Heavy Lift Championships
By Al Myers

This picture of Frank doing a heavy Harness Lift hangs on the wall of Frank’s Barbell Club. I took a picture of it the last time I was at his gym because it answers a basic question. What do you do when you lift so much the bar isn’t big enough? Well – you tape on more!!!
The Heavy Lift Championships are heading back to Boston! And what better place than the home of the Super Bowl Champs New England Patriots! (had to throw that in for you Rocky! haha) The meet has just been sanctioned for May 13th, 2017. The co-meet promoters for this Championships are Mark Raymond and Rocky Morrison. The Walpole area of Boston has always been a “hotbed” of heavy lifting with the chain lifts. The meet will be held at Frank’s Barbell Club. Frank is legendary as a heavy lifter and has all the equipment needed. Frank has promoted several Heavy Lift Championships through the years (2013, 2005, 2002, 1999, 1998 ). Frank has also won the OVERALL BEST LIFTER at 5 of these Championships (2005, 2004, 2002, 1999, & 1998). That’s a heavy resume! I was at Frank’s last promotion of the Heavy Lift Championships in 2013. It was an unbelievable event. I know Mark and Rocky will put on an event that will be just as good. I noticed from the entry form and announcement that there will be a backyard cookout afterwards. That alone is worth going for!
The deadline for entry is April 22nd. Please get your entry in on time so they know how many lifters to plan for.