The Snaggin’ Curl

by Al Myers

Dino Gym member Casey Barten put his weight training to good use in landing this 75 pound paddlefish.

Use an over the top grip

As promised yesterday, today I am going to present an exercise to you that will show that weight training virtually helps EVERYTHING. Most people would think fishing was a relaxing low effort sport – but that depends on the type of fishing you do! For the past several years Casey and I have taken part in snagging for paddlefish (also known asspoonbills) during the Missouri season. Paddlefish are one of America’s largest freshwater fish, and can grow to weights of over 100 pounds. Every spring, paddlefish will make their “spawning runs” and migrate into the upstream rivers from the reservoirs. However, there is one big problem with catching paddlefish – they are filter feeders and won’t bite on a baited hook! So we use a much more strenuous method of “catching them” – we snag them! (All of this is legal by the way). I was introduced to this unique way of catching fish by a good friend, outdoor enthusiast Kevin Yaeger, and I was immediately HOOKED (or you could say snagged)! It is by far the most physically draining type of fishing I have ever done. It is done like this – you allow the heavy pound and half sinker on the end of your line to touch bottom, at which time you give a hard pull on the rod, fighting the water resistance of the three big treble hooks on your line. If you don’t snag anything – you do it again and again at the rate of one pull every 5 seconds. The harder you work at it – the greater chances you will have success. Reeling in a 75 pound paddlefish is the easy part. It is the thousands of “pulls” you do before you snag the big paddlefish that wears you out.

Lift the kettlebell straight up

So what does this have to do with weight lifting?

Well, after the first year I went snaggin’ I was somewhat embarrassed by how I was “worn out” afterwards. I don’t train for endurance! Casey and I decided that prior to the next season we had to get ourselves in shape for snaggin’! This is what lead to the Snaggin’ Curl. Many years ago I was introduced to this exercise by armwrestler Jason Payne. He told me it was an exercise that the armwrestlers loved – and they called it the Cobra Curl. I’m always up to try something new so I gave it a try and found that it worked the EXACT same muscles that are required in pulling back on a fishing pole – thus Casey and I renamed it the Snaggin’ Curl!!

This exercise is very easy to do. You can use a dumbbell, but I prefer a kettlebell. Sit on a seat and place the kettlebell between your feet. Place your elbow of the lifting arm against your leg, and grab the handle of the kettlebell with an over the top grip. Lift the kettlebell straight up from the floor until the wrist is turned over and you can’t go any higher. At the top position hold the kettlebell for a slight pause, at which time you lower the kettlebell slow back to the floor and repeat the motion. I am not usually a high reps lifter but we will go up to 50 reps per set with this exercise – all in a slow and controlled motion. Do several sets. When finished your forearms are BLASTED! Rest a minute and then do them with your other arm – after all I rotate arms when snaggin’ and I don’t one to be my weak link.

The top position of the Snaggin' Curl (notice the flexed wrist)

Casey and I are now a month away from snaggin’. We are training the Snaggin’ Curl hard – hoping that our training will pay off and we will snag a BIG ONE this year!!

Block Bar Curls

by Al Myers

Dino Gym member Casey Barten performing a Block Bar Curl.

Would you like to try an exercise that works the grip, forearm muscles and the upper arm in one exercise?  Then try the Block Bar Curl!  This is a very simple exercise – but does require a piece of specialized equipment. I initially made this Block Bar for grip training, but the guys in the gym have found many other uses for it.  It has the same gripping dimensions as the IronMind Pinch Grip Block (3″ by 6″) and is painted with the same slick gloss paint finish.  The Block Bar is 36 inches long and weighs 45 pounds empty. I am really surprised no one has marketed a bar like this (at least I haven’t seen one). Really anyone could make one without even having shop skills. All it would take is two 2x6s nailed together, with a bolt on each end to bolt weight to.

It is very difficult to do curls with it, as all the arm muscles need to be contracting in unison to be able to execute the curl. You will find this exercise is great for developing wrist strength and stability.  Surprisingly, you will “feel” it in the biceps even with the much smaller amount of weight used versus a regular bar curl.  I think the reason for this is because of the added demands the Block Bar Curl places on the forearm muscles, and the forearm muscles must be in contraction at the same time as the upper arm muscles. This exercise has to be performed with good technique and under control or the grip on the block will be lost. The sets and reps we do with this Bar are pretty typical –  3 to 4 sets of 8-10 reps and adding weight with each set.

The Block Bar Curl  is a very practical exercise, and the strength it develops in the hands and arms will carry over to work applications.  Casey is a Veterinarian, and doing Large Animal Veterinary work requires strength in the hands and arms to perform some procedures. Much of his training is geared to increase the strength in his hands, arms and shoulders.   His training is not just about getting stronger, but about making his work easier!  You have to remember weight training can accomplish different things for different people.

Coming tomorrow

Casey’s favorite weight training exercise for fishing!

A Lift for Andy

Tribute to Andy Goddard

by Steve Gardner

Andy Goddard performing one of his favorite lifts - the Bench Press

It will be a year on March 26th since I said goodbye to my friend Andy. The Gym has not been the same without him, but we carry on with Andy always in our thoughts.

I have decided to run a postal competition as a tribute to Andy Goddard. The lifts will be simple and contain two of his favorites: the Bench Press and the Two Hands Deadlift.

I am inviting friends of Andys, and all IAWA members in general, to take part in this ‘Tribute Lift for Andy’. Lifts are to be completed by the end of March. One referee will be ok for the tribute lifts, but if you want the lifts to be considered for record purposes they must be clearly marked as refereed by two officials.

