Dino Days Record Day

by Al Myers


Meet Director: Al Myers and the Dino Gym

Meet Date: Sunday, August 18th, 2013 10:00 AM-4:00PM

Location: Dino Gym, Abilene, Kansas

Sanction: USAWA

Entry Form: None – just show up

Entry Fee: None

Lifts: Record Day – Pick any lifts you can set a USAWA record in!

Maximum of 5 lifts for record is set.

Contact me at amyers@usawa.com if you have any questions

Heavy Lifting Objects

by Al Myers

Frank’s “1 TON” Train wheels, that he uses for hip and harness lifting.

The other day I covered a story about Frank’s big “1-TON” train wheels in his backyard, and how he uses them in his training for heavy hip and harness lifting.  These big train wheels are more than just “yard art”  to Frank – they are an important apparatus used in his all round training.  Several other all rounders have similar things they use for training the heavy chain lifts.   I have been in many all round club gyms and have seen other heavy things used.  It goes to show that there are things to train on besides bars and plates.

Al Springs uses these “giant tires” to train the hip and harness lifts.

Al Springs has his “giant tires” that he uses for Hip and Harness lifting.  Very impressive setup!

This is All-Round lifing legend Steve Schmidt’s setup for training the Heavy Lifts, complete with his walker.

Steve Schmidt has his “big frame” that he uses.  He did many of his 3000 pound plus Harness Lifts using this setup.

The Dino Gym’s Train Wheels, which reside by the front door of the gym.

At the Dino Gym, I have a couple of Train Wheels on a Heavy Lift bar that I use to train the hip and harness lifts.  Altogether, they weigh in at 1500 pounds including the bar.   I have done a set of 20 reps in the Harness Lift with these, and sets of 5-10 for hip lifting.  As of yet, I have not done a Hand and Thigh with them.   I’m gonna make that a goal of mine this summer – 1 rep in the Hand and Thigh with these train wheels!!! That’s a perfect summer challenge for me!!

JWC Redesigned Logo

by Thom Van Vleck

The New JWC logo.

The Jackson Weightlifting Club is one of the oldest Clubs in the USAWA…and that’s saying a lot because there are some old clubs!  To me, what sets the JWC apart is it very much is a family club.  Sure, there are lots of non family members, but the core has been my family and for over 85 years there has been a member of my family at the lead.  While I hope that continues, I just hope it’s around another 85 years regardless of who is running it!  I am pretty proud to keep the tradition going of lifting for not only strength of body, but strength of mind, spirit, and character.  That’s why on the logo below that adorns the front of the shirt it says “Strength, Faith, Honor, and Wisdom”.  I would say that lifting is more about life than winning awards for the JWC…..but awards are nice, too!

Logo that's on the front of the new JWC shirts

The anvil that is on the both sides is a silhouette of the Original “Grandpa Jackson” Anvil that sits in my gym.  Many will remember the story I’ve probably told too many times of my Great Grandfather lifting that anvil to impress his kids, then my grandfather turning to weight training to achieve that same feat….then that turning into a tradition of lifting in our family.  And yes, 1928 was the year my grandfather started lifting with his future brother in law and his friends that led to the formation of the the JWC.  While the name “Jackson Weightlifting Club” wasn’t coined until 1957, I consider 1928 as the date the idea was born…..which was more important than the name.  That idea was a man could use weights to make himself better in all ways….not just physical strength.

The "old" logo in use since the 90's.

The Logo drawn by my Uncle Phil in the late 50's that inspired all the future logos.

Here are the old logos just to let you compare.  I have tried to stay true to the original as I want to always honor those that came before me and paved the way.  I know I’ve shared the symbolism of it before, but since I’ve made an update, I wanted to share again.  I plan on having the shirts available at my Highland Games in October and the Old Time Strongman Championships this fall (looking at a December date).  So if you like them, come and compete and get one as a meet shirt!  I know a shirt won’t make my lift more (well….unless it was a bench shirt…but who likes those!)…but when I wear this shirt, I feel extra inspired to not let the tradition down!

