Lift for Leroy III



Well, it is about that time again.  Lift for Leroy III is just around the corner.  Covid 19 has added an additional dimension of stress and humiliation for Leroy, particularly with the meet not being contested in 2020, so he could really use our support in 2021. He has thrown himself down the stairs 12 times in the last month and would not get up until someone came and checked on him. He just lays there and moans…


Leroy lifting his woes away at the 2017 OTSM championship

Leroy lifting his woes away at the 2017 OTSM championship

Lift for Leroy is a record day we hold to help Leroy with his general well being.  All proceeds go to Leroy for his general well being.  There is no entry fee, and no donations will be accepted for Leroy.  So, pick your 5 favorite lifts, and come break some records and contribute to by brother Leroy’s happiness. He needs our help. Please let me know in advance if you plan on lifting, and which lifts you plan on doing in order that I can be sure I have the appropriate equipment.

Date: December 11, 2021

Address: 10978 SW Pueblo Dr, Turney, MO 64493

Entry: None-Just let me know that you are coming.  email

Awards: None

Weigh ins: 10:00

Meet begins: 10:30

We will be doing the postal championships that day as well, and will start with those lifts before we LIFT FOR LEROY!!!