By Eric Todd



Well, another Heavy Lift is in the books, and a fine championship it was.  The weather could not have been nicer, nor the lifting more impressive.  We had eight lifters, which is a pretty good turnout for this meet, a loader/scorekeeper, and even some dedicated spectators.  We had a diverse array of competitors.  We had greenhorn heavylifters  as well as veterans (Dave Hahn said he had been doing all-round lifting since the 60s).  Bodyweights ranged from 150 to over double that.  Ages from 39 to 81.  And every single lifter left their soul on that platform.

2018 Heavy Lift Championship

We started with the neck lift.  You can imagine my surprise when my neck harness, which is made for my gargantuan gulliver, was a tad tight for a couple of the lifters (I shall not name names).  At any rate, the lifting wents on, and at the end of, half the field had set records.  Dean Ross, Denny Habecker, Dave Hahn, and Greg Cook all had set records in their respective age/weight category in this discipline.

John Strangeway executing the neck lift in pristine fashion

Next, the lifters competed in the hand and thigh.  In this discipline, six out of the eight lifters bested the previous record in their age/weight category.  Each of the lifters who broke a neck lift record also did the same in the hand and thigh.  They were joined this time around by John Douglas and myself.

Dave Hahn executing the hand and thigh at 81 years old.

The third and final event of the day was the hip lift.  This is the event in which the most weight would be lifted.  In this one, five out of the eight broke records.  Dean, Dave, and Denny (Commonly referred to as Triple D) went three for three on the day.  John Douglas and myself again were tagging along.

John Douglas Hip Lift

Heavy Lift Championship Results:

Date: May 5, 208

Where: ET’s House of Iron and Stone, Turney, MO

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Officials, Lance Foster, Denny Habecker, Eric Todd (The one official system was used for the lifts)

Loader: Chris Todd

Score Keeper: Chris Todd

Photographer: Dave Dibella

Lifter Weight Class Age Neck lift Hand and Thigh Hip Lift Total Ajd Age Adj Place
Eric Todd 258 120 43 900 1360 2280 4540 3542.108 3683.79 1
Dave Hahn 150 70 81 400 550 900 1850 1966.92 2793.03 2
John Strangeway 214 100 39 560 1000 1450 3010 2587.697 2587.697 3
Greg Cook 259 120 60 500 850 1225 2575 2005.41 2426.55 4
Denny Habecker 195 90 75 210 650 800 1660 1503.296 2044.48 5
John Douglas 323                           125+ 54 0 920 1350 2270 1590.589 1829.18 6
Dean Ross 242 110 75 210 610 670 1490 1200.791 1633.08 7
Lance Foster 329 125+ 52 360 500 900 1760 1222.848 1381.82 8
Extra attempts for record Lifter Weight
Hand and Thigh Greg Cook 1000
Hand and Thigh John Douglas 1000
Teeth Lift Eric Todd 260