Frank Ciavattone – LIFTER OF THE MONTH

By Al Myers

Frank Ciavattone - USAWA Lifter of the Month for June

Frank Ciavattone – USAWA Lifter of the Month for June

The USAWA LIFTER OF THE MONTH for June is Frank Ciavattone.  Frank had a busy month in the USAWA in June, bringing lifters from his club to compete in the USAWA National Championships in Lebanon, PA.  Frank is an inspiration to everyone in the USAWA for his courage.  He has overcame many serious physical obstacles, and yet he maintains a competitive spirit. At Nationals Frank had just undergone a major surgery shortly before the meet but he still competed and performed in every single lift!

Congrats to Frank on being the June Lifter of the Month!


By Al Myers, IAWA President


The 2019 IAWA Annual General Meeting was called to order at the Abilene Civic Center, in Abilene Kansas, at 5:30 PM on Saturday, October 5th by President Al Myers. Roll call was taken and these members were in attendance: Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, Chris Bass, Lance Foster, Steve Sherwood, Thom Van Vleck, Steve Andrews, John Strangeway, Chad Ullom, Stevie Shanks, Paul Barette, Dennis Mitchell, Denny Habecker, Judy Habecker, Frank Ciavattone, Karen Gardner, Steve Gardner, Eric Todd, Peter Phillips, Christopher Lestan, and Charlotte Hughes. Roll call of the IAWA VP’s was done and these VP’s were in attendance: Denny Habecker (USA), Chad Ullom (USA), Steve Gardner (IAWAUK), and Peter Phillips (Australia).  Steve Gardner read the 2018 IAWA minutes on behalf of the IAWA General Secretary Frank Allen. Chad moved to accept the minutes, with a second by Karen, and it passed unanimously. Reports from the IAWA Vice Presidents were given next.  Steve  reported an increase in membership in the IAWAUK.  Peter reported the growth of independent clubs in Australia, as well as complying with the new regulations of organizing the new association. John Mahon has assumed the responsibilities of the IAWA Vice President, previously held by Robin Lukosis.  Judy moved to accept the reports, with a second by Chad, and it passed unanimously. Al gave a report on the success of the 2019 World Postal Championships, with plans to continue it next year.  He emphasized that this World Postal will also continue to be known as the Andy Goddard Memorial Championships.   Chad moved to accept the report, with a second by Denny, and it passed unanimously. Peter gave a report on the upcoming IAWA Gold Cup held in Perth, Australia next month and how the plans are coming along. Paul moved to accept the report, with a second by LaVerne, and it passed unanimously.  The report from the Chairman of the Technical Committee was given next.  Dennis reported that there was nothing to report this year.  The report on next years World Championship was given by meet promoter Denny Habecker.  Denny had proposed these lifts for the 2020 World Championships, which have been already approved by the Technical Committee: DAY 1 – clean and press, one hand snatch, power row, one hand deadlift DAY 2 – cheat curl, pullover and push, 2×2″ vertical bar deadlift.  The meet was proposed for the first of October.  Frank moved to accept the report with the proposed lifts, with a second by Paul, and it passed unanimously. A report on next years Gold Cup was given by joint meet promoters Stevie Shanks and Steve Gardner.  Entry forms and entry information have already been made and plans are fully underway.  Frank moved to accept the report, with a second by Chad, and it passed unanimously.  The first item on New Business was discussion and voting on the new proposed lift, the Shanks Lift.  This lift was brought up at the 2018 meeting and then discussed this past year among the technical committee which supported it fully. Steve G read the rule.  There was no discussion.  Chad moved to accept the Shanks Lift, with a second by Steve A, and it passed unanimously.  At this point Stevie Shanks expressed his appreciation for the acceptance of this lift, and how it meant for his family.  Next, Al asked if there was any new business regarding the Ad Hoc committee formed at last years general meeting led by Cliff Dunlop.  After a few moments of silence, it was assumed that the committee has not moved forward.  Steve G then proposed that the technical committee review a new proposed lift, the two man one hand deadlift.  This lift has been a popular lift in the USAWA, and has been performed before in IAWA as a challenge event at a previous Gold Cup with much success. Paul moved to send this lift to the technical committee for review, with a second by Frank, and it passed unanimously.  Bids for the 2021 IAWA Gold Cup were taken, and the only bid came from Paul Barette to be held in Eastbourne, England.  Peter moved to accept the bid, with a second by LaVerne, and it passed unanimously.  Bids for the 2021 IAWA World Championships were taken, with the only bid coming from Peter Phillips to be held in Perth, Australia.  Peter stated that John Mahon would be joint promoter with him.  Denny moved to accept the bid, with a second by LaVerne, and it passed unanimously.  Al, as promoter of this years Worlds, gave a few words about the weekend championships.  The highlight of his report was when he stated that beer and pizza was going to be available after the meeting free of charge. Judy then moved to adjourn the meeting, with a second by Chad, and it passed unanimously.  The meeting ended promptly at 6:10 PM.