Remember – it doesn’t matter how much you lift or whether you are not fully training or injured. Just submit token results if you can’t do more, just to be a part of our ‘Tribute to Andy’.

There will be an Andy Goddard Trophy kept at the Powerhouse Gym and the overall Winners name will go on that trophy!

USAWA News Updates

USAWA News Updates
by Al Myers

Meets this Month

This is a big month for meets in the USAWA.  This coming weekend (March 13th) will be the Club Challenge, hosted by the John McKean and the Ambridge Barbell Club.  Entries must consist of three lifter teams – since scoring will be done by adding up individual adjusted points for a team score.  March 28 is the day for the Deanna Springs Meet, hosted by Bill Clark in Columbia, Missouri.  Bill has hosted this meet for many years in memory of Deanna Springs. Also, don’t forget the Postal Meet hosted by John Wilmot. Lifts must be done and turned in by the end of this month.

History of Gold Cup

Thanks to Dale Friesz, the history of dates, locations and meet directors of past Gold Cups has finally been completed.  Dale has worked hard doing the research for this going back to the FIRST Gold Cup. This coming year will be the 20th year for the Gold Cup, which was started in 1991 by Howard Prechtel.   All of Dale’s research on this can be found in the Past Champions Section.    Thanks again Dale for finishing this project I started several months ago. It might never have got finished without you.

Drug Testing

The USAWA is making some changes in drug testing this year.  Our new USAWA Vice President Chad Ullom has assumed the role of the USAWA Drug Enforcement Director.  We have had a very good drug testing program in the past, but Chad has some ideas to even make it better. This year we will test at more meets, but with less tests done per meet.  Hopefully, this will save the USAWA some money and make our drug testing program even better.

Club Memberships

This so far has been a great year for club memberships.  Registered USAWA Clubs for 2010 stand at 7.  This has only been  topped by 8 registered clubs in 2002 and 2003.  The longest standing Club Membership belongs to Clark’s Championship Gym, which has been a registered club since 1989.  That was the first year club memberships were issued.

Individual Memberships

Individual memberships in the USAWA are $25, and must now be sent to me instead of Bill Clark.  Don’t forget to sign and date the drug waiver when sending in your membership application.  Memberships are for the current year, from the first day of January to the last day of December.  They are required in order to compete in any USAWA meet or event.  Once I receive your membership money with the completed application, I will immediately put your name on the membership roster. Membership cards will NO LONGER be issued.

USAWA Discussion Forum

The website contains a discussion forum, but is only available to those who have registered for the website.  This can be done in the Website Registration Section.  There is no fee for this and has nothing to do with membership in the USAWA.  You must be logged in to the website in order to see the Members Section which contains the discussion forum.  I do have to approve your website registration so it may take a while, but I check it daily so it won’t be longer than that.  This discussion forum is a great place to discuss current lifting events or just interact with others interested in All-Round Weightlifting.

My Shot-Loaded Dumbbell

by Al Myers

I'm performing a 130# One Arm Dumbbell Snatch with my shot loaded dumbbell.

I have always been intrigued by shot loaded globe barbells and shot loaded dumbbells. These were very common training implements of the Old-Time Strongmen, and at one time every professional strongman or circus strongman had one they would use in their performances. Today shot loaded equipment is not very available commercially, so I decided I would just build my own shot loaded dumbbell. My design requirements were very simple: make a dumbbell that could be shot loaded to around 200 pounds full, very durable if dropped, and have a handle that would be optimum for lifting. I was very pleased how my project turned out, until I had to go buy lead shot and discovered how much it has increased in price since my days of reloading shotgun shells 20 years ago!

Years ago they even allowed shot loaded barbells to be used in the Olympic Games. The last Olympic Weightlifting Games that allowed this was in 1924, in Paris, France. Only one lifter took advantage of this, and that athlete was the famous Old-Time French weightlifter Charles Rigoulot. He ended up winning the Gold Medal in the Heavyweight class that year. In the early 1900’s Alan Calvert, owner of the Milo Barbell Company, marketed shot filled barbells and dumbbells. There was a good market for shot loaded equipment then because metal plates were not readily available and a lifter could get by with just one piece of lifting equipment that could be “filled” to the weight of a lifter’s choosing. One of the most popular shot loaded dumbbells is the one owned by Louis Cyr, which now resides at the York Barbell Museum. Cyr’s shot loaded dumbbell weighed 202# empty and 273# fully loaded.

The Dino Gym's Shot Loaded Dumbbell

I love training one arm dumbbell swings and snatches – and these were the first exercises I tried out my new dumbbell with. An obvious advantage with the shot loaded dumbbell is that the weight is more “compact” when it is loaded heavy compared to a traditional dumbbell loaded with 10# plates. However, I soon found out that unless the dumbbell is loaded full the lead shot will “shift” and create balance issues when put overhead. This is very noticeable when doing swings with it compared to a plate loaded dumbbell. Another problem is that you got to remember what you loaded it to last. I have changed the weight of mine, forgot I did, only to be “shocked” when lifting it the next time thinking it was loaded lighter. After all, it looks the same at 100 pounds as 200 pounds! I really can’t see shot loaded dumbbells making a comeback in today’s lifting world. They are a mess to fill and empty – even with a funnel you get shot everywhere. Most people nowadays have great fear of lead toxicity, with due cause, so precautions need to be taken in handling the lead shot. But all of this is worth it to an old weightlifter like myself – because when lifting a shot loaded dumbbell you feel like you are in the company of the great Old Time Strongmen like Louis Cyr, Charles Rigoulot and Eugen Sandow.

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