New level 1 official-Tony Lupo

By Eric Todd

Clark’s Gym member Tony Lupo has become the USAWA’s newest level 1 official.  He passed his test and has now completed his 3 practical training sessions.  Way to go for Tony rising to the occasion and representing his club and serving the organization.  I would hope all of our’s would serve the org in the way that Tony has chosen to do.  Thank you, Tony, and congrats!

IAWA Meeting Minutes

World Council Meeting Minutes

1st October 2022 – Lebanon PA


Meeting Commenced: 14.45 (Chaired by Al Myers)

  • The role call took place, those present – Denny Habecker (USA), Judy Habecker (USA), Al Myers (USA), Danny Kingsland (UK), Paul Barette (UK), Steve Sherwood (UK), Randy Smith (USA), Frank Ciavattone (USA), Beth Skwarecki (USA).
  • Al pointed out that Paul Barette was taking notes on behalf of Steve Gardner
  • Al conducted the IAWA International Vice Presidents Role Call as currently being Steve Gardner of the UK, Denny Habecker and Chad Ullom of the USA, Peter Philips and Robin Lukosas of AUS, also Cliff Harvey of NZ, Jose Jara (SPAIN).
  • Previous meeting minutes, there having been no meetings due to covid in the last two years previous meeting minutes were not available.
  • Report from the IAWA Vice Presidents:
    • Denny Habecker (USA) – nothing to report
    • Steve Gardner (UK) – “I have continued to enjoy holding the post and have represented the UK as much as I have been able to in international events. The recent years have been difficult for IAWA to thrive, and it may continue to be so for a little while, but IAWA is a constant for our members in these troubled times, and I am aware there is a continued interest in our organisation and I feel very excited for the future. If we just keep our cool and continue to provide a platform for our members to lift, I am sure all will be well.”
  • Al Myers then gave his report on the IAWA World Postal Championship. Al was a little concerned that there wouldn’t be a great attendance for this, but it turned out to be a great and he thanked everyone that competed in the competition. There were 44 lifters, up 2 from last year. Countries represented – US, AUS, ENG, CANADA. Al went on to point out that this event is one of three main international events which of course the World Postal is done in the memory of Andy Goddard. The full results are available on the Websites and Facebook Pages. The Overall winner was Abe Smith (USA) Overall best female lifter Beata Banas (ENG). Al apologised for a mistake made in the results and acknowledged this has now been corrected.

The best team of 3 went to Clarks Gym. Overall best club went to MetamorFIT. The USAWA as an organisation came out ahead although it was very close.

  • The forthcoming Gold Cup was promoted to those present and the forthcoming deadline was pointed out. Al went on to say how good last year’s event was and that due to the Covid situation promoters were given the opportunity of re-running events. This Gold Cup is being promoted by Steve Gardner and Stevie Shanks.
  • Report from the IAWA Technical Committee Chairman – Dennis Mitchell, has retired from the position. So, there will be no report. Discussion around a replacement for Dennis will be discussed later in the proceedings.
  • The current technical committee (which oversees rule changes and new lift proposals) is Denny Habecker, Al Myers, Steve Gardner, Steve Sherwood and the 2 representatives from Australia Peter Philips and John Mahon.
  • Report from John Mahon on the World Championships for 2023 (Sept 30 & Oct 1st)
  • Al pointed out that the lifts for the event have not yet been officially approved, they were only received about a week before this current meeting. It was pointed out that the lifts are usually pre-approved by the technical committee. With the difficulties caused by Covid this had not happened. There is further discussion taking place on the selection of lifts. A motion was put forward by Frank to have the Technical Committee Review the proposed lifts, seconded by Denny Habecker and voted for unanimously. When the Lifts are finally approved they will be advertised immediately.
  • Paul Barette was invited to give a report of the Gold Cup for 2023.
    • “We look forward to welcoming you to Eastbourne for the 2023 Gold Cup. Which will be on the first Saturday in November 4th. We will be hosting at the gym. MetamorFIT and I’ll be finding a nice by the seafront somewhere for a banquet, award presentations in the evening and we are very much excited about this. We are expecting a good number of lifters from our club locally but let’s also hope we can welcome a good number of international lifters.
  • New Business:
    • Two new lift proposals:
      • 2 Man 1 Hand Deadlift (from Steve Gardner), rules of the one arm deadlift apply except 2 people on the bar. Which would be added to the set of 2 person lifts. A clarification was made that both lifters must use the same hand. So, it would be a Left Hand 2-man One Hand Deadlift or a Right Hand 2-man One Hand Deadlift.

The lift was passed unanimously.

