2023 National Meeting Minutes

By Eric Todd

The meeting was held at D. Rowes Restaurant in Columbia, MO on June 24th, 2023.  The Meeting was called to order by President, Denny Habecker, who then called roll.  The following members were in attendance:

Bill Clark, Joe Garcia, Randy Smith, Sanjiv Gupta, Nick Frieders, Travis Luther, Tony Lupo, Abe Smith, Calvin Heit, Chad Ullom, Wyatt Sawyers, Beth Skwarecki, Joe Caron, Dave DeForest, Denny Habecker, and Eric Todd

The minutes of the 2022 national meeting were read by Secretary, Eric Todd.  Bill Clark made a motion to accept the minutes as read, with a second by Randy Smith.  It passed unanimously.  The financial report was then given by treasurer, Eric Todd.  It was reported that the organization now has $11,799 in our bank account and still $160.07 in our paypal account.  This is an increase of $2486.35 in total from where we were at this point last year. Joe Garcia suggested that we may need to file a financial report with the state, and Eric Todd said that he would look into that.  Chad Ullom made a motion that we accept the report as given.  Bill Clark gave the second.  Motion passed unanimously. The website report was given by Website Director, Eric Todd.  It was reported that the website was in need of contributors.  The forum has not been used much of late, but we have decent activity on Facebook and Instagram.  Beth Skwarecki mentioned that we do have a page on Reddit, and Eric Todd said he would link it on the website.  Chad Ullom made a motion to accept the report as given; Joe Caron made the second.  Motion passed unanimously. Next up was the report from the Awards Director, Al Myers as read by Eric Todd, as Al was unable to attend.  The report discussed the way the awards program works and the concept behind it.  Motion to accept the report was made by Chad Ullom; the second was made by Calvin Heit. Motion passed unanimously. Next, the report from Records Director, John Strangeway was made on his behalf by Eric Todd, as John was unable to attend.  John has decided to stay on as Record’s Director. Motion was made by President Habecker to accept the report as read, and the Chad Ullom made the second.  Motion passed unanimously. Next on the agenda was the report from Drug Enforcement Director, Chad Ullom.  It was reported that we gave four tests this year, but the lab failed to test any of them, due to discontinuing the product.  We are looking into finding a different vendor to supply our drug tests, and have a good lead on an outfit that some other Drug Free organizations use.  Denny Habecker made a motion to accept the report; Beth Skwarecki made the second.  Motion passed unanimously.  The report from Official’s Director, Joe Garcia, was given next.  We have had a couple level one officials who have let their certification lapse, but have picked up a couple new officials.  Eric Todd said that he had been in contact with the officials whose certification has lapsed, and they are working on it.  Joe recommended that anyone who is not yet an official begin the steps toward becoming one so that we have enough to cover our meets.  Beth Skwarecki made a motion to accept the report; Sanjiv Gupta made the second.  Motion passed unanimously.

There was a motion made by Bill Clark prior to the meeting to expand the executive board from five members to nine members. Bill explained that he thought it was needed to get a broader representation in order to move the organization forward.   Eric Todd expressed that he did not see the need, and explained what the day-to-day operation of the organization currently looks like.  There was much discussion.  Randy Smith made a motion to table the motion until the end of the meeting to see if the other business at hand would help clarify whether there was a need or not.  Chad Ullom made the second.  Motion passed unanimously.

There was a motion by Bill Clark prior to allow for remote and/or hybrid competitions.  The motion included all competitions outside of nationals, and would be up to the discretion of the meet director.  He mentioned that he was hoping to increase participation in meets from people that might not travel, and suggested that if records are accepted that are set remotely via postal meets, then why not for any meet.  Eric Todd said that he was concerned for us to become an organization of postal meets only, and lose out on the allure of the in-person competition.  There was much discussion, but the consensus of the attendees was that there was no reason not to allow remote or hybrid competitions.  Chad Ullom asked if there might be any unforeseen downfalls with this proposal. Sanjiv said one possible downfall would be the aspect of knowing what you might need to do to beat a competitor, but conceded that with the formula, that is sometimes an issue anyhow. Chad Ullom suggested that if it passed and was a failure, we could overturn it at a future meeting.  Motion had already been made, and Randy smith made the second.  Motion passed unanimously.

