OTSM Championships

by Eric Todd


Group picture from the 2015 USAWA Old Time Strongman Championship (left to right): Denny Habecker, Eric Todd, Art Montini, Lance Foster

Group picture from the 2015 USAWA Old Time Strongman Championship (left to right): Denny Habecker, Eric Todd, Art Montini, Lance Foster

September 26, ET’s House of Iron and Stone played host to the fifth annual USAWA Old Time strongman Championship. Though turnout was rather small (mostly due to poor scheduling by the promoter), the lifting was fantastic and the camaraderie was even better. President Denny Habecker and his trusty sidekick Art Montini made the trip from Pennsylvania to lift. Lance Foster came all the way from from Platte City, MO, and I came all the way across the lawn from inside my house. We started off with Thor’s Hammer, which would have the smallest amount lifted of all the disciplines. Lance and I tied for top honors here, both lifting 35.5 pounds. Denny was not far behind with at record breaking lift of 25.5. In the Saxon snatch, Lance and I tied again with lifts of 80 pounds apiece. In the Apollon’s Axle, it was all Lance. At first, it appeared that he had shot himself in the foot, as he missed his first and second attempts. However, he came back on his third and nailed 165 pounds. Denny struggled with the continental, or he would have given Lance a run for his money. The final lift of the day was the People’s Deadlift. It was a battle. Art set the bar with a lift of 300, a record lift of 320, and he was still grumbling afterwards that we had let him start too light. Denny topped him with a 365, then ground out a record 375. At this point, Lance started lifting and topped out at an impressive 460. This lift ultimately allowed Lance to sneak by Art by one point for second place. Top honors, however, went to his majesty, the President, Denny Habecker. It was a beautiful day to catch up with friends and throw around some iron.


2015 USAWA OTSM Championships
ET’s House of Iron and Stone
Turney, MO
September 26th, 2015

Meet Director: Eric Todd

Scorekeeper: Eric Todd

Officials (3 official system used): Eric Todd, Lance Foster, Denny Habecker, Art Montini

Lifts: Thor’s Hammer, Saxon Snatch, Apollon’s Lift, People’s Deadlift


 LIFTER AGE BWT Thor Sax Apoll People Total Points
Denny Habecker 72 87.3 25.5 50 120 365 560.5 680.8
Lance Foster 49 149.1 35.5 80 165 460 740.5 566.7
Art Montini 87 79.1 10 25 60 300 395 565.8
Eric Todd 40 117.3 35.5 80 110 135 360.5 284.1


Denny Habecker: Saxon Snatch 60#
Denny Habecker: People’s Deadlift 375#
Art Montini: People’s Deadlift 320#

NOTES: Age in years. BWT is bodyweight in kilograms. All lifts recorded in pounds. Total is total pounds lifted. Points are adjusted points for age and bodyweight corrections.

Lifter of the Month – Dean Ross

by Al Myers

Dean Ross performing a One Arm Zercher at the 2015 USAWA Presidential Cup.

Dean Ross performing a One Arm Zercher at the 2015 USAWA Presidential Cup.

The LIFTER OF THE MONTH for the USAWA for the month of August is Dean Ross. Usually this is a difficult decision to select a lifter for this award – but this month it was an EASY, HANDS DOWN decision!  No one has came close to performing like Dean Ross thru the month of August.  Let me “recap” Dean’s highlights from last month.  First, he made the long road trip to Lebanon, PA to compete in the Presidential Cup, hosted by our USAWA President Denny Habecker.   Dean came away with winning the Presidential Cup! This award is for the BEST LIFTER of the meet.   Dean then competed in TWO USAWA Championship events – the Team Championships and the Club Championships.  Dean anchored the Dino Gym for a club victory at the Club Championships, and then teamed with LaVerne Myers for a third place finish in the Team Championships.  On top of all this competing Dean still found time to complete the postal lifts for the USAWA Third Quarter Postal and the IAWA World Postal Meet.  That’s a busy month!

Also, I have to mention that Dean has now entered the TOP TEN in the Century Club for most USAWA records.   I’ll end with a good quote, “We haven’t heard the last of Dean Ross!”



Team Champs History

by Al Myers

8 time USAWA Team Champions Chad Ullom and Al Myers performing a 430 pound Heels Together Clean and Press in the first USAWA Team Championships in 2007.

8 time USAWA Team Champions Chad Ullom and Al Myers performing a 430 pound Heels Together Clean and Press in the first USAWA Team Championships in 2007.