New Hall of Famers

By Al Myers

Dean Ross (left) and LaVerne Myers (right) were inducted into the USAWA Hall of Fame at the 2019 National Championships.

Dean Ross (left) and LaVerne Myers (right) were inducted into the USAWA Hall of Fame at the 2019 National Championships.

I am very excited to announce two new USAWA Hall of Fame members.   At the recent National Championships, LaVerne Myers and Dean Ross joined the elite fraternity of the USAWA Hall of Fame.   The HOF is the highest honor one can receive in the USAWA, and both of these two are more than well deserving. LaVerne and Dean have been part of the Dino Gym Club for over 15 years now, and have been mainstay competitors in many USAWA events throughout the years.  I plan to do a full bio for each of them at a future date which I will share on the website.

Congrats to both LaVerne and Dean!!!

Lifter of the Month – Joe Ciavattone Sr.

By Al Myers

Joe Ciavattone Sr. performing a big Neck Lift  at a past USAWA Heavy Lift Championships.

Joe Ciavattone Sr. performing a big Neck Lift at a past USAWA Heavy Lift Championships.

The USAWA Lifter of the Month for May goes to Joe Ciavattone Sr.!

Joe Sr. was the overall best lifter at the USAWA Heavy Lift Championships in May at Walpole, Massachusetts. The Heavy Lift Champs is one of the Championship events in the USAWA and is one of the most prestigious titles to win in a year. Joe Sr. put up great numbers with a 600 pound Neck Lift, a 1000 pound Hand and Thigh, and a 1500 pound Hip Lift.  Joe Sr. has competed in many Heavy Lift Championships throughout the years, and has established himself as one of the best All Time Heavy Lifters in the USAWA, but this is his first time winning the best lifter overall. The Heavy Lift Champs are always loaded with great competition so this is a great honor for him.

Congrats Joe Sr. on being the lifter of the month!!

IAWA World AGM Agenda

By Al Myers

The IAWA World Championships are almost here!  The entry deadline has passed, and there will be lifters from all over the World in attendance.  This year lifters from Australia, Canada, Ireland, and England will be joining the USA home lifters in lifting.  One of the big activities that occurs in addition to the lifting is the Annual General Meeting of IAWA.  This is where all the big decisions for the year in IAWA are made.   As President, I have worked up the proposed agenda for the meeting – which is outlined below.

The AGM will be right after the lifting on Saturday.   Often the meeting is on Friday night but that WILL NOT be the case this year.  I have the meet venue reserved for Saturday and Sunday (not Friday) and it is a great location for the meeting.  There are no big controversial subjects on the agenda so I expect the meeting will be short.  Please try to make it if you can.

2019 IAWA Annual General Meeting Agenda

1. Meeting called to order with Roll Call by IAWA President Al Myers

  • roll call of the IAWA Vice Presidents
    USAWA-Denny Habecker & Chad Ullom
    IAWAUK – Steve Gardner
    Australia – Peter Phillips & Robin Lukosius
    New Zealand – Cliff Harvey
    Spain – Jose Jara
  • Roll call of members in attendance

2. Reading of the 2018 IAWA minutes by Al Myers, of behalf of IAWA General Secretary Frank Allen

3. Report from IAWA Vice Presidents

4. Report on the World Postal Championships by promoter Al Myers

5. Report on upcoming 2019 Gold Cup in Australia – By Peter Phillips

6. Report from the IAWA Technical Committee by chairman Dennis Mitchell

  • Committee – Dennis Mitchell, Denny Habecker, Al Myers, Steve Gardner, Steve Sherwood, Peter Phillips, John Mahon

7. Report on 2020 Worlds – Lebanon, PA   by Denny Habecker

8. Report on the 2020 Gold Cup – Ireland, by Stevie Shanks

9. New Business

  • Discuss and vote on Shanks Lift

10. Submit Bids for 2021 Worlds and 2021 Gold Cup

  • Submit bid for Worlds By Peter Phillips
  • Submit bid for Gold Cup by Paul Barette

11. Words from 2019 World Meet Promoter – Al Myers

12. Meeting Adjourned

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