Presidential Cup

By Al Myers


For the seventh year in a row, the now “Annual” USAWA Presidential Cup is being hosted again by our USAWA President Denny Habecker.  This is one of the CHAMPIONSHIP events hosted in the USAWA, and is the Championships of Record Days.  It follows along “the lines” of the IAWA Gold Cup – a lifter picks their best lift and contests it for a USAWA record in this prestigious record day.  After all lifters have performed their record lifts, Denny will pick the effort that impresses him the most and award that lifter the PRESIDENTIAL CUP.  Only one lifter will receive this very important award.   If time allows, lifters will have the opportunity to perform other record day lifts.  So it is a good idea to come with the BIG LIFT in mind, but also be prepared to do other lifts for record if the time allows.

Now a little “rehash” on the Presidential Cup.  These are the guidelines:

The Presidential Cup will follow along some of the same guidelines as the Gold Cup, which is the IAWA meet which recognizes outstanding performances by lifters in the lift/lifts of their choosing.  The Gold Cup started in 1991 under the direction of then-IAWA President Howard Prechtel.  However there will be some differences in the guidelines of the USAWA Presidential Cup:

  • The Presidential Cup is hosted annually by the USAWA President only.
  • Must be a USAWA member to participate.
  • A lifter may choose any official USAWA  lift/lifts (up to a maximum of 5 lifts) to set a USAWA record/records in.
  • The lifter must open at a USAWA Record Poundage on first attempt.
  • The top performance record lift of the entire record day,  which will be chosen by the President, will be awarded the PRESIDENTIAL CUP.


USAWA Presidential Cup

Saturday, August 4th, 2018

Meet Director:  Denny Habecker

Location: Habecker’s Gym, Lebanon, PA

Lifts:  Bring your best lift for record!

Start time:  10 AM,  with weigh-ins before this

Entry Form:  None, but advance notice is required.

Heavy Lift Championship Update

By Eric Todd

Barry Bryan executing a hip lift

The entry deadline for the Heavy Lift Championship has come and gone.  The work has been put in.  Time to reap what we have sown and enjoy a great day of lifting.  I expect to see some big numbers.  Here are the confirmed lifters:

Dean Ross
Lance Foster
Dave Hahn
Eric Todd
Greg Cook
John Douglas
John Strangeway
Denny Habecker


Nice turnout for this championship.  I know we are over a week out, but at this point it looks like the weather should be nice.  Couple reminders:

  • This is a drug tested event.  Any lifter who competes has the possibility of being tested for elevated testosterone.
  • USAWA dress code will be enforced.  It should be nice, but could start off a little cool.  Please be prepared to lift in shirt and shorts or a singlet.  Official dress code can be found in the USAWA rule book here: RULEBOOK
  • The restroom is either an outhouse or tall weeds.  If that does not suit you, you might hit up the pot at the local filling station before coming out here


  • From the North:  Take I-35 going south.  After you pass by Cameron, take exit 48 which is the Lawson/Cameron exit to HWY 69.  Take a left onto 69.  Take it 3 or 4 miles take a left onto 292, which is a gravel road.  Take it a mile or maybe less to the first right, Deer Creek.  Deer Creek winds around a bit, but take it about a mile to the first left, 286th.  Take it about a mile to the third house on the right.  We will be lifting in the big tin can.
  • From the South: Take I-35 going north.  Take exit 40 to HWY 116.  This is the Lathrop/Polo exit.  Take a right on 116.  Take it about 2 miles until you get to 69 HWY.  Take a left.  Go about 4 miles north on 69 and take a right on 280th.  After about a mile take the first left onto Deer Creek.  Take it about a mile going north and take the first right onto 286th.  Take it about a mile to the third house on the right.  We will be lifting in the big tin can.
  • If you follow these directions and get lost, by all means, call me.  If you try plugging my address into GPS and get lost, you are on your own.

Weigh ins officially start at 9:30, but I will be out there before that if you want to weigh in a few minutes early.  I will probably be out there between 8:30 and 9:00.  If I am not there yet come on into the tin can and make yourself at home.  You will have to wait on me.  We will start the rules meeting  directly at 10:00, and lifting at 10:30.  During the rules, I will be happy to outline some suggestions on heavy lifting for some of you that are new to this. We have very cool award platters for the top 3 by formula, and championship medals for all lifters.  Looking forward to another great championship event at the House of Iron and Stone!


1st Quarter Postal

By Denny Habecker



The 2018 1st Quarter Postal kicked off with 12 lifters doing some outstanding lifts. Eric Todd continues to show he will be tough to beat, while Amorkor Ollennuking was outstanding in women’s Division.

Meet Results:

1st Quarter Postal
January 1st to March 31st, 2018

Meet Director: Denny Habecker

Lifters with Certified Officials:
Eric Todd –  Certified Official Lance Foster
Chris Todd – Certified Official Eric Todd
Lance Foster – Certified Official Eric Todd
Calvin Helt- Certified Official Chad Ullom
Dean Ross – Certified Official Chad Ullom
Chad Ullom- Certified Official Denny Habecker
Aidan Habecker – Certified Official Denny Habecker

Lifters with non-certified Officials:
John Douglas
Stephen Santangelo
R.J. Jackson
Denny Habecker
Amorkor Ollennuking

The Lifts: Clean & Press-Heels Together, Dead Hang Snatch, One Arm Clean & Jerk


Eric Todd                       43   – 255 Lbs.    251     176     116-R       543      443.81

John Douglas                 54   – 310 Lbs.    205     165     105-R       475      390.58

Stephen R. Santangelo   65   – 158 Lbs.    115      90       65- R       270      350.37

Calvin Helt                    16    – 152 Lbs.    125      95       65-R       285       331.05

Denny Habecker            75    – 192 Lbs.    110      83       66-R       259       322.29

Chris Todd                    38    – 272 Lbs.    166      141     100-R      407       309.80

Aidan Habecker             14    – 160 Lbs.     72        72       72-R       216       264.79

Chad Ullom                   46    – 247 Lbs.     95        95       95-L       285       243.50

Lance Foster                 52    – 329 Lbs.     111       85       65-R      261       205.12

Dean Ross                    75    – 236 Lbs.      65        65       30-R      160       177.88


Amorkor Ollenuking     55    – 165 lbs        110       110       88         308       357.28

R.J. Jackson                56     – 105.8 Lbs.  80          65        55-R      200       325.23

Notes: All lifts recorded in pounds. R and L designate right and left arms. PTS are overall adjusted points for age and bodyweight corrections.

