Promoter: Stevie Shanks and Steve Gardner
Email: stevieshanks45@gmail.com Tel No: 07818455573
Email: stevegardneruk@gmail.com Tel No: 07960960509
Sanctioned By: International All-Round Weightlifting Association (IAWA).
All participants MUST be members of an affiliated organisation.
(This will be a Drug Tested Event)
Entry Fee: £35 – See Entry Form (below) for bank details and Closing Date.
Venue: The Main Hall (Auditorium) -Resurgence training facility
3A Wenlock Rd. Lurgan, Co Armagh BT668QR
Tel: 07901755697
What 3 Words Precise Location /// tricky.period.verge
Lifts: Day One: O/H Bbell CJerk, Push Press, Pullover and Press, Straddle Deadlift
Day Two: Continental Snatch, OH 2” Vertical Bar, Zercher
Weigh-In: Weigh-in will 8am to 9.30am – lifting starting at 10am (both days).
(You are only required to weigh-in on day 2 if attempting records).
Refreshments: Snacks and food on the day – Chippy van (& Bulgarian cuisine) parked
outside for both days. ONLY 5 minutes walk to Supervalue and various food
outlets – Comp venue has drink machines and protein bar vending
Travel: Lurgan Train station 10-15 min walk from comp venue or the Ashbourne
Hotel – Portadown Train Station 10-15 mins walk from Banview B&B -The
area is well serviced by Buses and local taxi services.
Accommodation: The Ashburne Hotel (10 min walk from venue) Lurgan – 81 William St,
Lurgan, Craigavon BT66 6JB – Phone: 028 3832 5711
The Banview B&B Portadown Hotel (10 Min Walk) – 60 Portmore St,
Portadown, Craigavon BT62 3NF – Phone: 028 3833 6666
The Seagoe Hotel, Portadown (10 Min Drive) – 22 Upper Church Ln,
Portadown, Craigavon BT63 5JE – Phone: 028 3833 3076
Banquet Information & Awards Presentations (and Entertainment Afterwards):
Sunday 5 th October (arrive 7pm for 7.30pm dinner)
The Courthouse, 46 William St, Lurgan, Craigavon BT66 6JB – 028 3832 9161
Cost: £35 Per Person (3 course)
Menu: The Menu will be circulated in due course