  • 2 x 1” Vertical Bar Lift (from Gary Ell), rules of the 2 x 2” Vertical Lift apply except is it done with a 1” bar. There was no discussion required on this lift and it was approved unanimously.
  • Election of Officers – Al pointed out that generally, election of officers in IAWA takes place every 4 years. Officers rolled over in 2020. The next election is due in 2024. However there have been changes. Firstly, Frank Allen has stepped down from being our General Secretary a position he has held for many years. Steve Gardner was prepared to take the position. Al highly recommended Steve for this position. Al also wanted to recommend combining the roles of the General Secretary with that of the IAWA Technical Committee Chairman. Al proposed that we change the title to the General Technical Secretary. A motion was raised by Frank Ciavattone, seconded by Steve Sherwood. (Paul Barette pointed out Franks health has deteriorated in the last couple of years and there has been a careful transition of roles and responsibilities within IAWA(UK) because of this). The motion was passed unanimously.

With Steve Gardner taking the new role, his IAWA Vice President Role now needed to be filled along with the other spare position, and Steve Gardner had proposed nominations for the 2 new IAWA(UK) Vice Presidents: Steve Andrews and Paul Barette. Steve Sherwood made the motion; Beth Skwarecki seconded the motion, and the motion was approved unanimously. This will be for a 2-year term as the next election will take place in 2024.

  • Submission of bids for the 2024 World Championships – One bid received from Paul Barette to be held in Eastbourne. Paul added that it would be great to host again after their successful championships in 2018 when we had 29 lifters. The membership has grown a little bit more since then so hoping for a really good turnout.

There was no discussion, and the membership present accepted the bid.

Submission of bids for the 2024 Gold Cup – One bid received from Frank Ciavattone, to held in Boston. Frank promised that all would have great time and Al reiterated this. There was no discussion, and the membership present accepted the bid.

  • There were a few words from Denny on the current World Championships and he pointed out that everyone did great and that there was good teamwork with everyone helping with loading and officiating. Weigh in for day 2 was confirmed as being 9am. Denny was also going to try to bring forward the banquet time and would confirm first thing tomorrow.
  • Motion for adjournment made by Judy Habecker, seconded by Beth. Agreed unanimously.


Meeting concluded: 15:16

Lifter of the Month of July

By Eric Todd

I am giving the nod this month to our Canadian brother, Lucas Hardie.  While he came in a close second during the 2nd quarter postal (which technically was completed June 30, but there were no meets contested in July), his enthusiasm for all-round has been infectious.  I have received a number of messages with videos from him to be sure he is doing the lifts right.  He has recruited some guys from his gym to join the organization and participate in some of our postal meets.  He has certainly increased our Canadian membership and participation.  It is guys like Lucas who inspire others and keep our organization going.  He has proven himself to be a true asset, and I feel very deserving of this accolade.  Congrats Lucas!  We appreciate your contribution!

Ed Zercher Strength classic

By Bill Clark

When: January 28-29, 2023

Where: Clark’s Gym, 720 Grace Lane, Columbia, MO

Entry Fee: none

Entry Deadline: January 22. 2023

Awards: Certificates

Lifts: Zercher Lift; Steinborn Lift; Clean and Press-Heels together; 2 hand Clean and Jerk; Leg Press in rack; Hand and Thigh; Bench Press-Feet in air; Deadlift-heels together; Hack Lift; Harness Lift; Hip Lift; One Hand Deadlift


There is no entry form for this event, but please let Bill know you are attending. You can reach him by email at; telephone at 573-474-4510; or by mail at 3906 Grace Ellen Drive, Columbia, MO 65202-1739


The third quarter postal had good participation again with 23 men and 7 women competing. Abe Smith topped the men again and R.J. Jackson led the women this quarter.

