USAWA Member Clubs

By Al Myers

One of the strengths of the USAWA is our member clubs.  Most of the USAWA lifters are associated with a lifting club.   Our competitions are almost always club-based.  I keep a complete listing of the active member clubs on the website with contact information.  As of now the USAWA has 8 registered clubs.   Several of the clubs have been member clubs for many years.  The longest standing member club is Clark’s Championship Gym, out of Columbia Missouri.  Bill Clark started the club program and his club was the first to register and has been registered every year since!

The second longest running club member is the Ambridge VFW Barbell Club, located in Ambridge Pennsylvania.  It’s main contact for many years was Art Montini who is one the legends in the USAWA.  John McKean has now taken over the club since Art’s passing so, for now, the Ambridge BB Club will continue.  My Dino Gym is the third longest active member club, first registering in 2003.

When I became secretary in 2009 one of my goals was to rejuvenate the club program.  The USAWA started giving out yearly awards to recognize club involvement which helped in getting many new clubs to register.  Since then we have had many great clubs register – Frank’s Barbell Club, Habecker’s Gym, KC Strongman, Ledaig Heavy Athletics, Schmidt’s Barbell Club, and the Jackson Weightlifting Club.  All of these clubs are responsible for many fantastic promotions in the USAWA.

A complete club listing is available on the website, which includes current club certificates for each club and a listing of past yearly club award winners.  I also have kept a list of former clubs of the USAWA for prosperity sake. Most of these clubs ceased when the founding club member died and no one took things over.   A couple of former clubs that we don’t want to forget about is the Valley Forge WLC which was directed by John Vernacchio and Prechtel’s AC led by Howard Prechtel.  These were foundation clubs in the USAWA.

I’ve said this before but I’m gonna say it again.  I truly believe the future success of the USAWA lies with active member clubs.  New lifters in a club can learn from the veteran members and receive the encouragement to actually compete in an USAWA competition.  This is how membership grows.  I especially want to thank those who started these clubs and for all the leadership and support to the USAWA that they have provided.


New Official Barry Pensyl

By Al Myers

Barry Pensyl (center) is now an USAWA Certified Official.

Barry Pensyl (center) is now an USAWA Certified Official.

Habecker’s Gym gained a new USAWA Certified Official this week!  Longtime USAWA member Barry Pensyl just completed the certification process and is now listed as a Level 1 Certified Official on the website.  That gives him authority to officiate any sanctioned USAWA competition.  It also allows him to officiate in the IAWA as well, as all USAWA officials are also IAWA officials.

Congrats Barry!!


Lift for Leroy II

By Eric Todd

Chris "Leroy" Todd performs a People's Deadlift at the OTSM Championship

Chris “Leroy” Todd performs a People’s Deadlift at the OTSM Championship

It is that time of the year again.  KCSTRONGMAN will again be hosting the record day “Lift for Leroy.” With the holiday season coming up before we know it, the members of KCSTRONGMAN all-round club knew we needed to do something to help Leroy out with his general well-being.  We are hoping to avoid another one of those holiday “accidents”.  So, the proceeds from this meet will all be allocated for this purpose.  Please do not send donations.  We will just be using the funds collected by entry fee to help Leroy navigate these times.

We will be holding this meet in conjunction with the club’s performance of the postal championship lifts.  We will first do the three postal events together.   Then each of the competitors will have the opportunity to attempt record poundages in up to 5 lifts.  We should have enough certified judges that you can attempt world records as well.  It is just up to you to have the world records you are attempting to ensure you secure enough judges for that attempt.  We will be lifting in the basement and/or barn and it is in December.  It will more than likely be cool/cold.  Regardless, for each attempt the USAWA dress code will be enforced.  Wear what you will between sets to maintain your comfort.

Meet: Lift for Leroy II

Date: December 7, 2019

Weigh ins: 9:30

Lifting starts: 10:00

Entry form: None-just let me know you are coming and what lifts you plan on attempting in advance

Entry Fee: None

Awards: No awards outside of the good feeling you will have in your heart for helping Leroy with his general well-being.

Location: ET’s house of Iron and Stone, 10978 SW Pueblo, Turney, MO 64493

Yearly Awards

By Al Myers

Eric Todd (right) receiving the Athlete of the Year Award from John Strangeway.

Eric Todd (right) receiving the Athlete of the Year Award from John Strangeway.

It’s about time I get last year’s award winners announced!  I’ve been waiting till all the winners were privately recognized so they wouldn’t just see their name in a blog as a winner.  Most receive this award at the Nationals Awards Banquet, but this year several of the yearly award winners were not able to be there so it was done at other venues.

Lance Foster (left) receiving the Sportsmanship Award from John Strangeway.

Lance Foster (left) receiving the Sportsmanship Award from John Strangeway.

These yearly awards are chosen by the membership with nomination and vote.   That makes these awards very special – as it reflects what your peers think of you.  I want to congratulate all the winners!  It was another great year in the USAWA.

2018 Award Winners

Athlete of the Year Eric Todd Al Myers
Leadership Award Al Myers & Denny Habecker —–
Sportsmanship Award Lance Foster LaVerne Myers
Courage Award Frank Ciavattone & Dennis Mitchell —–
Newcomer Award John Strangeway Brandon Rein
Club of the Year Franks Barbell Club Habecker’s Gym



By Al Myers

An updated record list is now available on the website.  It’s been a few months with several comps so there has been alot of additions. I want to thank Scottish Johnny for his help in getting this list updated.  He’s been my assistant lately with the record list and his help has been much appreciated.

The BIG NEWS this time is the addition of a new CENTURY CLUB member.   Longtime USAWA member Jeff Ciavattone made the list – with a now standing 103 USAWA Records.  Big congrats to Jeff on this.  Jeff has records going back to his teenage years in the USAWA so this is an accomplishment he has worked long and hard at.

The Womens Century Club has been unchanged, with RJ still at the top with 292 records.  Denny Habecker continues to build his lead in the Mens Century Club with 622 USAWA Records. The biggest record mover this time around is LaVerne Myers, who added 18 records to his listing. LaVerne now stands in 10th place overall, passing Bob Hirsh.

I really hate to see people fall out of the Century Club.  But that will happen if some of your records get broken and you haven’t been setting new ones to offset it.  This time Dave Glasgow slipped out of the club listing and is setting at 98 records.  I will have to encourage Dave to get back after it and set some new records so he can get back in the century club!!

Now who’s going to be next in the Century Club?  I predicted Jeff was going to make it several months ago, so I’m pretty confident in my ability to make this prediction.   So here it goes – I predict Aidan Habecker will be the first teenager to make it.   I also am going to put my money on Scottish Johnny.  He has been tearing up the records this past year and is moving up his count faster than most realize.  I predict both will be the Century Club by the end of the year. So guys – don’t let me down!!

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