National Meeting Proposals (cont)

By Dan Wagman

(This is a series of national meeting items Dan Wagman is proposing that may be discussed at National Metting)

(e-mail address active until Juli 1, 2022)
Currently, a person wishing to access USAWA’s rulebook and bylaws has to download a PDF from the organization’s website. This makes it difficult to access that vital information quickly and easily, such as at a meet via a lifter’s phone. Although PDF readers are available for smartphones, the good ones require payment and the free ones come with many annoying ads. Having the rulebook and bylaws as webpages would allow anybody to access these documents with the utmost ease on their phones.
Additional considerations that ought to be deliberated
A. The present version of the rulebook contains many grammatical errors and areas requiring clarification and/or clearer, more precise language. Copy editing of the rulebook is essential.
B. As a properly created webpage, the rulebook would allow the viewer to click in the Table of Contents on any lift of interest and go directly to that section; no more scrolling through pages until one finally ends up at the desired lift.
C. A website version of the rulebook would allow the inclusion of more photographs and perhaps even more importantly videos of lifters performing a specified lift. Such videos could include verbal tips/instructions on the finer points of a lift.