IAWA Lifting Etiquette

By Steve Gardner, IAWA(UK) President

After many many years of running and helping to run competitions, I have found there are a number of points that come up, time and time again, things that we get asked or confronted with, and which keep the Technical Officers and Officials on their toes. Some of it is easily answered and dealt with, some takes a little more explanation, these matters relate to us all: lifters officials and promoters… are some of the main points to remember and take on board with regard to competitions etc within our organisation………. Hence: Lifting Etiquette:

1 Entry Fees: competition entry fees should always be sent to and received by the Promoter at least 2 weeks before ( unless an arrangement has been made with the promoter) it is very important to those running competitions because they have to order trophies and organise premises etc to make the competition happen. If for some reason the entrant does not attend the competition a refund would not normally be paid.

2 Returning Main Trophies: it is of course very important that main awards are returned to promoters in time to be presented to the new winners, even if the past winner can not enter or be there, it is a rotten shame if a new winner is deprived of their moment of presentation because of another’s error in not returning ( it is hoped that it will be returned with engraving done also, where required)

3 Weigh In: lifters should weigh in in underwear only ( naked if it’s close on the line) it is not acceptable to have lifters trying to weigh wearing clothing? making them heavier of course, females will usually have a female weigh official, but can weigh wearing lifting costume if they wish, or need too, and an allowance of .5 kilos (half a kilo) is given.

4 it is important that lifters have joined or rejoined IAWA before being allowed to lift, it is important that promoters always remember to check this with any lifters entering their competition!

5 Attire on the platform: wrist wraps are always allowed, knee wraps / sleeves are allowed for front and back squat, no hats to be worn, shoes should always be worn, no stocking feet. Lifters can wear a lifting suit/ leotard or shorts and a t shirt, however the sleeves should finish above the elbows and shorts above knees for obvious reasons (officials need a clear view of rules of lifts being met) wearing two pairs of shorts is not allowed as can be seen as extra supportive clothing ( it has become a habit of wearing legging style shorts under regular shorts… so this is not allowed…..only underwear) also a belt can only be maximum of 4 inches wide, and wider, body hugging supportive belts cannot be worn, again one belt only is allowed . Only chalk can be used on the hands (and then, only on the hands, not legs or shoulders etc) plasters or dressings can only be worn to cover a blood wound and even then only when sanctioned by an official.

6 Questioning of Decisions by Officials: lifters should not call out from the platform to question any decision, it is crass and unprofessional… simply approach the official off the platform and ask politely… the appropriate moment

7 Officials position: Referees should always be sure they are in a position to see the lifting, and should move their chair or position if needs be
Also… it is unprofessional for officials to openly discuss decisions made whilst at the platform so that others in the room can hear the conversation. Better to discuss quietly between lifts, groups or sessions if necessary
Also… when using sticks and not a light system, Officials should be careful not to look at other Officials decisions before showing their own, even if done unwittingly, it looks unprofessional and as though the ref doesn’t know what signal to give
Also …… a centre Ref, remember to give clear audible signals. ( and visual, if it is very noisy in the room)

There may well be some points we have missed here, but I think we have most of the regular ones highlighted. IAWA is a great organisation, run by enthusiastic volunteers and lifters. As i mentioned, these points are for us all to follow : lifters promoters and officials, and if we all try to do our bit and keep these points in mind it makes the whole organisation and the running of competitions go so much smoother!

Thanks for reading these notes, hope they all make sense, lets carry on having great lifting and keep our organisation great too…..and of course ‘have great fun out there…..’

Cheers all

Memories of Jim

By John McKean

(Webmasters comments: Thank you John for sharing your memories of the late Jim Malloy. I encourage others to send me their memories of Jim as well, so I can share them on this website.)

Jim was always a warm ,loveable guy, but tried to “hide” it with his gruff, steel worker manner & “colorful” method of speaking! His subtle humor during conversation had to be experienced to appreciate it! For instance, He, Chris Waterman, and I were gabbing at a VFW meet, when Chris mentioned training since his early teens with Jim. Chris commented, “I guess I was a fairly obnoxious youth and it sure took Jim a long time to warm up to me!” Jim never changed expressions but quickly added, “No, Chris, I NEVER liked you! Not even now!” Chris’ mouth dropped open (till he realized he’d been “had” by the ole master), and the rest of us howled!

Another time, Jim showed up at a record day meet at our club, sputtering & moaning all the way down the stairway to the gym. No one had any doubt by the unique colorful phrases that it was Jim approaching. It seems that Scott Schmidt and his wife picked up Jim at his home in Cleveland that morning,telling him they were taking him shopping at a local mall, then “kidnapped” him down to Ambridge for Art’s birthday meet! Loudly complaining the entire time, Jim ignored his injuries, aches, and pains to set a bunch of records!

I think Jim got a kick out my two sons when they were lifting as pre-teens ; Sean & Rob always referred to him as that “Missing Link” guy! Certainly they’d never seen anyone that strong, gruff, and hairy !!

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