Heavy Lift Championship

Dave DeForest executes a Hip lift at last year's championship event

Dave DeForest executes a Hip lift at last year’s championship event

By Eric Todd

Meet Announcement

Well, I did what I could to find a venue for this out East to no avail.  So, the Heavy Lift Championship will again be held at ET’s house of iron and stone in Turney, Missouri.  If someone else wants to host next year, please reach out to me. This will be the fourth time we have hosted this event.  We have had a pretty good turnout the other times we have hosted, and hope to have a good turnout this year.  I know the turnaround for the meet has not been a tremendous amount of time, but we did the fall meet last year just to be sure we got the meet in for 2021 with the covid shutdown, but want to get it back into the rotation in May.

Joe Ciavattone Jr. in action with the Hand and Thigh at a past USWA Heavy Lift Champinships.

Joe Ciavattone Jr. in action with the Hand and Thigh at a past USWA Heavy Lift Champinships.

We will provide bottled water and lunch.  The outhouse got turned over in a windstorm, but we will have it upright by meet time.  We have plenty of iron for some big lifting.  If you have special needs in the way of a neck harness or hip belt, please bring your own.  Otherwise, you can use mine.  I expect some veterans to come out and vie for the title, and we would love to have some newcomers that we can get interested in the heavy lifts.  You will deal in weight you have never lifted before.  No pressure, but I have my sites on a couple young lifters from Clark’s gym to come make their mark on this championship.  So, people make sure your memberships are in order and get your entries into this meet.  Should be a blast!

Date: May 7, 2022

Place: ET’s House of Iron and Stone

Events: Neck Lift, Hand and Thigh, Hip Lift

Awards: Yes

Current USAWA membership for the 2022 year is required of all participants.  This will be a drug tested event.

Heavy Lift-Entry