By Clint Poore

President Ronald Reagan said, “We need a Banner of BOLD COLORS and no pale pastels!”

      I am excited and slightly anxious for the 2024 USAWA national meeting. We are on the cusp of growing into a prominent strength organization or shrinking & fading from existence. This weekend, we have a glorious opportunity to “Seize the Day” and move forward like never before. The USAWA is primed for unprecedented growth. We have more unique and cool lifts than any other strength organization period, with centuries of history behind many of these amazing feats of strength. 

      With all that said, I am prepared to bid for the 2025 USAWA Nationals to be held in Albany, Kentucky.      I will gladly put more than 100 percent effort into making it an unforgettable nationals. My minimum goal is to have at least 40 lifters, but my vision is set on a bigger prize of over 100 lifters for the 2025 USAWA Nationals! But to make this happen I need your help! We need to attract the younger lifters and members from other strength organizations.  To do so, the USAWA needs the ability for all lifters to compete in their Knee Sleeves. A basic 7 mm thick, 12 inches long, Single Ply Knee Sleeves and you must be able to put them on by yourself is a minimum standard, that will put the USAWA in line with every other strength organization in the United States. Currently we are the only strength sport that does not allow Single Ply Knee Sleeves. This creates a significant barrier for the USAWA to overcome in attracting younger lifters and more members in general who have competed in other strength sports. I recently had a lifter say, “I thought the USAWA was for Masters lifters only.” We need to be seen as more than a Masters Lifters only organization! As a meet director, I have had many younger lifters ask if they can wear their Knee Sleeves? When I tell them they can’t currently wear them, they almost always respond with, “Let me think about it.” Let me think about it means, they are simply not interested in the lifting in the USAWA without the option to wear Knee Sleeves. We need younger lifters and experienced lifters from other strength organizations. I implore you to help me as a meet director and the USAWA, as your choice of lifting organization, embrace the future boldly and not retreat into a turtle shell.


Proverbs says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”

      In closing, Let us honor the past and embrace the future. The USAWA needs a vision for the future and I believe, together we can have a glorious USAWA for years to come. Always remember the car’s rear view mirror is smaller than the front windshield, because we should always be looking towards the future, not dwelling in the past. 


Clint Poore