Zercher Meet

by Al Myers

Zercher Meet
Clarks Gym
January 31, 2009

Meet Director:  Bill Clark
Official (1 official system used):  Bill Clark
Loader:  Tom Powell

Abe Smith      27 years, 180 lbs
Joe Garcia      55 years, 236 lbs
Lewis Heater  16 years, 201 lbs

Lifts:                             Smith               Garcia               Heater
Leg Press                        800                  450                  650
Clean & Press, HT            225                  165                  155
Clean & Jerk                    280                  185                  170
Deadlift, Heels Together   450                  275                   400
Bench, Feet in Air            300                   240                  240
Hack Lift                         390                  275                  225
Zercher                           375                  250                  360
Deadlift, One Arm            300 L                250 R               200 R
Steinborn                        305                  195                  235
Neck Lift                         325                  405                  375
Hand & Thigh                  1275                 1275                675
Hip Lift                           1475                 1875               1285
Harness Lift                    1875                 2295                2000

Total                              8370                8135                6870
Points                            7950.66            7714.42            6732.53

All lifts in pounds. Clean and Press done with heels together.

Dino Gym Challenge

by Al Myers

Steve Schmidt sets USAWA Back Lift Record!

Steve Schmidt with a 3050# Back Lift.

Steve Schmidt became the first man to Backlift over 3000 pounds in the an official USAWA meet. His 3050# Backlift record was set at the Dino Challenge in Holland, Kansas on January 17th. He lifted in a record session prior to the meet which was judged by Bill Clark, Al Myers, and Chad Ullom. He broke the previous record of 2920# three times with lifts of 2930#, 3000# and finally his new record of 3050#. Steve has been training the back lift over 20 years to achieve this hard earned record. Steve owns nearly ever rep record with the back lift, including his famous 8 million pound rep record in 3 hours set in 2002.

The Dino Challenge drew 4 lifters to compete in a meet that tested not only strength, but flexibility and agility. Chad Ullom, of Topeka Kansas, came out on top winning 3 of the 5 events. He surprised everyone with his 200# Zeigler Clean, which is a clean done balancing a 2.5# plate on your head!!! Chad also won the Dino Challenge last year. Rudy Bletscher, at 73 years old, showed everyone that he still has the athleticism to complete this selection of difficult lifts.


2009 Dino Challenge
January 17th, 2009
Dino Gym, Abilene, Kansas

Lifts: Kelly Snatch, Zeigler Clean, Judd Clean & Jerk, James Lift, and the Allen Lift.

Meet Director: Al Myers

Official (1 official system used): Bill Clark
Loaders: Mike Murdoch and Mark Mitchell

Lifter BW
AGE Kelly Ziegler Judd James Allen Total
Chad Ullom 231 37 70 150 150 125 35 530
Al Myers 251 42 50 100 100 85 45 380
Scott Campbell 303 34 25 65 120 125 25 360
Rudy Bletscher 222 73 25 85 50 55 2 217

All Lift Results in Pounds.
Extra lifts for record
Chad Ullom, Zeigler Clean:  200#

Record Session:
Steve Schmidt, Age: 53, BW:230;  Backlift: 3050#


1 488 489 490