Nationals Venue Site

by Al Myers

This is just a reminder that the National Championships this coming weekend will be at the home of Denny and Judy Habecker (address is located on the Entry Info Sheet).  Denny has announced this some time back on the USAWA Discussion Forum, but it may have been missed by some.  Denny has a large backyard, and plans to have a tent and platform set up for the competition.  So come prepared to be outside!  When Denny hosted the 2010 Nationals he had it outside as well.  I really enjoyed it – the “environment” of the meet seemed more relaxed than being inside.  Weigh-ins will be 7:30-8:30 Saturday morning, with the lifting starting at 9:30.  There will be enough lifters to have two sessions.  The first session will be in the morning, and the second session will be in the afternoon.    

Also – the Annual National Meeting will be held Saturday afternoon immediately following the day’s lifting.  It is not mandatory to attend this meeting – but if you want to be part of the organizations “politics” this is your chance! 

Now this comes from Judy (the real mastermind behind this weekend’s festivities – I know the truth Denny!!!):

From Judy-
Just want all the lifters and their supporters to know that food will be available at our home on Friday evening, after weigh-in Saturday and Sunday, breakfast will be available until half-hour (9:30) before meet start, and Saturday evening a meal will be served. Sunday afternoon- evening a banquet style meal will be served. So Please come to our home to all of the above or whenever you wish. Please, if you can ,let me know when you’ll be attending, so I can be sure to prepare enough food. Also, please let me know of any allergies so I can serve food safely, Thanks See you June 28,29,30, Hope all have a safe trip, There is a Holiday Inn Express about 5 minutes from our home, Phone Number is717-273-9800–2205 East Cumberland Street and a Day’s Inn with phone number–717-273-6771 at 625 Quentin Road which is about 5 miles from our home.

Thom Van Vleck: NEW Level 2 Official

by Al Myers

Thom Van Vleck (right) is joined by fellow USAWA officials LaVerne Myers (left) and Denny Habecker (middle) at the USAWA Heavy Lift Championships in York in 2011. As you can see, these three took their judging duties very serious as they are getting "down and dirty" to get a good view of the lifting!

Thom Van Vleck has just been promoted to the highest level of officiating status in the USAWA.  He is now a Level 2 Official, and joins a very short list of the most qualified officials within the USAWA.  Since the development of the USAWA Officials Program in 2009,  officials must NOW be certified to judge any USAWA competition/event.    I would like to review a bit of this as it pertains to USAWA Rulebook:

VII. Officials

10.   There will be two levels of classification for Certified USAWA officials.

  • Level 1 Test Qualified – The official has passed the USAWA Rules Test and completed the practical training sessions.
  • Level 1 Experience Qualified – The official has the experience of officiating in 25 or more competitions or events.
  • Level 2 – The official has passed the USAWA Rules Test and has completed the practical training sessions, and has the experience of officiating in 25 or more competitions or events.  

Thom has been officiating in the USAWA for close to 10 years and has officiated at some “BIG” meets.  He has officiated numerous championships events, including the 2006, 2009, and 2011 National Championships.  He also officiated at the 2012 IAWA World Championships.  He earned the Level 2 classification for officiating in over 25 events (as well as passing the USAWA Rules Test).  He is now awarded a LIFETIME OFFICIALS CARD in the USAWA and will have the ability to approve new officials that undergo the Practical Training Sessions.  Congrats Thom!!!

2013 Meeting Agenda

by Al Myers

The 2013 USAWA National Championships is almost upon us, and with that comes the Annual National Meeting of the USAWA. The USAWA is governed throughout the year by the elected 5-person Executive Board, but membership votes at the annual meeting decide the “big issues”.  The agenda for the meeting is set  and has been approved by the Exec Board.   The meeting agenda seems pretty benign this year, with no major problems or issues to solve!  Hopefully, this will keep the meeting shorter than it has been the past couple of years!   The big agenda item is the election of officers and the two “at large” Executive Board members.  Election in the USAWA happens every two years, on “odd-number years”, with the membership in attendance casting the votes.  No absentee or proxy votes are allowed.  If you are displeased with the current administration, this is the time to show up at the meeting  to let your “voice be known” by either running for office yourself or supporting another candidate.  The USAWA is ran by the membership and the Officers and the Executive Board answer to the concerns of the membership in terms of being elected officials.  There are no term limits in the USAWA.  This was fully supported by former USAWA Secretary Bill Clark, and I used to hear him say several times in the past, “if you don’t like who’s in office – then vote em out!”

The Annual Meeting will be held late Saturday afternoon following the conclusion of the day’s lifting.  Approximate time of the meeting will be around 5-6 PM.  The meeting will be held at the Habecker’s house.   The USAWA Awards ceremony will not be held in conjunction with the meeting this year, like it has been in the past.  It will be held on Sunday following the meets award ceremony.   I felt that having the Awards Ceremony for the annual USAWA awards to be “too much” to be held after the meeting, when everyone was exhausted from the long meeting and ready to relax and eat supper.  Now when the meeting is over we can get right to Judy’s good fixings!

Business Agenda for the 2013 USAWA Annual National Meeting

  1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  2. Reading of previous meetings minutes by USAWA Secretary Al Myers
  3. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Al Myers
  4. Report from the Officials Director Joe Garcia
  5. Report from the Website Director Al Myers
  6. Report from the Records Director Joe Garcia
  7. Report from the Awards Director Al Myers
  8. Report from the Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom
  9. Report from the Postal Meet Director John Wilmot
  10. Discussion and vote on the new proposed lift
    – Hackenschmidt Floor Press
    – Call for new IAWA lift proposals
  11. Discussion and vote on Rulebook Changes
  12. Discussion of other new business brought forth by the membership
  13. Accept bids for 2014 National Championships
  14. Election of New Officers and Executive Board Members
  15. Meeting adjourned

Lifter of the Month: Dennis Mitchell

by Al Myers

Dennis Mitchell (left) receiving his Championship Award from meet director Frank Ciavattone at the 2013 USAWA Heavy Lift Championships.

The lifter of the Month for the month of May goes to Dennis Mitchell – and for good reason.  At the Heavy Lift Championships last month Dennis has accomplished something VERY FEW lifters EVER achieve.  He eclipsed a milestone of competing for 70 years.  That’s right – 70 years of active competition!  In my book, that’s an amazing accomplishment and worthy of special recognition.  

I first met Dennis at Nationals 10 years ago or so.   Since then I have got to know him very well, as he is always representing the USAWA at national and international events.  He has been one of the most loyal supporters of the USAWA since the organization began.  

Congratulations Dennis on winning this months Lifter of the Month!!!

Denny in the NEWS!

by Al Myers

Denny Habecker makes the paper!

Denny Habecker makes the paper! Recently, our USAWA Denny Habecker was featured in the local Lebanon newspaper. Most don’t realize that Denny is more than just an all round lifter – he has also been very active in Olympic Weightlifting throughout his life.  He has been actively competing for over 50 years!  From this article, it states that Denny has competed in more than 330 competitions.   He has competed in England, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, in addition to all over the United States.  He has been named to “the Top 60 Lebanon County Sports Individuals”.   He is the only lifter to have earned this honor.

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