Jeff’s 50th Birthday Party – and Record Day (Columbia, MO and remote)

MARCH  8-9, 2025




AWARDS – Certificates.

LIFTS:  A dozen lifts will be put in a hat and five will be drawn o ne by one and contested with no advanced warning. Remote lifters will be notified by either telephone or e-mail following each draw.

OPEN TO THE WORLD – All competition in Clark’s Gym is hybrid. You may compete in your local gym or in the friendly confines of Clark’s Gym in Columbia, Mo. To compete remote, you must enter by 10 p.m. on  Tuesday of the weekend involved or your results will not be accepted. You must send all results to Bill Clark via e-mail only at not later than 10 p.m. on the Tuesday following the meet.

Included on the reporting form must be the name of the official(s) involved. DO NOT send your remote results to the USAWA. They must be approved by the meet director first. If you have no officials, your results will be included in the final tabulation of the competition and be eligible for meet awards – but not records. Your honesty is the key to all competitions.

OFFICIALS – Must accompany remote results to be eligible for records.

RULES – First – any USAWA/IAWA member can enter by letting me know by March 5 that they plan to do so. My phone is 573-474-4510 and my e-mail Is

The meet is scheduled for Saturday, March 8 beginning at 10 a.m., Central Standard Time.  All remote entries must have e-mail capabilities beginning at 9:30 a.m. on that date and be in touch with the e-mail connection they will receive prior to the competition.

Here’s how the meet will be done:

Jeff has chosen 10 lifts that he enjoys. Five of the 10 will be drawn out if a hat – one at a time – and the lifters will  complete that lift before moving on to the next lift. Each lift will be figured individually and the winner will be the person with the lowest number of points with one point for first place and two for second, etc.

The 10 lifts already in the hat are bench dip, Anderson squat, Jackson press, lying lateral raise, one-hand pinch grip deadlift, strict curl, press from rack, Reg Parke bench press, Roman chair sit-up, and seated press from rack.

Those lifting remote will be informed by e-mail about the next lift and their final result from the lift just completed will be recorded at that time. At the end of five lifts – all drawn from the hate – the points will be totaled and the winners announced.

If you lift at Clark’s Gym, Jeff is the host for burgers and beer following the record day which will go with the competition.

If you have an official available at your remote site, you can add five records since this date is sanctioned as both a competition and a record day for all. You can file five lifts for record without being in the competition – provided you have let Clark know in advance and you are a USAWA /IAWA member.

This offer extends to the IAWA/UK and to all members in Australia and worldwide.

There is no entry fee.

And there is no reason why the entire IAWA membership should not be involved in this first-of-its-kind competition in odd-lift history.