Bill Leffler, JWC Member

by Thom Van Vleck

JWC Member Bill Leffler. 7 time Highland Games World Champion

Bill Leffler will be an unfamiliar name to USAWA members, but he is a member of the Jackson Weightlifting Club which is  a USAWA club so I thought it might be of interest to some of you.  Bill is involved in Scottish Highland Games and recently accomplished a pretty amazing feat.  He not only won his 7th World Championships in 9 years (he was 2nd twice) he also won his 6th World’s in a 5 year age group!  Let me explain.

In the world of Scottish Highland Games Masters you become a “master” at age 40.  Most competitions have masters classes, but usually just 40 and over or maybe 40-49 and 50 and up.  USAWA members such as myself, Dave Glasgow, Mike Murdock, Chad Ullom, and Dean Ross have all thrown as masters in highland games.  Once a year, we have a World Championship.  At that time, we break the age groups down into 5 year blocks (40-44, 45 – 49, 50-54, etc.).  The meet is held at a different location every year (twice it has been in Inverness, Scotland) and the dates often vary.  As a result, due to when Bill’s birthday is and the fact you are considered “that age” on the day of the meet Bill accomplished the feat of winning 6 World Championships in 5 years!  His friends Mark Buchannan (who has the rare honor of beating Bill once….and losing losing to him a half dozen other times…sorry, Mark!) and Jim Spalding presented him with a specially engraved sword to honor his accomplishment.  Next year Bill moves up to the 60-64 age group and there are no doubt going to be many records shattered and if Bill wants to keep going, more championships are sure to come his way!

Bill is an amazing athlete.  During his run of Championships he has beaten all the best throwers over age 50 at on time or another.  When he has lost, he comes back to beat whoever has beaten him!   Recently, at the 2012 Master’s Worlds the greatest performances ever accomplished as measured by a formula were listed.  The #1 all time for 50 and over was Bill!  Not only that, only one other thrower has won more World’s and nobody else is even close.  I would point out that this year there were over 100 throwers at the MWC…so it is well attended and competitive!   That one thrower with more is none other than our training partner and one of the presenters of the sword….Jim Spalding…also a JWC member!

Bill is very humble regarding his talents.  He doesn’t brag, he let’s his throwing speak for him.  However, I have found him to be very driven and pushes himself very, very hard.  He accepts no less than his best and rarely is he satisfied, he always wants to do better!  Bill’s background is in track & field and he’s been throwing shot and discus for almost 50 years.  It was in 2002 I got him to try the highland games and he’s been at it ever since!   Bill is a great friend and I know I am a better thrower for having trained with him.  Recently he gave me some credit for helping him, but really, he’s a one man wrecking crew on the field.   I just pointed him in the right direction from time to time!   I am hoping one of these days Bill will try the USAWA.  His lifts are top notch and I know he would do well.  But at heart, he’s a thrower and that’s why he lifts.

Congrats to JWC member Bill Leffler!   The JWC is proud of you!!!

USAWA History – 2011 Nationals

by Al Myers

A full meet report of the 2011 USAWA National Championships is available on the website: 


2011 USAWA National Championships
June 25th, 2011
Willard Elementary School
Kirksville, Missouri

Meet Director: Thom Van Vleck
Scorekeeper: Judy Habecker
Announcer: Al Myers
Loaders: Mitch Ridout, Tedd Van Vleck
Photographer: Flossy Mitchell
Sound System: Brett Kerby
Officials: Steve Schmidt, Joe Garcia, Randy Smith, Denny Habecker, Dennis Mitchell

Lifts: Snatch – Dumbbell, One Arm, Curl – Cheat, Pullover and Push, Continental to Chest – Fulton Bar, Deadlift – 12″ base, Zercher Lift

Men: Top Ten Placings
1. Larry Traub, Indiana
2. Eric Todd, Missouri
3. Chad Ullom, Kansas
4. Sam Cox, Kansas
5. Sammy Ibrahim, Missouri
6. Randy Smith, Michigan
7. John O’Brien, Missouri
8. Dave Glasgow, Kansas
9. Denny Habecker, Pennsylvania
10. Joe Garcia, Missouri

Women: Top Three Placings
1. Amber Glasgow, Kansas
2. Susan Sees, Ohio
3. Helen Kahn, Michigan

Best Lifter Awards:
Overall Womens – Amber Glasgow
Overall Mens – Larry Traub
Men Junior – Sammy Ibrahim
Men Senior – Eric Todd
Women Senior – Amber Glasgow
Women Overall Master – Susan Sees
Men Overall Master – Larry Traub
Men Master 40-44 – John O’Brien
Men Master 55-59 – Larry Traub
Men Master 65-69 – Denny Habecker
Men Master 70-74 – Mike Murdock
Men Master 75-79 – Rudy Bletscher
Team Award – Ledaig Heavy Athletics Club

USAWA History – 2010 Nationals

by Al Myers

A full meet report of the 2010 USAWA National Championships is available on the website:


