Goddard Postal LEG 2
by Al Myers
Our IAWA President Steve Gardner has just announced this years IAWA World Postal Meet. Steve is always “changing things up” to make these postal meets interesting, and this year is no exception. It will be contested in two LEGS, with the results of both added together to make the final standings. This Postal Meet is in rememberance of English lifter Andy Goddard, who passed away a few years ago. I had the great fortune of being able to meet and compete with Andy, and he was a person of utmost character. He had a great passion for all-round weightlifting, and I’m sure he would have been pleased to see this postal meet being contested under his name. I commend Steve for keeping Andy’s spirit alive with naming this meet after him.
Now for the “twists” of this postal meet. The first thing is that it is a TEAM COMPETITION with two lifters making up a team. So get one of your training partners to join you. Any combination of lifters is allowed – between open, masters, junior or women. The deadline for the first leg is the end of April, and the deadline for the second leg is the end of July. Result must be submitted to Steve shortly after these deadlines. He did not set a deadline for submissions, but please be respectful and get them in as soon as possible. Results are to be emailed to him directly. Results can be turned in recorded in pounds or kilograms, but make sure to indicate which on the scoresheet. If for some reason a team can not “stay together” for both legs, it is acceptable to change teammates for the second leg. But if this is done, you will be scored ONLY for the leg you did together. You can not “make up” the prior leg, or get a stronger lifter for the next lifts in question. All the lifts for the leg MUST BE DONE ON THE SAME DAY. You cannot do just one lift per day! Also, since this is an IAWA event, 3 Certified Offiicals must be used to judge the lifts instead of the customary minimum of one as required by the USAWA. The officials names must be recorded on the scoresheet. The best way to do this is to have them sign the result sheet, and then scan the document to send to Steve so their signatures will be recorded as well.
The World Postal Meet gives everyone the opportunity to compete against lifters in other countries without having to travel. The lifts can be done in your own gym, so there is not really any reason not to support this Postal Meet. Now for the lifts for LEG TWO:
Steinborn (Steinborn Lift)
One Hand Clean & Jerk (Clean and Jerk – One Arm)
Zercher (Zercher Lift)