Lift for Leroy IV

By Eric Todd

Time for us to start thinking about my brother Leroy again and his general well-being.  I know he has been feeling rather ashamed of late, and having some general humiliation for some of his actions.  Let’s get together for the 4th annual “Lift for Leroy” record day in an effort to help him lift his spirits.  All proceeds from this meet will go to Leroy to help him buy some nice cream and feathers  and nice things to help him raise his spirits.  There will be no entry fee for this meet.  No donations will be accepted on Leroy’s behalf.  We will be doing this meet in conjunction with the National Postal.

When: December 10, 2022

Where: Et’s House of Iron and Stone

Weigh Ins: 10:00

Lifting starts: 10:30

Any lifter is welcome to join us in completing the 2022 National Postal.  Directly after, each lifter can attempt up to 5 records to beak or set.  Please let me know if you plan on attending.  Please let me know what records you will be attempting so that I can be sure I have the appropriate equipment.  I can be reached at