Ledaig Record Day
Results from the Ledaig Record Day
by Dave Glasgow

Group Picture from the 2010 Ledaig Record Day. Pictured left to right: Mike Murdock, Dave Glasgow, Scott Tully, Amber Glasgow, Darren Barnhart, and Chad Ullom. Not pictured because he was taking the picture, Al Myers.
Seven strength athletes thumbed their noses at high humidity and higher temperatures to battle gravity in the first annual Ledaig Heavy Athletics record breakers day. This event was the first hosted by the Ledaig (pronounced ‘led-chig’) Heavy Athletics club, Rainbow Bend, KS., one of the newest clubs in the USAWA. It will not be the last time this club will hold an event!
A total of 46 records were established, some new, some old. Leading the charge was Chad Ullom, long time veteran of team Dino Gym. His nine records showed an overall strength that tells what a well rounded strength program can do for it’s practitioner.
Close behind in the record race was the venerable Al Myers, who tied with Dave Glasgow, with eight new records for the books. It was because of Al’s persuasion that this event was staged. Thanks, Al! Al’s knowledge of the lifts and lifters of the past really added to the event! Very informative!
Next came Darren Barnhart, who set seven new marks and pulled a most outstanding 300# in the Bent Over Row, one of the newest lifts in the USAWA.
Close behind was the USAWA’s newest member, Amber Glasgow, who had six records. Her Turkish Get Up and Over head Squat being the highlight of her record day. Good job, tink!!
Mike Murdock showed us, again, that age is no restriction to being strong. Mike set 5 records that will be tough to break! Great job, Mike!

New USAWA member Amber Glasgow, of the Ledaig Heavy Athletics Club, made her mark in the USAWA Record List.
Rounding out the ‘record race’ was Scott Tully, who put three marks up that were most impressive. His nonchalant effort with 245# in the Maxey Press was very attention getting. There is more in the tank , for sure! Outstanding, Scott!
It should also be mentioned that five of these lifters, Chad, Mike, Al, Amber and Dave, were all coming back from the day before, when they participated in the Ledaig Highland Games, where searing temps and brutal humidity ruled the day. Needless to say, there were some tired folks come Sunday afternoon!!
Finally, I would like to thank those who came to this gathering. Most came some distance to participate and I am very appreciative of it! Please, plan to be at this event next year, as it has become, now, and annual event!!
Ledaig Record Day
Ledaig Heavy Athletics Club
Rainbow Bend, Kansas
July 18th, 2010
Meet Director: David Glasgow
Officials (three certified USAWA officials were used on all lifts): Al Myers, Scott Tully, Chad Ullom, Dave Glasgow, and Darren Barnhart
Amber Glasgow – 31 years old, Female, 140 pounds, 65K Class
Bent Over Row: 115 pounds
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 35 pounds
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 35 pounds
Turkish Get-Up: 35 pounds
Push Press – From Rack: 100 pounds
Squat – Overhead: 85 pounds
Scott Tully – 34 years old, 341 pounds, 125+K Class
Rectangular Fix – Fulton Bar: 95 pounds
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 105 pounds
Maxey Press: 245 pounds
Chad Ullom – 38 years old, 238 pounds, 110K Class
Bent Over Row: 275 pounds
Clean and Press – Alternate Grip: 185 pounds
Judd Clean and Jerk: 155 pounds
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 95 pounds
Turkish Get-Up: 70 pounds
Clean and Jerk – Fulton Bar: 250 pounds
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Arm: 165 pounds
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Arm: 165 pounds
Rectangular Fix – Fulton Bar: 95 pounds
Darren Barnhart – 42 years old, 290 pounds, 125+K Class
Bent Over Row: 300 pounds
Rectangular Fix – Fulton Bar: 95 pounds
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Arm: 180 pounds
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Arm: 160 pounds
Maxey Press: 160 pounds
Al Myers – 43 years old, 258 pounds, 120 K Class
Bent Over Row: 255 pounds
Turkish Get-Up: 53 pounds
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Right Arm: 165 pounds
Deadlift – Fulton Bar, Left Arm: 165 pounds
Maxey Press: 190 pounds
Dave Glasgow – 57 years old, 250 pounds, 115 K Class
Bent Over Row: 225 pounds
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 75 pounds
Rectangular Fix – Fulton Bar: 80 pounds
Turkish Get-Up: 53 pounds
Mike Murdock – 70 years old, 232 pounds, 110 K Class
Bent Over Row: 205 pounds
Push Press – From Rack: 130 pounds
Deadlift – Ciavattone Grip: 275 pounds
Press – Dumbbell, Right Arm: 55 pounds
Press – Dumbbell, Left Arm: 55 pounds
For a complete listing of records from the Ledaig Record Day – Ledaig Record Day 2010