Next up was motion made by Bill Clark to replace the practical training session portion of the certification process to become an official with a video test.  Bill’s proposal was that we replace all three of the practical training sessions with a 50 question video test.  Eric Todd said that he had already been working on a video test, and proposed that we keep the 3 practical sessions, where any or all of the session can be replaced with a 10 question video test.  There was much discussion.  Bill proposed a compromise where we require one in person practical training session.  The prospective official can still complete two more practical sessions to complete their level one certification, or they can complete two fifteen question video tests, or it can be a combination of both.  That was a motion made by Bill Clark, and a second was made by Eric Todd.  Motion passed unanimously.

Next up was new business as brought up by the membership.  Randy Smith brought up the fact that our rulebook currently requires a platform no smaller than 12′ by 8′.  He mentioned that most meets use platforms that are 8′ by 8′ (2 pieces of plywood crossed by 2 pieces of plywood).  Motion was made to change the requirement to 8’x8′.  Joe Garcia made the second.  Motion passed unanimously.

The next thing up was the election of officers. Bill Clark suggested a vote of acclamation that Eric Todd continue as Secretary/Treasurer that was unanimously accepted. Chad Ullom suggested a vote of acclamation that Denny Habecker remain as president that was unanimously accepted. Eric Todd suggested a vote of acclamation Chad Ullom continue as Vice President that was unanimously accepted. Bill Clark nominated Beth Skwarecki to continue her role on the executive board.  There were no other nominations.  It was unanimous.  Bill Clark nominated Abe Smith to take on the other Executive Board At-Large position.  Chad Ullom nominated Dave Glasgow to continue in that role.  A vote was taken, and Abe Smith won the position based on majority vote.

Last on the agenda was accepting bids for 2024 nationals.  Eric Todd reported that at this time there were no bids.  Bill Clark said that he and Clark’s Gym would bid 2024 nationals.  Eric Todd moved that the bid be accepted.  Denny Habecker made the second.  Motion passed unanimously.

Because the motion to restructure the executive board was tabled until the end of the meeting, we readdressed it at this time. There was discussion as to whether it would be better to add members to the executive board, or come up with an advisory committee to focus on moving the organization forward.  Since there was already a motion to expand the executive board, we just needed a second.  Randy Smith gave the second.  That motion was defeated unanimously.  Bill Clark then made a motion to add an advisory committee that will report to the executive board and will consist of no more than five members.  Chad Ullom made the second.  This motion passed unanimously.

As there was no more business, Denny Habecker made the motion that the meeting be adjourned.  Randy Smith made the second.  Motion passed unanimously.



IAWA World Postal

By Al Myers, IAWA President



The IAWA World Postal Championships has been announced! It will still be the “Andy Goddard Memorial”.  Andy was a great friend and supporter of the IAWA and as long as I’m involved promoting the World Postal Championships it will be done in Andy’s memory. As it has been the past few years, the lifts for this World Postal will be the first day lifts of the upcoming Worlds. Read the the info sheet as it outlines the “rules of the competition”.  Send your results to me at amyers@usawa.com. Also, please send in the official entry form with your club results. If you have more club entries than on the entry form just include extra entry forms.

INFORMATION SHEET (PDF) – 2023 World Postal Information Sheet

ENTRY FORM (PDF) – 2023 World Postal Entry Form


Dean Ross’s Legacy, continued

By Eric Todd

A few weeks back, I received a phone call on my cellular telephone from a number in Oklahoma I was not familiar with.  As I did not recognize the number, I did not answer the first couple times.  The caller was persistent, though, and eventually my curiosity got the best of me.  I answered the phone.  On the other end was an attorney.  He said he was representing Dean Ross, and that before Dean had passed away, he had requested that a sum of his estate be donated to a certain camp, and that I would be the one to contact in that regard.  I immediately knew what he was talking about.  A number of years ago, I ran a strongman meet in which all the proceeds were given to Camp Quality.  Me and a few of my buddies also did some strongman demos for the campers as well.  Camp Quality is a camp for children who have been diagnosed with cancer.  The purpose of the camp is to offer a week of unforgettable enjoyment where the campers can just be kids for a while.  Dean was aware of this work, and mentioned it on many occasions.  He loved the idea of Camp Quality and what they were doing for these kids.  I knew that this attorney was speaking about Camp Quality.  I put him in contact with a representative from the camp, and that is the last I have heard.  But I thought the membership would appreciate hearing about Dean’s generosity and giving spirit.