Frank’s Backyard

by Al Myers

Part of Frank's backyard involves the storage of his heavy-duty dirt and snow moving equipment.

When I was at Frank Ciavattone’s place for the Heavy Lift Championships, I was extremely impressed with his gym and his setup for the competiton.  The meet was held outside in Frank’s backyard, just outside of Frank’s Barbell Club gym.  Frank’s gym is located in the basement of his house and contains decades worth of history and collectibles.  I love home gyms  – and Frank’s is one of the nicest I have ever seen.  Another thing about home gyms is EVERYTHING is used for training.  Even pieces of equipment that probably should be in a trophy case because of the collectible value.  I noticed several Berg Hantel plates that Frank was actively using! 

Frank's "1-TON" train wheels, and his green smaller railway wheels.

But back to the topic of the day – Frank’s backyard!  It is an All Rounders paradise playground – with numerous “challenge items” positioned throughout the yard.  My wife Leslie commented to me right away by saying, “THIS looks like our backyard!”  Yep honey, there are actually a  few  other passionate iron-heads  who don’t mind having their yard cluttered with human torture devices.   I was most impressed with Frank’s GIANT set of train wheels that he uses for hip and harness lifting.  Their weight is clearly painted on the side – 1 TON – in white lettering.  They even sit on a section of iron train tracks!  I also have a set of train wheels on a heavy bar, but mind are slightly smaller and weigh in at 1400 lbs. – so Frank has me topped when it comes to train wheels.   He told me that he has often used these train wheels for strength exhibitions that he has performed thru the years for many causes, mostly charities.

Frank's setup for doing Hand and Thigh Lifts, which permanently resides in his backyard.

Frank also has a pair of smaller train wheels on a heavy bar that he uses for Hand and Thigh lifting.  I asked him what they weighed, and he said somewhere between 600 and 700 pounds.  I took  that as he has never actually weighed them, but just knows from  the “feel of the weight”.  Frank said he has lifted those wheels hundreds of times in the Hand and Thigh lift, and mostly use them for rep work.  I say that is part of the reason for Frank’s “picture perfect” hand and thigh form.

James Fuller bent pressing the red railway wheels after the 2013 Heavy Lift Championhips. The green wheels are in the picture to the right.

Another classic challenge lift of his is his challenge red and green railway wheels.  They both are fastened tightly (so no rotation) to a 2″ diameter solid shaft that is roughly the length of a barbell.  The total weight of the green wheels is 190 pounds, and 145 pounds on the red wheels. .  I first became aware of this challenge implement several years ago when I seen a picture of Steve Angell performing a one arm jerk (two hands to shoulder)  with the green wheels  following the 2000 IAWA World Championships, which were hosted by Frank.  After the Heavies, James Fuller really enjoyed using these old railway wheels to Bent Press.  I enjoyed seeing such an old time all round lift like the Bent Press being performed with this awkward lifting implement.  It was reminiscent of an Old Time Strongman circus act.

The “ambiance” of Frank’s  back yard was complemented with the presence of his heavy work equipment, used to move dirt and snow.  The size and power of Frank’s “work machines” just leave you in awe.  But those can be the topic of another day’s story! After the meet, Frank “fired up” his fire pit and we sat around it telling stories into the night.  Great times are had in Frank’s backyard.

Memorial Day

by Al Myers

There was the platform that Frank Ciavattone set up for the Heavy Lift Championships this year. Frank is proud to show his patriotism to the United States!

Today is an important day being Memorial Day.  It seems most Americans appear to have forgotten the meaning of this important day, and only think of it as a “day off” from work and a good day to go to the lake to have fun.  Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day – and got that name as it was the day to decorate graves.  Most all Americans have been touched in some way by losing a family member (possible even in prior generations) or friend  in the armed forces.    Take this day to remember those who have died in our nations service.  Whether you go to the cemeteries, or you  just take a few moments of your day to reflect.    

My friend Dave Glasgow would be proud of me for this, as he has often called into question the proper etiquette for the  hanging of the Flag of the United States at meets.  The flag should be lowered to half-staff position till noon to honor those who have died, then raised to full-staff  at noon for the remainder of the day.

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