Letter from Nick Frieders

Submitted by Bill Clark


Good morning Bill, and happy Sunday. I apologize for the lack of correspondence these last couple months, but I have been working through an extremely transitional period in my life. In summary, since graduating I have done the following:

Traveled to Wyoming with my father to hike the Tetons,

Traveled to Gulfport, Mississippi, with my childhood friends to celebrate our college graduations.

I returned to my old beer distribution job in Aurora to save money,

I landed a different beer distribution job as a relief salesman on the North side of Chicago.

Now, as of this month, I have moved to the northwest neighborhood of Albany Park in Chicago (I’m sure you ran a training camp here no doubt) and I have been training with the sales team in preparation for taking over my own sales route in the city.

Throughout all of the transition I am sure you would be happy to hear, that I am still lifting heavy and am currently looking for opportunities to compete in weightlifting up here.

I have not yet forgot about the USAWA and I hope to return for the deadlift dozen so I may defend my title.

Again, I apologize for my absence these last few months, I have had a lot of life to live following graduation. I hope you and your wife are doing well, and I look forward to coming back to visit soon. Be sure to catch me up on the happenings of the USAWA. How has participation been these last couple postals? Is membership continuing to climb? I look forward to hearing about it.

Best wishes to you,
