNOW when someone is trying and thats all I can ask, but when you see some kid with his $50 t shirt and $100 jeans sagging around his knees and his rapper hat sideways then I got issues. People thumb their noses in different ways but when it happens, generally I know it.

              I really don’t make a big deal about things, just curious what other guys thought.

              Thom Van Vleck
              Jackson Weightlifting Club
              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

              in reply to: Suit and tie #25233
              Thom Van Vleck

                I agree if that’s “normal” attire. Clean jeans, etc, heck, even if it’s biker church (and yes, we did a strongman show at biker church one time and all of them were dressed like hells angels!!!). But if I go to a Church where everyone dresses up or has a dress code, then I’m gonna respect that.

                I also don’t think a suit and tie is necessary for a judge, but looking like you know what you are doing is a plus. I recall working at a powerlifting meet and we were all required (staff) to wear gym shirts that had “staff” on them. Gave the whole meet a solid feel like there was something big going on.

                I’m not gonna nit pick, just curious where people stand on the issue. I just wonder some times if, as a society, we aren’t dumbing down every thing to the point where nobody cares.

                …oh, and at my Church, I wear a suit and tie when I’m part of the service (duty elder, usher, reader) and if I’m not, I just dress clean and while we typical have a lot of suits on Sunday, we’ve NEVER turned anyone away by how they dressed.

                Thom Van Vleck
                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                in reply to: Suit and tie #25235
                Thom Van Vleck

                  Eric, that’s a good point on the strongman deal, I’ve been a judge/loader/spotter/cheering section/scorekeeper/announcer before and when you wear one hat that would be nice if you were dressed up and another hat that requires you to get down and dirty….well, I’m dressing for the dirty job first.

                  Thom Van Vleck
                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                  in reply to: NEWS FLASH: IAWA World’s #25248
                  Thom Van Vleck

                    Well, I would say he did no better than 2nd…..HAHAHA.

                    This really is quite epic, Chad taking it to Al! I can’t wait to hear the details. They are probably at a “spa” today after the pub crawl last night in Dublin!

                    Thom Van Vleck
                    Jackson Weightlifting Club
                    Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                    in reply to: NEWS FLASH: IAWA World’s #25250
                    Thom Van Vleck

                      Well, well, well…..the student has become the MASTER!!!!!!

                      Thom Van Vleck
                      Jackson Weightlifting Club
                      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                      in reply to: Ready for Worlds #25263
                      Thom Van Vleck

                        What I do know is that they are doing a “pub crawl” in Dublin tonight and since they are 6 hours ahead of us over there they may already be on their way around town….I’m sure a good story will come out of that know what a lightweight Chad is….hahahaha.

                        I have been checking the IAWA website, but nothing on there yet.

                        Thom Van Vleck
                        Jackson Weightlifting Club
                        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                        in reply to: Seriously? #25323
                        Thom Van Vleck

                          I’m innocent! I tell you I was framed! I’m not smart enough to do that. Say, did you notice that Chad was trying to bait you into responding? Whats up with that?

                          Thom Van Vleck
                          Jackson Weightlifting Club
                          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                          in reply to: Seriously? #25325
                          Thom Van Vleck

                            Hey, let’s not forget it was Al that named you “li’l t” so let’s keep the focus on HIM!!!!!!!!

                            Thom Van Vleck
                            Jackson Weightlifting Club
                            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                            in reply to: Clark’s Gym Newsletter #25258
                            Thom Van Vleck

                              Well, I guess Mr. Ryan rates it and not me! haha

                              Bill has 6 new members! That’s great. If I lived down there I workout there just to use the York Globe DB’s he has!haha

                              Thom Van Vleck
                              Jackson Weightlifting Club
                              Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                              in reply to: Seriously? #25327
                              Thom Van Vleck

                                Gee, Al, I knew what he was talking about. Get with the program! All the Railroaders nickname each other that way.

                                This would also explain why they all call Tedd “Caboose” because he’s always last. HAHAHAHHAHAHHHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHAHHA

                                Thom Van Vleck
                                Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                in reply to: Clark’s Gym Newsletter #25260
                                Thom Van Vleck

                                  Yeah, I really put a lot of work into that newsletter. The postage was what was killing me, then Al came up with the USAWA website and I started writing for him (I think I am approaching 100 stories!!!!).

                                  Thanks for putting my newsletter in the same category as Bill’s Newsletter and MILO as good reading. That makes me feel like I’m in good company!

                                  I also feel your pain on MILO…..I imagine that is pretty expensive to publish. I’m probably going to sound like a “company man” here but there’s a local group here in Kirksville that publishes “Drag Illustrated”. They have an office downtown and everything. This is a typical magazine with 1001 advertisements in every issue. We were talking as I was helping out a little with some writing, and I showed him my MILO and he said he could not understand how anyone could make any money with a magazine that had no advertisements in it and that if he had that much material he could put out 12 issues a year, just spreading it out and filling with ads. I still cringe when I make out a check and I used to buy people an issue as a gift if there was something in there I thought they would like….now I just tell them and they can buy it themselves! haha

                                  Thom Van Vleck
                                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                                Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 715 total)