National Meeting of the USAWA

By Al Myers

The National Championships are about here, and with that comes the Annual National Meeting of the USAWA.   It will be held on June 21st, Friday night, at 7PM.  It will be at the house of our President Denny Habecker.  His address is: 637 N. 11th Ave, Lebanon, PA.  Please try to make the meeting if possible as all the yearly decisions are made at this meeting. Plus this is the year for USAWA elections – so if you want to run for office this is your opportunity.  I have worked up the meeting agenda, which is still subject to change.


Business Agenda for the 2019 USAWA National Meeting

  1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  2. Roll Call by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  3. Reading of previous meeting minutes by USAWA Secretary Al Myers
  4. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers
  5. Report from Website Director Al Myers
  6. Report from Awards Director Al Myers
  7. Report from Records Director Al Myers
  8. Report from Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom
  9. Report from Officials Director Joe Garcia
  10. Report from Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker
  11. Report from IAWA Technical Committee Chairman Dennis Mitchell on upcoming IAWA events and other technical issues that are being discussed by the IAWA Technical Committee
  12. Discussion and Vote on Rule Changes for Strict Curl, Holdout Raised, and Holdout Lowered
  • Loosen rules to NOT involve the use of paper, making the USAWA rule the same as the IAWAUK rule
  1. Discussion and Vote on bylaw addition allowing provisional USAWA memberships
  • Provisional memberships are for non USA citizens – not eligible for records but all other aspects of membership is allowed
  1. Change age allowance to be the same as the IAWA rule
  • At the age of 66 years 2% per year is added to the age correction
  1. Discussion of New Business brought forth by the membership
  2. Election of Officers and Executive Board
  • Current Officers: Denny Habecker – President, Chad Ullom – Vice President, Al Myers – Secretary/Treasurer, Dennis Mitchell – EB member, Rocky Morrison – EB member
  1. Accept Bids for the 2020 National Championships
  • One prior proposal by Frank Ciavattone, to be held in Walpole, MA the last weekend of June
  1. Meeting Adjourned

** *If a Director or an Officer is unable to attend this meeting to give their report PLEASE send it to me so I can give it on your behalf!***

Work vs a Workout

by Thom Van Vleck

Farm Boy Strong!

Farm Boy Strong!

My first workout instruction book was given to me by my Uncle Wayne.  It was written by Doug Hepburn and my uncle bought it in 1957 and I still have it.  It was the first workout routine I followed.  There was a chapter in there on rest.  It said work was not rest and should be avoided if the lifter wanted to make maximum gains.  I tried telling my mom the yard work she wanted me to do was cutting into my gains.  She wasn’t having none of that!  I still had to do the yard work!

My grandfather was an avid weightlifter.  His collar was also as blue as they come and grew up on the farm before tractors were common.  He worked hard his whole life.  Sometimes holding down three jobs to take care of his family.  He also rarely missed a workout!  I recall him teaching me how to turn work into a workout.  We were shoveling after a deep snow.  He said to shovel 5 times to the left and 5 times to the right.  Always keep balanced.  Whatever I did one way I should do an equal amount to the other side.  Squat down to pick things up and equal number of time to bending over to pick things up.  Find ways to get in exercise while you work.  He would do calf raises while standing at his work bench.  That way work became a workout.  Because a workout, like work, tears the body down.   The difference is that workouts are balanced.

Then when I was a teen I had a manual labor job.  I hated it but I liked having money.  I dreaded going to work and watched the clock for quitting time.  I worked with a guy that had a great attitude.  He made everything a game.  If we had to stack up sacks of flour he would say, “Race ya!” and we would race to see who could fill a pallet the fastest.  When I started looking at work that way the clock disappeared and it was quitting time before I knew it.

When I first started working out I honestly hated it.  It was a means to an end.  I wanted to be and look strong and this was the way to do it.  After awhile, when I saw results, I started to enjoy workouts.  They gained intrinsic value to me.  I think that’s why over 40 years later I’m still doing it.  I took the work out of my work outs.

A few years back I had to cut down a very large dead elm tree on my property.  I went after it like a workout.  I did sets and reps and varied how I carried the wood keeping things balanced. I made a game out of it.  It was a really good workout in the end.

So my point is that the difference between work and a work out is balance and attitude.  Bring both to your work and your workouts and you’ll be better off in the end!

World Postal



The IAWA World Postal Championships has been announced! It will still be the “Andy Goddard Memorial”.  Andy was a great friend and supporter of the IAWA and as long as I’m involved promoting the World Postal Championships it will be done in Andy’s memory. As it has been the past few years, the lifts for this World Postal will be the first day lifts of the upcoming Worlds. Read the the info sheet as it outlines the “rules of the competition”.  Send your results to me at Also, please send in the official entry form with your club results. If you have more club entries than on the entry form just include extra entry forms.

ENTRY FORM – 2019 World Postal Entry Form  (word document)

ENTRY FORM – 2019 World Postal Entry Form (PDF)

INFO SHEET – 2019 World Postal Information Sheet (word document)

INFO SHEET – 2019 World Postal Information Sheet (PDF)

Jerk Blocks or Boxes

By Thom Van Vleck

Jerk boxes in the JWC gym.  Made by Al Myers.

Jerk boxes in the JWC gym. Made by Al Myers.

I own several pieces of equipment that you won’t find in most gyms yet I find them invaluable in my training.  One of these are my Jerk Boxes.  I use them all the time and credit them with saving my shoulders as I age.

I first acquired my Jerk Boxes from my good friend Al Myers.  I told Al what I wanted and we worked out a trade and he made me the beautiful Jerk boxes you see in the photo above. There are dozens of designs and you can buy them or make your own.  But basically they are a table that catches the weight after you drop it after an overhead movement instead of dropping it all the way to the floor or catching the weight on your shoulders or collar bone.

The reason I wanted them was I work overhead presses and push presses a lot and had injured my shoulder catching the weight as I lowered it to my shoulders.  The Jerk Boxes allow me to just drop the weight saving my shoulders wear and tear.  And as I get older I don’t know how much wear and tear my shoulders have left!  If I missed the weight they fell directly on the jerk boxes and didn’t fall all the way to the floor….or worse yet, on ME!

Your only other choice if you don’t want to “catch” the weight every time you do jerks, push presses, or presses is to drop the weight all the way to the ground.  I did that for a while after injuring my shoulder catching the weight on the way down and believe me….it became a real chore unloading the bar and returning it to the rack.

I use my jerk boxes all the time.  I will even use them as squat racks from time to time.  They even make dandy saw horses!  So if you don’t have a set of jerk boxes I would recommend getting them.  They are the second most used piece of equipment in my gym after the power rack (and weights themselves).


OTSM World Postal

By Al Myers


I have the set the date and time for the USAWA portion of the IAWA OTSM World Postal Championships.  I am hoping for a turnout as good as last year.  I plan to run it very efficiently, so hopefully if we start by 1 we will be finished by 5.  Also, please let me know in advance if you plan to attend so I can make proper arrangements.


Dino Gym
1126 Eden Road
Abilene, KS 67410

Meet Director:

Al Myers


Sunday, July 21st
Weigh-ins: 12:00 Noon
Meet Start: 1:00 PM


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