Old Time Strongman World Championship

By Clint Poore

Clint Poor breaks the ALL-TIME Hackenschmidt Floor Press once held by Dan Wagman.

Clint Poore executing a Hackenschmidt Floor Press

This is the OFFICIAL OLD TIME STRONGMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.  This is a POSTAL meet, so different countries can all compete simultaneously across the World. The OTSM Worlds will take place on December 9 in different locations on separate continents. All results will be sent in by each locations meet director and results will be tabulated ASAP! Each lifter will receive a OTSM Worlds medal and T-shirt for participating. International locations for the OTSM Worlds to be held, are in England, Australia and the USA.  Other International locations may be added.




This is the North American Continental location for the OTSM World Championship. All lifters from any North American nation are welcome to attend. CANADA, USA, MEXICO & all Central American countries are invited. Also, any International lifters who want to compete are invited to attend .



ENTRY DEADLINE  December 8, 2023 – email  clintpoore@hotmail.com or by phone at 606-688-2600.

ENTRY FEE:  None, just let me know you are attending, then have fun lifting & breaking records!

USAWA MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED:  Please join the USAWA before the meet. Registration will also available at meet site if you need to join the USAWA the day of the meet. If lifting in England or Australia please pay you National Registration fee prior to the meet.

AWARDS:  WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS in EACH WEIGHT CLASS & OVERALL GRAND CHAMPION TROPHY MALE & FEMALE with Medals awarded to all competitors. T-shirts provided for all lifters, I must know your t-shirt size two weeks prior to the meet, we will have a few extra as well.

SEATING –  We now have access to 40 chairs for the meet. This should easily provide a seat for you and your guests that come with you to the competition. For an even more comfortable seat, please feel free to bring your own fold out chair with you.

RECORD SESSION –  Record Day will follow the OLD TIME STRONGMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP competition. No more than 5 Record attempts, per person. Please let me know what records you will be attempting so that I can be sure I have the appropriate equipment, if time allows. USAWA National Records can be set at this meet, 3 referees will be present & IAWA World Records may be set.
HOTEL  –  Baymont by Wyndham Albany
                  Address: 79 Soma Lane, Albany, KY 42602
                  Phone: (606) 387-7238

National Meeting Agenda

By Eric Todd

Our national meeting will take place as part of our dinner after lifting on Saturday June 24.  Dinner will be at D Rowe’s in Columbia and will begin at 5:30.  The agenda is as follows:

  1. Meeting called to order by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  2. Roll Call by USAWA President Denny Habecker
  3. Reading of previous meeting minutes by USAWA Secretary Eric Todd
  4. Report of financial status by USAWA Treasurer Eric Todd
  5. Report from Website Director Eric Todd
  6. Report from Awards Director Al Myers
  7. Report from Records Director John Strangeway
  8. Report from Drug Enforcement Director Chad Ullom
  9. Report from Officials Director Joe Garcia
  10. Report from Postal Meet Director Denny Habecker
  11. Report from IAWA Technical Committee Chairman on upcoming IAWA events and other technical issues that are being discussed by the IAWA Technical Committee
  12. Discussion on restructuring the executive board
  13. Discussion on remote and hybrid competitions
  14. Discuss organizing a committee to research the possibility of the use of video for competitions in the future
  15. Discuss the use of video tests to use in place of practical training sessions as needed in the officials certification process
  16. Discussion of New Business brought forth by the membership
  17. Election of officers
  18. Accept Bids for the 2024 National Championships
  19. Meeting Adjourned

This agenda is subject to change a bit between now and then, but is probably pretty much what it will look like. As you can see, this year is the year we elect officers, so if you have any desire to serve, please let your intentions be known.

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