3rd Quarter Postal- July 1 Thru September 30

Records are marked with an *

Lifters marked with a # sign are Canadian, thus not eligible for USAWA records

The Lifts- Curl-Cheat, Press from Racks, Deadlift- Ciavattone-One Hand


Abe Smith         – 40 – 184 Lbs.  – 205 Lbs.* – 220 Lbs.* – 240 Lbs.*-L – 665 Lbs. – 629.40
Randy Smith      – 67- 197.5 Lbs – 150 Lbs. –  115 Lbs. –   205 Lbs.* -L- 470 Lbs.  -549.77
Anthony Hose    – 53 –  225 Lbs.  – 175 Lbs. – 165 Lbs.* –  230 Lbs R   -570 Lbs. – 544.72
John Carter      – 63  – 216 Lbs.  – 150 Lbs.* – 120 Lbs.* – 230 Lbs R  – 500 Lbs. – 530.96
John Strangeway – 42 – 214 Lbs.  – 170 Lbs. – 175 Lbs.* – 240 Lbs* L- 585 Lbs. – 518.91
Matt MacNeil #     – 37  -269 Lbs.  – 205 Lbs. – 225 Lbs. –  225 Lbs R   – 655 Lbs. – 501.14
Denny Habecker  – 80 – 182 Lbs.   – 88 Lbs.   – 99 Lbs     – 148 Lbs R   – 335 Lbs. – 490.93
Lucas Hardie #   – 38  – 191.8 Lbs. -175 Lbs. – 135 Lbs.  – 205 Lbs L  – 515 Lbs.  – 471.22
Eric Todd        – 47  – 270 Lbs. – 210 Lbs.* – 200 Lbs.* -160 Lbs R – 570 Lbs.  – 470.26
Dave DeForest    – 62 – 196 Lbs.  -130 Lbs.   – 120 Lbs.  – 172 Lbs R  -422 Lbs.  – 469.12
Barry Pensyl       – 74 – 142 Lbs.   – 88 Lbs.   – 78 Lbs.    – 128 Lbs R – 294 Lbs.  – 467.93
Nick Frieders     – 21 – 153.5 Lbs. – 130 Lbs.  – 120 Lbs.  – 190 Lbs R – 440 Lbs.  – 461.56
Dave Hahn       – 85  – 141 Lbs.   – 75 Lbs.    – 45 Lbs.    – 125 Lbs L  – 245 Lbs.  – 451.47
Anthony Lupo   – 56 – 230.5 Lbs. – 120 Lbs. – 165 Lbs.* – 180 Lbs L  –  465 Lbs.  – 450.25
Dan Wagman   – ?    – 174.5 Lbs. – 216 Lbs.*   –  0        – 241 Lbs*-L – 457 Lbs.  – 442.28
Sanjiv Gupta   – 51  – 187.6 Lbs.  – 101 Lbs.  – 130 Lbs. – 185 Lbs L   – 416 Lbs.  – 431.81
John Gordon # – 28 – 179.6 Lbs.  – 132.3 Lbs. – 125 Lbs. – 185 Lbs L – 442.3 Lbs. – 420.45
Jarrod Fobes   -45  – 209 Lbs.     – 135 Lbs.    – 135 Lbs.  – 175 Lbs.-R -445 Lbs. -388.04
Chris Todd      – 43  – 276 Lbs.     – 165 Lbs.   – 135 Lbs.  – 180 Lbs* L – 480 Lbs. –  377.30
Everett Todd   – 9   –  80 Lbs.     – 32.5 Lbs.  – 30 Lbs.*   – 50 Lbs*-R- 112.5 Lbs. – 366.52
Bill Clark     –   90   – 202 Lbs.   – 38 LBS.*   – 28 Lbs.*   – 125 Lbs*R  – 191 Lbs.  – 298.75
Leroy Todd  – 11   –  84 Lbs.     –  35 Lbs.    –  30 Lbs.*   –  55 Lbs*-R-  120 Lbs.   -278.88
Joseph Caron – 77 – 184 Lbs.   –   0            –   0          – 175 Lbs.*- R  – 175 Lbs. –  248.64


R.J. Jackson       – 60 – 103 Lbs.  –  86 Lbs.   – 80 Lbs.    – 111 Lbs R    – 277 Lbs. – 394.59
Beth Skwarecki –  41 – 146.8 Lbs. – 117 Lbs. – 88 Lbs.   – 128 Lbs R     – 333 Lbs.  -367.53
Kim Van Wagner -55  – 129 Lbs.   – 70 Lbs.   – 70 Lbs.   – 95 Lbs. L      – 235 Lbs.  -322.81
Phoebe Todd     – 12  – 121 Lbs.   – 55 Lbs.*  – 45 Lbs.* –  85 Lbs-R      – 185 Lbs.  -306.28
Stacy Todd       – 39  – 180 Lbs.   – 110 Lbs.* – 65 Lbs.*  – 141 Lbs*R  – 316 Lbs.  – 300.17
Lillian Todd      – 13   – 130 Lbs.  – 60 Lbs.    – 50 Lbs.*    – 75 Lbs*R  – 185 Lbs.   – 272.46
Janet Thompson – 65 – 160 Lbs.  – 55 Lbs.*  – 28 Lbs.*   – 100 Lbs*L  – 183 Lbs.   -235.56


Randy Smith        – Bill Clark, Abe Smith, Dave DeForest
Abe Smith           – Bill Clark, Dave DeForest
John Strangeway – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Everett Todd       – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Leroy Todd         – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Joe Caron          – Bill Clark, Abe Smith
Phoebe Todd     – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Stacy Todd      – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Lillian Todd       – Eric Todd, Chris Todd
Anthony Hose  – Bill Clark
John Carter      – Bill Clark
Eric Todd         – Chris Todd
Dave DeForest – Bill Clark
Nick Frieders    – Bill Clark
Anthony Lupo  – Bill Clark
Dan Wagman – R.J. Jackson
Chris Todd      – Eric Todd
Bill Clark        – Dave DeForest
Janet Thompson – Bill Clark

Matt MacNeil, Lucas Hardie, Barry Pensyl, Denny Habecker, Dave Hahn, Sanjiv Gupta,  John Gordon, R.J. Jackson, Beth Skwarecki,   Kim Van Wagner. Jarrod Fobes





1 50 51 52 53 54 483