By Eric Todd
How many All-round meets can say that they have had their own photographer. But this Saturday past, the Heavy lift unexpectedly had just that! Dave Hahn brought his entourage, including his son in law David DiBella who served in that capacity for us all day, then promptly sent the file for me to use. For all his efforts, I felt I would be remiss in not sharing it with the USAWA membership. Below are a selection of photos taken throughout the day:

Dean Ross Perfoming the neck lift

Dave Hahn performs the neck lift

His majesty, the honorable president, Denny Habecker executes a neck lift

I believe this is the best neck lift I was actually successful with

Greg Cook performs the neck lift in his first Heavy Lift Championship

Lance Foster also completing a neck lift.

“Scottish Johnny” Strangeway executes perfect form in his neck lift attempt.

Dave Hahn with a 550 Hand and Thigh

President Denny with a 650 Hand and Thigh

Dean Ross pulling a Hand and Thigh

Greg Cook hit some record numbers in the Hand and Thigh

My best Hand and Thigh

John Douglas gets some great clearance on the Hand and Thigh

John Strangeway again showing the form of a veteran in his first Heavy Lift Championship

Lance Foster preparing to strain against a big Hand and Thigh

Dean Ross showing perfect form in the hip lift

Denny Habecker Hip Lifting

Dave Hahn preparing to move big weight

Me preparing for the top lift of the meet

Greg Cook hip lifting

John Douglas Hip Lifting

Lance Foster Hip Lifting

John Strangeway with a big hip lift

Group Photo from the Heavy Lift

Lance Foster receiving his 8th place Championship medal from Chris Todd (AKA Leroy)

Dean Ross in seventh

John Douglas in sixth

Denny in 5th

Greg in 4th

The top 3 received a championship medal and award platter. Here is Scottish Johnny in third.

Dave Hahn with runner-up honors at 81 years old.

Me winning my 4th heavy lift championship.
Again, a huge thank you to David Dibella for spending his day with us and sharing his gift.