Lift for Leroy Record Day

By Eric Todd


So, it has come time for another  “Lift for Leroy” record day.  It has come to my attention that my brother Leroy’s holiday “episodes” were a mere ruse to garner attention from friends and family.  He would throw himself down the stairs, lie there moaning and wailing for hours, and then call us on it when no one came to check on him.  He would lay down in a snow drift to quietly fade into oblivion, only to loudly verbally accost us for not being concerned.  He would wander down a lonely path of loneliness after a strongman meet, feigning heat stroke merely in hopes that someone would come along, pat him on the little tushy, and call him special. We fell for this tomfoolery for years. We were concerned about his diminutive ego and self worth, thus raising funds for him year after year to bolster his confidence, spirit, and holiday cheer.  Well, no more.  This year’s installment of Lift for Leroy will serve as an intervention.  We invite all USAWA members to join with us at the House of Iron and Stone to call Leroy out for his subterfuge, break up to five records, and air all the grievances we have with Leroy for how he has made our lives miserable with his countless webs of lies.

Date: November 18, 2023

Weigh Ins: 10:00

Lifting Starts: 10:30

Please just let me know you plan on coming.  Email is

No Awards.  We will do the 4th quarter postal this day as well.  Choose up to 5 lifts to set or break the existing record in. And please, choose as many items of contention that you have to bring to Leroy, or feel free to just insult him.  We all know he deserves it.