Heavy Lift Championship Update
By Eric Todd

Barry Bryan executing a hip lift
The entry deadline for the Heavy Lift Championship has come and gone. The work has been put in. Time to reap what we have sown and enjoy a great day of lifting. I expect to see some big numbers. Here are the confirmed lifters:
Dean Ross
Lance Foster
Dave Hahn
Eric Todd
Greg Cook
John Douglas
John Strangeway
Denny Habecker
Nice turnout for this championship. I know we are over a week out, but at this point it looks like the weather should be nice. Couple reminders:
- This is a drug tested event. Any lifter who competes has the possibility of being tested for elevated testosterone.
- USAWA dress code will be enforced. It should be nice, but could start off a little cool. Please be prepared to lift in shirt and shorts or a singlet. Official dress code can be found in the USAWA rule book here: RULEBOOK
- The restroom is either an outhouse or tall weeds. If that does not suit you, you might hit up the pot at the local filling station before coming out here
- From the North: Take I-35 going south. After you pass by Cameron, take exit 48 which is the Lawson/Cameron exit to HWY 69. Take a left onto 69. Take it 3 or 4 miles take a left onto 292, which is a gravel road. Take it a mile or maybe less to the first right, Deer Creek. Deer Creek winds around a bit, but take it about a mile to the first left, 286th. Take it about a mile to the third house on the right. We will be lifting in the big tin can.
- From the South: Take I-35 going north. Take exit 40 to HWY 116. This is the Lathrop/Polo exit. Take a right on 116. Take it about 2 miles until you get to 69 HWY. Take a left. Go about 4 miles north on 69 and take a right on 280th. After about a mile take the first left onto Deer Creek. Take it about a mile going north and take the first right onto 286th. Take it about a mile to the third house on the right. We will be lifting in the big tin can.
- If you follow these directions and get lost, by all means, call me. If you try plugging my address into GPS and get lost, you are on your own.
Weigh ins officially start at 9:30, but I will be out there before that if you want to weigh in a few minutes early. I will probably be out there between 8:30 and 9:00. If I am not there yet come on into the tin can and make yourself at home. You will have to wait on me. We will start the rules meeting directly at 10:00, and lifting at 10:30. During the rules, I will be happy to outline some suggestions on heavy lifting for some of you that are new to this. We have very cool award platters for the top 3 by formula, and championship medals for all lifters. Looking forward to another great championship event at the House of Iron and Stone!