Goerner Deadlift
by Al Myers
The Goerner Deadlift has been rescheduled!!! Bill Clark has sent me a letter giving me permission to reschedule the Goerner Deadlift Dozen plus One at the Dino Gym sometime this month. The problem is that the month of December is getting away from us!! I want to keep the annual tradition of the Goerner Deadlift alive, but we are out of weekends in December. On the weekend of the 18th, Dave is having his record day and then after that we are into the holidays. So after mulling it over trying to find a date for it, I have come to the conclusion that only one day is workable – December 14th. I plan to hold the Goerner Deadlift in conjunction with the Tuesday Night workout at the Dino Gym!!
Goerner Deadlift Dozen plus One
Time: Tuesday Night, December 14th, 5:00 PM
Location: Dino Gym
Entry: No entry fee or entry form, but you MUST notify me ahead of time if you plan to attend