It is my goal this year to create a historical summary of all our Championship Events, which will be always easily available to view in our historical archive page section on the website.   I plan to do this around the time of each Championships.  Since the Team Championships is already “done and gone” it is time I get this one summarized!  I have promoted and hosted all of the USAWA Team Championships at the Dino Gym, with the first year being in 2007.  Hard to believe – but next year will be our 10th year for this annual Championship event.

The USAWA Team Championships started out as a very small competition.  Only ONE TEAM showed up the first year, and that was only because I talked Chad into being my teammate. Well, the next year didn’t get much better when Chad told me he couldn’t make it so I talked Joe Garcia into being my teammate.  Again, it was just one team.  Joe commented to Bill (which was published in the Strength Journal) that “it was really cozy laying so close to Al” during the Team Pullover and Press.  I would think the enjoyment of that experience would have motivated Joe to return to the Team Championships – but I haven’t seen him at this meet since!  It was at that time that I think Bill probably thought I should have “put a fork” into this Team Championships idea and kill it off – and I was having my doubts as well – but I forged on for another year.

In 2009, the Team Championships started to pick up momentum! Participation DOUBLED with 2 teams in attendance. Thanks to the JWC Graybeards for showing up it finally made for a real competition – a ONE ON ONE DUEL. Thom and John vowed a rematch with Chad and me – but again they have not been seen at the Team Championships since.

2010 brought another increase in attendance!  For the first time there was a 70 age plus team competing (Rudy Bletscher and Mike Murdock).  This comp also marked the first time a Team Trap Bar Deadlift was done – which I made specifically for this event. 2012 was a memorable year because it was the first time a Mixed Pair (man and woman) team entered with Doug and Jera Kressly.  At this event the participation was up to 4 teams.  2013 was even better with all 3 divisions represented.  Ruth Jackson and Molly Myers entered the first ever 2-Women Team that year.  The BEST YEAR for attendance was THIS YEAR, 2015, with 6 teams entered.  There were 3 2-Man Teams and 3 Mixed Pair Teams.  This made for a great competitive event.

It has taken about 10 years – but finally I feel this is one of the best attended events in the USAWA.  I’m glad I didn’t “throw in the towel” back in 2008!




2015-August 30th

Al Myers & Chad Ullom

>60: LaVerne Myers & Dean Ross

none Jera & Doug Kressly
2014-August 24th

Al Myers & Chad Ullom

>60: Laverne Myers & Dean Ross

none none
2013-August 17th

Al Myers & Chad Ullom

>60: Denny Habecker & Art Montini

Ruth Jackson & Molly Myers Jera Kressly & Logan Kressly
2012-August 11th

Al Myers & Chad Ullom

>60: LaVerne Myers & Dean Ross

none Jera & Doug Kressly
2011-August 27th

Al Myers & Chad Ullom

>60: Mike Murdock & Rudy Bletscher

none none
2010-August 10th

Al Myers & Chad Ullom

>60: Mike Murdock & Rudy Bletscher

none none
2009-September 20th Al Myers & Chad Ullom none none
2008-September 20th Al Myers & Joe Garcia none none
2007-September 8th Al Myers & Chad Ullom none none

*This table will be maintained and updated in the History Section page on the website.

World Postal Championships

by Steve Gardner


Well done to all who took part: especially to top team Winners ‘Burton Powerhouse 1’ who retained their title form 2014, ahead of a close challenge from Leicesters ‘Granby Grippers’ and Eastbournes ‘Meta Men’ in third. Individual Champion: Steve Sherwood took the title from Mark Haydock in Second and Pete Tryner in Third…..Super lifting, Super Results…and again Well Done to all who took part and supported the event! Results came in from Scotland, Wales, USA, England, Australia and Ireland!

MEET RESULTS (PDF) – 2015_Andy_Goddard_Memorial

Forum back up!

by Al Myers

Well last night I finally solved the issues with the USAWA website.  It is now back online and working!  The change-over in the website also involved the forum.  I hope all users had their information transferred correctly – but I suspect there may have been some loss of information.  If anyone has issues with logging in please email me and I will get it sorted out for you.  Also – I’ve had lots of problems with abundant “login spammers” and I usually just delete this stuff but if someone has an odd sounding user name and email that I don’t recognize this could get deleted as well.  It’s always best to send me an email when you register for the forum so I make sure your account is approved.

I’m trying to keep the USAWA Discussion Forum “clean” and just for those truly interested in All-Round Weightlifting and the USAWA.  It has been an important venue to discuss topics and current events, and I appreciate everyone who has contributed.

Please take a moment today and post on the forum – just so I know it is working for everyone. Thanks!

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