2010 USAWA National Championships
June 26th & 27th, 2010
Habecker’s Gym
Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Meet Director: Denny and Judy Habecker
Scorekeeper: Judy Habecker
Loaders: Terry Barlet, Don Brandt, John Horn
Announcers: Denny Habecker, Judy Habecker, Aidan Habecker
Officials: Chad Ullom, Scott Schmidt, Barry Bryan, Randy Smith, Dennis Mitchell, Art Montini, Frank Ciavattone

Lifts: Vertical Bar Deadlift – 1 bar, 2″, one hand, Pullover and Push, Clean and Jerk – One Arm, Trap Bar Deadlift, Snatch – From Hang, Deadlift – One Arm, Clean and Press, Zercher Lift

Men: Top Ten Placings
1. Al Myers, Kansas
2. Chad Ullom, Kansas
3. Denny Habecker, Pennsylvania
4. Randy Smith, Michigan
5. Scott Schmidt, Ohio
6. Art Montini, Pennsylvania
7. Kohl Hess, Pennsylvania
8. Dennis Mitchell, Ohio
9. Dale Friesz, Virginia
10. Barry Bryan, Pennsylvania

Best Lifter Awards:
Men Overall – Al Myers
Men Master – Al Myers
Men Open – Chad Ullom
Men Junior – Kohl Hess
Men 40-44 Age Group – Al Myers
Men 50-54 Age Group – Barry Bryan
Men 55-59 Age Group – Randy Smith
Men 65-69 Age Group – Denny Habecker
Men 75-79 Age Group – Dennis Mitchell
Men 80-84 Age Group – Art Montini

USAWA History – 2009 Nationals

by Al Myers

A full meet report of the 2009 USAWA National Championships is available on the website:


2009 USAWA National Championships
June 20th, 2009
Dino Gym
Abilene, Kansas

Meet Director: Al Myers
Scorekeeper: Scott Tully
Loaders: Darren Barnhart, Ryan Batchman
Officials: Bill Clark, Thom Van Vleck, Mark Mitchell

Lifts: Snatch – one arm, Cheat Curl, Clean & Jerk – Fulton Bar, Deadlift – 2 Bars, Pullover and Press, Back Lift

Men: Top Ten Placings
1. Al Myers, Kansas
2. Mike McBride, Missouri
3. Chad Ullom, Kansas
4. Joe Garcia, Missouri
5. Randy Smith, Michigan
6. Rudy Bletscher, Kansas
7. Denny Habecker, Pennsylvania
8. Ben Edwards, Kansas
9. Art Montini, Pennsylvania
10. Tim Piper, Illinois

Best Lifter Awards:
Men Overall – Al Myers
Men Open – Al Myers
Men Master – Al Myers
Men Top Total – Al Myers
Men 20-39 Age Group – Mike McBride
Men 40-44 Age Group – Al Myers
Men 50-54 Age Group – Randy Smith
Men 55-59 Age Group – Joe Garcia
Men 65-69 Age Group – Denny Habecker
Men 70-74 Age Group – Rudy Bletscher
Men 75-79 Age Group – Dennis Mitchell
Men 80-84 Age Group – Art Montini

Zottman Curl

by Al Myers

Zottman and his collection of thick shafted bars (photo taken from Atomic Athletic Website).

I know most all-rounders don’t get all “pumped up” about bicep exercises, but Roger’s story the other day involving thick bar training and his mention of George Zottman and the Zottman Curl (from his website link) got me thinking a little about this old-time  exercise and strongman.   George Zottman was a strongman from Philadelphia in the early 1900’s who this lift is named after.  Most gym lifters have never heard of  the Zottman Curl, and it’s benefits.  I did them frequently when I was a “young lifter” but have given them up in recent years as my lifting focus has changed (with less emphasis based on bicep strength and size, especially since my two bicep surgical re attachments!).  I have seen lifters in gyms doing this curl exercise (or a slight deviation of it) and weren’t even aware of George Zottman and this exercise being named after him.  I have also seen lifters “thinking” they were doing Zottman Curls when in fact they weren’t – they were doing hammers curls or supinating curls. 

The method of performing a Zottman Curl is the combination of two steps: 1. the first being a standard standing  dumbbell curl (not a hammer curl) with palms forward during the upward or positive portion of the lift, and 2. turning the dumbbells over at the top 180 degrees so the palms are facing away from the body (reverse grip)  for the downward  or negative portion of the lift.  So you can see this is the combination of two movements.  The Zottman Curl is intended to be done in strict fashion, which is the safe way to do it. It is an “overload” exercise on the forearms, especially on the brachioradialis muscle.  George Zottman is said to have done this curl with 50 pound dumbbells for repetitions.  I feel this exercise is more a forearm exercise than a bicep brachii exercise, however, the benefits to the biceps muscle is there. The downward portion with the reverse grip is like a “negative”, since you can curl much more with a dumbbell with an underhand grip than you can reverse curl a dumbbell with an overhand grip (if done strictly that is!).   When I have done them in the past, I do remember the strain that is put on the elbows, especially when the dumbbells are turned at the top.  That is reason enough NOT to do them!

Interesting exercise about an interesting old time strongman nonetheless.

Now for a question to the readers – does anyone know who it was that originally named the Zottman Curl???

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