JWC Around the World!
by Thom Van Vleck

Brian Hare, top Highland Games athlete sporting his JWC hat while doing some stone lifting in ICELAND!
I have had a lot of fun (and sometimes frustration) putting on meets over the years. One of the things I’ve enjoyed doing is creating new meet shirts, and sometimes hats for something different. I have also enjoyed seeing my shirts pop up at the most unusual places. Recently, Brian Hare, a top Highland Game thrower posted the above photo of him doing some stone lifting in Iceland wearing his JWC stocking cap.

Front and center, you will see Bob McConaughey sporting his JWC shirt, that year he set the masters World Record in the Bench Press with 744lbs at 242lbs bodyweight.
I also got one from Bob McConaughey, a top Powerlifter and Highland Games thrower where Bob was representing the Frantz Power Team but wearing a JWC shirt! I am not surprised when I’m in the local super market and see one of my shirts, but I was surprised when I was in Edinburg, Scotland and turned around to see one of my shirts! Sean Betz was wearing it before throwing in the Pro World Championships! Sean told me he took that shirt to every meet as he liked it as warm up shirt since it was roomy and had long sleeves. I have seen photos of him in it all over the place!

Hey, I can't resist running this photo of Tully one more time!!!!! Here's a JWC shirt showing up in California! This may be the most published photo in ever on the USAWA website!
I have many more examples and sometimes I know that a shirt may be worn just because it fits well, happens to be the only one clean, or just at the top in the shirt drawer! But whatever the reason, whenever I see it, it makes me feel pretty good and motivates me put all the negatives aside in running a meet and make plans for the next one. If you have one of my shirts and you end up wearing one in some cool or exotic location, send me a copy! It will make my day!