Past USAWA Awards

Each year the USAWA  nominates and selects individuals for special awards.  These awards are given on behalf of the USAWA for outstanding merit in several categories. Below is a listing of past award winners.

2024 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Abe Smith Beth Skwarecki
Leadership Award Clint Poore Eric Todd
Sportsmanship Award Sanjiv Gupta Leroy Todd
Courage Award
Newcomer Award Jeff Wenzel Chip Hultquist
Club of the Year Clark’s Gym

2023 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Abe Smith Elizabeth Skwarecki
Leadership Award Eric Todd Bill Clark
Sportsmanship Award Lance Foster Dave DeForest
Courage Award Randy Smith Joe Garcia
Newcomer Award Nick Frieders Tony Lupo
Club of the Year Habecker’s Gym KCSTRONGMAN

2022 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Abe Smith Elizabeth Skwarecki
Leadership Award Denny Habecker Eric Todd
Sportsmanship Award Lance Foster Chris Todd
Courage Award Dean Ross Joe Garcia
Newcomer Award Clint Poore Everett Todd
Club of the Year Clark’s Gym KCSTRONGMAN

2021 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Johnny Strangeway Elizabeth Zkwarecki
Leadership Award Eric Todd Denny Habecker
Sportsmanship Award Lance Foster Christopher Lestan
Courage Award Frank Ciavattone Bill Clark
Newcomer Award Phoebe Todd Leroy Todd
Club of the Year Dino Gym Franks Barbell Club

* Awards were not presented during 2019-20 due to COVID and the lack of a National Championships & Annual Meeting * 

2018 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Eric Todd Al Myers
Leadership Award Al Myers & Denny Habecker —–
Sportsmanship Award Lance Foster LaVerne Myers
Courage Award Frank Ciavattone & Dennis Mitchell —–
Newcomer Award John Strangeway Brandon Rein
Club of the Year Franks Barbell Club Habecker’s Gym

Howard Prechtel Contribution Award – Denny & Judy Habecker (Presented by Al Myers)

2017 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Al Myers Eric Todd
Leadership Award Denny Habecker Al Myers
Sportsmanship Award Dean Ross LaVerne Myers
Courage Award Frank Ciavattone Dennis Mitchell
Newcomer Award John Douglas Greg Cook
Club of the Year Dino Gym Schmidt Barbell Club

2016 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Al Myers Eric Todd
Leadership Award Frank Ciavattone Denny Habecker
Sportsmanship Award Dean Ross LaVerne Myers
Courage Award Rocky Morrison Art Montini
Newcomer Award Kim Lydon Mark Raymond
Club of the Year Franks Barbell Club Habeckers Gym

Howard Prechtel Contribution Award – Al Myers (Presented by Frank Ciavattone)

2015 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Denny Habecker Dean Ross
Leadership Award Al Myers Denny Habecker
Sportsmanship Award Frank Ciavattone Art Montini
Courage Award Denny Habecker Chad Ullom
Newcomer Award Emily Burchett Matt Hancock
Club of the Year Dino Gym Habecker’s Gym

Howard Prechtel Contribution Award – Frank Ciavattone (Presented by Bob Geib, in memory of Howard Prechtel)

2014 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Chad Ullom Eric Todd
Leadership Award Al Myers Denny Habecker
Sportsmanship Award Frank Ciavattone Dave Glasgow
Courage Award Art Montini Dick Durante
Newcomer Award Steve Santangelo Jeff Ciavattone
Club of the Year Frank’s Barbell Club Ledaig Athletic Club

2013 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Al Myers Eric Todd
Leadership Award Denny Habecker Thom Van Vleck
Sportsmanship Award Dennis Mitchell Dave Glasgow
Courage Award Dean Ross Art Montini
Newcomer Award Mike McIntyre Logan Kressly
Club of the Year Dino Gym Habecker’s Gym

2012 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Chad Ullom Dan Wagman
Leadership Award Al Myers Denny Habecker
Sportsmanship Award Dave Glasgow Lance Foster
Courage Award Dale Friesz Art Montini
Newcomer Award Ruth Jackson James Fuller
Club of the Year Ledaig Athletic Club Salvation Army Gym

2011 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Al Myers Larry Traub
Leadership Award Thom Van Vleck Denny Habecker
Sportsmanship Award Mike Murdock Art Montini
Courage Award Dale Friesz Dave Glasgow
Newcomer Award Dean Ross LaVerne Myers
Club of the Year Dino Gym Ledaig Athletic Club

2010 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Chad Ullom Al Myers
Leadership Award Al Myers Thom Van Vleck
Sportsmanship Award Rudy Bletscher Mike Murdock
Courage Award Dale Friesz none
Newcomer Award Larry Traub none
Club of the Year Habecker’s Gym Ambridge BBC

2009 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Al Myers Chad Ullom
Leadership Award Bill Clark Al Myers
Sportsmanship Award Denny Habecker Art Montini
Courage Award Dale Friesz Frank Ciavattone
Newcomer Award Dave Glasgow Kohl Hess
Club of the Year Dino Gym Ambridge BBC


Howard Prechtel
Noi Phumachiano
Bill Clark
John Vernachio
Denny Haybecker
Dennis Mitchell
Dale Friez
Rex Monahan
Al Myers (2019)
Eric Todd (2022)
Steve Gardner (2019)
Karen Gardner (2019)