Hoghton Barbell Club Victorious!
by Al Myers

Mark Haydock, the leader of the Hoghton Barbell Club, performing a 272.5 kg Squat at the 2012 IAWA Gold Cup in Glasgow, Scotland. Spotters include Chad Ullom (left), Alex Rigbye (center), and Steve Angell (right).
The Dino Gym was issued a challenge from the Hoghton Barbell Club of Preston, England in last weekend’s Dino Gym Challenge. Well, the results are in and have been tabulated and the Hoghton Barbell Club has came out victorious! Congratulations to the Hoghton Barbell Club! This “challenge” was mentioned several times on Saturday and I’m sure it pushed the Dino Gym members to greater lifting numbers. I’m very proud of the Dino Crew and their lifting in the Dino Gym Challenge, however, it just wasn’t quite enough to overcome the powerful Hoghton club. The finish was pretty close though: 1. Hoghton BB Club 4287.7 points, 2. Dino Gym 4126.3 points. The only “consolation prize” the Dino Gym got was that in total pounds lifted the Dino Gym had 5237 pounds to Hoghton’s 4961 pounds.
It was agreed beforehand that the points of the top three performers of each club would be added together to form the TEAM SCORE. The Hoghton Club consisted of Josh Haydock, Alex Rigbye, and Mark Haydock. The scoring members of the Dino Gym were Alan English, Scott Campbell, and Mark Mitchell. Other Dino Gym members that competed in the Challenge were Darren Barnhart, Scott Tully, Dean Ross, Ben Edwards, and Chuck Cookson.
The leader of Hoghton Barbell Club, Mark Haydock, sent this note to me when he sent me his club’s results:
A brief report on todays lifts, the squat went really well, all three of us hit personal best lifts I was 6kg up on training, Josh was 30kg up, and Alex was 90kg up!! The press was a bit of a damp squid and we didn’t really feel it was much different to a normal bench press. Josh and Alex were slightly up on the deadlift poundages and finished their days lifting with a smile on their faces, but with sore bodies! I only took 2 deadlift attempts, both were very strong pulls but I am currently nursing a strained finger injury and my grip is compromised at the moment, I made both lifts with a double overhand hook grip. We will be waiting with baited breath to see how we drop into the total set of results… Thanks Mark H
I think it is worth pointing out that Mark Haydock performed a 917 pound Anderson Squat! That’s a big lift!!!! Again, congrats to the Hoghton Barbell Club for winning this challenge. The next time I see ya Mark, I’ll have those Dino Gym T-shirts to “pay up” the bet!!!!!
Lifts: Anderson Squat, Hackenschmidt Floor Press, Peoples Deadlift
1. Hoghton Barbell Club – 4287.7 points
Josh Haydock | 22 | 80.0kg | 642 | 264 | 440 | 1346 | 1293.8 |
Alex Rigbye | 24 | 92.0kg | 751 | 313 | 610 | 1674 | 1484.2 |
Mark Haydock | 37 | 118.0kg | 917 | 341 | 683 | 1941 | 1509.7 |
2. Dino Gym – 4126.3 points
Mark Mitchell | 52 | 316# | 672 | 365 | 624 | 1661 | 1329.4 |
Scott Campbell | 38 | 287# | 881 | 325 | 654 | 1860 | 1378.8 |
Alan English | 29 | 231# | 694 | 320 | 702 | 1716 | 1418.1 |
NOTES: BWT is bodyweight. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.