Art’s Birthday Bash

by Al Myers


There is no entry form, but please let Art know ahead of time if you plan to attend his Birthday Bash.  Art can be reached by phone 724-375-2052.


Art’s Birthday Bash
Ambridge VFW BBC
1098 Duss Avenue
Ambridge, PA 15003

DATE: Sunday, October 16th, 2016

LIFTS: Record Day (max 5 lifts)

John’s Birthday RD

by John McKean

John’s Birthday Record Day
Turning 70 -Easy as Apple pie !

John McKean enjoyed some homemade apple pie on his 70th birthday!

John McKean enjoyed some homemade apple pie on his 70th birthday!

Due to expected December snowstorms, I’d confided to Art Montini, “we’ll probably only have 2 lifters attending my birthday meet- you & me- and I might not be able to make it!!” But the weather looked more like Art’s October meet, than one held during Christmas week! Heck , if travel weather was to be a big factor, I’m still wondering how Dean Ross made an over 19 hour one-way drive to beat me to my own contest!!

Yep, Dean continues his quest to more & more records, and did superbly with an energetic 8 new marks, despite summoning even more energy in returning to the road immediately for the repeat 19+ hour drive and an 8AM start for work in the morning!! Next in was Stephen Santangelo, all the way from northern Kentucky, with a present of an absolutely wonderful, natural organic apple pie, which his lovely wife (and fantastic cook!!) Lori had baked for the occasion EVERYBODY dove into this tasty, nutritional treat – Denny Habecker arrived from across state and didn’t even pocket his keys or take off his coat before he was chowing down on a piece of this large pie!! Thanks, Lori, for such a great birthday gift – this “brunch” made the meet, for all of us!!

Next in came the Cleveland crowd – Scott Schmidt and his ever smiling wife, then Denny Mitchell and Flossy, all amazed at easy travel through our normal snow belt! Both Scott & Dennis enjoyed this chance at another record day, since Art’s meet right after the World’s had left little training prep time in October. As Scott cheerfully exclaimed. “Wow, it’s so cool that we actually have another shot at records, with real training time behind it!”

Old Art Montini did a single lift with each of 5 lifts, acquiring an easy new 5 world records. And Stephen Santangelo treated us to a rarely seen “Saxon Snatch”, among others, with his specially built (and approved) equipment.

We all left the gym at a little past noon, despite all the chalk dust we had left flying! Outside it was bright sun and blue skies, and warming, with clear roads for travel. Now that it’s all over and done,” let it snow!!” Merry Christmas, all !


John’s 70th Birthday Records Day
Ambridge VFW Barbell Club
Duss Ave  Ambridge, PA
Dec 20, 2015

Officials (3-official system used: Denny Habecker, Scott Schmidt, Dennis Mitchell, Art Montini, John McKean


Dennis Mitchell  age 83 weight 151.5 div 80+,70K
1″bar left hand vertical bar deadlift 56 pounds
1″bar right hand vertical bar deadlift 56 #
left hand one arm Ciavattone deadlift 93#
right hand one arm Ciavattone deadlift 93#
stiff leg deadlift 150#

John McKean age 70 weight 165 div 70+, 75K
Straddle deadlift 2″ barbell 260 pounds
Hack lift 2″ barbell 210#
Power Row 174#
Trap Bar Deadlift 300#
Jefferson (Straddle lift) 259#
2 barbells deadlift 260#
one arm (R) barbell deadlift 209#
one arm (L) barbell deadlift 209#
right one arm dumbbell deadlift 175#
Alternate grip bench press 115#
Bench Press feet in air 120#

Stephen R Santangelo age 63 weight 166 div 60+, 80K
Fulton bar snatch 85 pounds
No thumb overhand deadlift  285#
No thumbs deadlift 305#
Saxon Snatch  80#
Dumbbell Walk 77#

Art Montini age 88 weight 174 div 85+, 80K
Little fingers straddle lift 45 pounds
Index fingers straddle lift 60#
ring fingers straddle lift 70 #
middle fingers straddle lift 88#
2″ barbell straddle lift 135#

Denny Habecker age 73 weight 195 div 70+ , 90K
Bench press hands together  135 pounds
Bench Press Fulton bar 170#
Deadlift 12″ base 265#

Scott Schmidt age 63 weight 231 div 60+, 105K
Right hand 2″ vertical bar deadlift 85K
Left hand 2″ vertical bar deadlift 85K
2 hand 2″ vertical bar deadlift 135K
French Press 55K
Bent over (power) Row 115K

Dean Ross age 73 weight 254.5 div 70+, 120K
Rectangular fix Fulton Bar 50 pounds
Holdout Fulton bar lowered 50#
Holdout Fulton bar raised 50#
Straddle deadlift 2″ bar 210 pounds
Deadlift 2″ bar  260#
Ciavattone Fulton bar deadlift  170#
Left hand Fulton bar deadlift 80#
Right hand Fulton bar deadlift 80#

Time to renew!

by Al Myers

It’s time to renew your USAWA membership! I want to remind everyone that membership in the USAWA runs for a calendar year – Jan 1st to the end of December.  So far I have only one person who has sent me his 2016 membership dues! That lifter is the “one and only” Jim Malloy.

Please include a properly filled out membership application with your dues.  These forms are easily found under the tab About Us.  Just click on “forms and applications”.  Dues at $25 are a bargain.  Membership dues in the USAWA are our main source of income, and all the money goes back to the membership. This money pays for our yearly awards, drug testing, and the website fees.  Membership allows you to compete in any of our sanctioned events, and even covers “joint membership” in the IAWA.

