Heavy Lift Update

by Eric Todd

As the Heavylift championship is coming right up, I wanted to post an update.  First of all, I wanted to touch base on the record breaking event following the meet.  I will have all records for the 3 lifts being contested in the championship; however, if you want to attempt a record in any other discipline, you need to email me at SalGuimino@yahoo.com so that I can be sure to print off the records for that list.  It will also help me be sure to have the appropriate equipment out in the barn.

Secondly, I wanted to give directions for anyone who does not know their way through God’s country.

from the North: take I-35 south until you pass Cameron.  About 4 miles past Cameron, you will come to the HWY 69 exit.  Take that exit, and take a let on 69 at the top of the ramp. Take 69 South 5 or 6 miles until you get to 292 on the left.  Take 292 maybe a mile to the first right, deer creek.  Wind around on deer creek for a spell until you get to the first left, 286.  Take 286th about a mile.  Mine is the third house on the right.  The meet is in the big tin can.

From the South:  take I-35 North until you get to the Lathrop/Polo exit, which is HWY116.  Take the exit, then take a right at the top on 116.  Take 116 a little over a mile, then take a left on HWY69.  Take 69 North about 4 miles, then take a right on 280th.  Take 280th about a mile to your first left, Deer Creek.  Take Deer Creek about a mile North until your first right, 286th.  Take 286th about a mile until you get to the third house on the right.  The meet is in the big tin can.

We have an excellent group competing for the Heavylift Chamionship, and I am very excited to be hosting.  See you next weekend!

1st Quarter Postal


by Denny Habecker



USAWA 1st Quarter Postal Meet
March 30th, 2015

Meet Promoter: Denny Habecker

Lifts: Pullover and Press, Curl – Cheat, Reverse Grip, Clean and Jerk – Behind Neck

Lifters with Certified Officials:

Eric Todd – Official Lance Foster
Lance Foster – Official Eric Todd
Barry Bryan – Official Denny Habecker and Art Montini
Denny Habecker – Official Barry Bryan and Art Montini
Art Montini – Official Denny Habecker and Barry Bryan
Chad Ullom – Official Al Myers and LaVerne Myers
Dean Ross – Official Al Myers, LaVerne Myers, and Chad Ullom
LaVerne Myers – Official Al Myers and Chad Ullom
Crystal Diggs – Official Ruth Jackson


 Ruth Jackson  53  107 115 90 90  295  464.0
 Mary McConnaughey  55  298 125 95 65  285  240.7
 Crystal Diggs  28  154 43 40 50  133  139.3


 Eric Todd  40  261  381  216  231  828  649.7
 Barry Bryan  57  190  209  143  176  528  572.4
 Chad Ullom  43  255  253  198  132  583  477.1
 Denny Habecker  72  190  176  99  99  374  457.9
 Dean Ross  72  252  154  137  75  366  384.8
 Christian Schimpf  16  150  125  115  75  315  375.1
 Al Myers  48  233  281  176  —  417  374.1
 LaVerne Myers  70  242  132  137  75  344  363.7
 Art Montini  87  171  101  66  66  233  337.9
 Lance Foster  49  315  160  151  111  422  330.1

NOTES: All lifts recorded in pounds. BWT is bodyweight in pounds. TOT is total pounds lifted. PTS are adjusted points corrected for age and bodyweight.

Club Championships

by Dave Glasgow



Hosted by


Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Weigh In 9:00-10:00 AM

Lifting starts at 10:00 AM sharp


Push Press – From Rack
Snatch – Dumbbell, One Arm (non dominate hand)
Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 Bar, 2″, One Hand
Deadlift – 2 Bars

Questions or directions to the venue


Lebanon County RD

by Denny Habecker

Well the Lebanon County Record Day is in.  I had one lifter, Bill Clark.  I didn’t lift because I had no one to officiate me.  As you can see, he is a very strong guy and I think he is an excellent addition to our organization.


Lebanon County Record Day
April 11th, 2015
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, PA

Bill Clark – Age 47, Bodyweight 196 pounds

Curl – Cheat, Reverse Grip: 171 lbs.
Anderson Squat: 650 lbs.
Peoples Deadlift: 501 lbs.
Bent Over Row: 264 lbs.

The 1964 Missouri State Champ!

by Thom Van Vleck

Wayne Gardner holding the 1964 State Champ trophy and a copy of the Obituary of his good friend Wayne Smith.

Wayne Gardner holding the 1964 State Champ trophy and a copy of the Obituary of his good friend Wayne Smith.

Recently I visited an old friend and member of the JWC, Wayne Gardner.  Wayne had been a member of the Jackson Weightlifting Club in the 1960’s and had them moved away for a job in Kansas City.  Wayne continued to lift competitively into his 50’s and lifted often in the old Odd Lifting days that preceded the USAWA.

I was looking at all of Gardner’s trophies and he told me there was one that was extra special to him.  It was one that he didn’t win but was given to him because he should have won it.  It was for the 165lb weight class of the 1964 Missouri State Championships.

The story goes like this.  When I was growing up there was a club member (and a former USAWA member and odd lifter) named Wayne Smith.  Smith lifted with the JWC and was on the two time State Team Champs.  Now, no disrespect to Smith as he was a great lifter and chin up champ.  But Olympic lifting was not his best area of lifting.  Gardner was a great Oly lifter and in 1964 they ended up in the same weight class.

Gardner had won the previous year.  He was the favorite to repeat.  As the meet progressed a funny thing happened.  Everyone bombed out except Gardner and Smith!  Going into the last lift, the Clean & Jerk, Gardner needed only a 135lbs to seal his second stated championship.  Smith came up and told him to take it a seal the win.  Gardner didn’t like the idea of taking such a light weight so he stuck with his original opener of 240lbs.  Smith finished his C&J’s and then waited on Gardner.  Who promptly BOMBED OUT!

Smith ended up with his only state championship.  He was pretty happy about it even if the other members kidded him for years about it being by default.  Many times I remember Smith retorting with, “Yeah, but I did what I had to do…to bad those other guys didn’t”!

Close up of the trophy

Close up of the trophy

Over the years Gardner and Smith remained great friends and then a few years ago Smith passed away.  It was a sad day for the JWC.  Gardner went to Smith’s family and asked if he could have that trophy and promised to give it a good home.  So they did and now after all these years it was in Gardner’s hands.

As Gardner recounted the story to me that I’ve heard a hundred times it took on a new meaning.  It was obvious to me this was more about friendship and less about a piece of metal mounted on wood.  A tear came to his eye as he finished knowing that Smith is no longer around to share in the moment.  Which considering Gardner was a Marine and one of the toughest guys I’ve ever known was saying much about how much it meant to him.  I’m pretty sure knowing him all my life I never saw him shed a tear before.

So that’s the story of a long forgotten state championship upon which a lifetime of friendship was built!

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