OTSM in Australia

by Al Myers

The TOP THREE at the Australian International Old Time Strongman Challenge (left to right): Denny Habecker (3rd), John Mahon (1st), and Graham Saxton (2nd).

The TOP THREE at the Australian International Old Time Strongman Challenge (left to right): Denny Habecker (3rd), John Mahon (1st), and Graham Saxton (2nd).

When I was in Australia for the IAWA Gold Cup, meet promoter John Mahon hosted the very first International Old Time Strongman Challenge following the meet.  I was very excited to see this – as OTSM was started in the USAWA 5 years ago and now other countries in IAWA are getting interested in it.  The founding concept of OTSM is to bridge strongman with All Round Weightlifting by contesting lifts/movements that were favorites of famous Old Time Strongmen and contest them by following the basic format of a weightlifting meet instead of a strongman competition. This means having lifts that can be loaded with the weight of the lifter’s choosing, and allowing 3 attempts to accomplish a max. Also as part of these OTSM lifts rule infractions in the rulebook are a minimum and a lifter is on a 1 minute clock to perform a legal lift.

This was a truly international OTSM challenge. Lifters from Australia, England and the USA took part.  The challenge had a good variety of lifts with the Anderson Squat, the Apollon’s Lift, and the People’s Deadlift being the events contested.  The venue was outside on the lawn of the Belmont Club.  It was a beautiful sunny day for the competition which added to the enjoyment of lifting. Very rarely do you get a chance to lift outside.  It’s a special moment when that does happen.

Steve Gardner was appointed the head official and I assumed the role of timekeeper.  The Anderson Squat was the first event.  John had perfect stands for this event which allowed the plates to be rested on elevated stands.  Graham “Big Red” Saxton took control early with a big 260 KG Anderson Squat! John Mahon put up the biggest Anderson Squat with a 300 KG.  For the Apollon’s Lift, Peter Phillips had made up a beautiful set of replica Apollon’s Wheels for the event.  This made this OTSM event even more authentic! Denny Habecker “Steinborned” the axle to achieve a very fine lift of 56 KG’s. Newcomer Alex Biason performed a very solid 81 kilograms in the Apollon’s Lift.  The People’s Deadlift was very exciting.  I knew beforehand several of the lifter’s would be very close in poundage and it would be a showdown for top lift. Indeed it turned out that way.  Alex hit 215 KG followed by Graham at 225.  John and Peter finished off tied with 250 KG each.

Peter Phillips performing an Apollon's Lift on a set of replica Apollon's Wheels he had made specifically for this event.

Peter Phillips performing an Apollon’s Lift on a set of replica Apollon’s Wheels he had made specifically for this event.

When all the dust settled, John Mahon came out as the overall champion, followed by Graham Saxton in second, and the USAWA OTSM reigning champion Denny Habecker in third.  I was very pleased to see  all participating countries represented in the top three in the inaugural international Old Time Strongman Challenge.  An award was given to the lifter with the top total poundage, and that also went to John with a 656 total.

I was so impressed with this event following the Gold Cup that I plan to  host the second international OTSM Challenge following the Gold Cup next year during my promotion.


2015 International OTSM Challenge
November 29th, 2015
Belmont Sports and Recreational Club
Perth, Australia

Meet Promoter: John Mahon

Head Official: Steve Gardner

Scorekeeper: Sharni Clifford

Lifts: Anderson Squat, Apollon’s Lift, People’s Deadlift

Lifter Age BWT SQ Apo DL TOT PTS
John Mahon 32 115.8 300 106 250 656 515.1
Graham Saxton 53 121.0 260 71 225 556 486.9
Denny Habecker 73 89.9 160 56 172.5 388.5 467.4
Alex Biason 48 118.2 230 81 215 526 445.6
Peter Phillips 62 104.5 120 66 250 436 443.8


Belmont Heavy Events

by Al Myers

Al Myers throwing the 56# Weight over the bar in Perth, Australia.

Al Myers throwing the 56# Weight over the bar in Perth, Australia.

When I was in Australia for the IAWA Gold Cup, meet promoter John Mahon organized a couple of other competitions in the days following the Gold Cup.  This made a full weekend of competition activities for our enjoyment!  The day after the Gold Cup a Heavy Events competition was contested at the Belmont Athletics Club.  The Highland Games were a major passion of mine for 20 years.  Between the ages of 20 and 40 I competed in over 300 games all over the US and Scotland, but NEVER in Australia!  I have been “retired” from the Highland Games for the past 10 years, but when John presented me with this unique opportunity to throw the heavy weights and turn a caber in Australia I couldn’t pass it up!  I knew I would be a “little rusty” since I have barely touched a throwing weight for 10 years, but once I got started it was alot like riding a bike – the technique was ingrained into my nervous system and I felt just like the “old days”.  Now others things have left me (like my speed, power and explosion!), but  when I picked the caber I felt solid with it technique wise and was able to turn it!  I even got to compete in the Masters Class which I have never done before in the games.  I had a GREAT TIME!  I really enjoyed the friendly competition I had with the Perth Powerhouse Peter Phillips.  We spent much of the day bantering with each other, but both of us gave it all we had. Days like this one make me remember why I love the Highland Games so much! There were a couple of young throwers in the open class that have unreal ability. I hope that they “stick with it” because both of them could have a bright future as the next great Australian Highland Gamer.

Thanks John and “the crew” for hosting this event. Who knows? It might inspire me to come out of retirement and hit the Highland Games circuit next year!

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